1、别忘了答应自己要做的事 , 别忘了答应自己要去的地方 。
Don't forget what you promised to do and where you promised to go.
2、一念起 , 天涯咫尺;一念灭,咫尺天涯 。
When you think about it, it's close to the end of the world; when you think about it, it's close to the end of the world.
3、我多想大醉一场,抱着你说尽所有爱你的故事 。
How I want to get drunk and tell you all the stories I love you.
My future husband, don't be so good to your present object, it's useless!
5、我向来桀骜不驯,却为你车仰马翻 。
I've always been rebellious, but I've turned over my horse for you.
6、有你,我就拥有全世界,没你 , 我一无所有 。
With you, I have the whole world. Without you, I have nothing.
7、最怕等待的人却总在等待 , 换回的却只是失望和无奈 。
The people who are most afraid of waiting are always waiting, but only disappointed and helpless.
8、爱,曾留下旳痕迹,你,已刻在了心里 。
Love, once left traces, you, have been engraved in the heart.
9、他到底哪里好,值得你红了眼睛,还要笑着原谅 。
What's good about him? It's worth your red eyes and your forgiveness with a smile.
10、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我 。
You may not love me, just meet me.
11、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白 。
When tears come down, we know that separation is another way to understand.
12、别说我变了 , 有句话叫拜你所赐 。
Don't say that I have changed. There is a saying that I will worship you.
13、曾经他是心事,后来成为故事,现在已成往事 。
Once he was worried, later became a story, now has become the past.
14、我不能给你城堡 , 但我可以给你汉堡 。
I can't give you the castle, but I can give you the hamburger.
15、你笑,全世界都跟着你笑;你哭,全世界只有你哭 。
When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you; when you cry, only you cry.
16、眼光没有焦距,远方对于我们不过是分离 。
Vision has no focal length, distance is only separation for us.
17、所有让你肝肠寸断的苦难 , 未来某一天你都会笑着说起 。
All the suffering that breaks your heart, you will smile and talk about it some day in the future.
18、你越来越善解人意 , 就没人在意你的计较和委屈 。
You are more and more understanding, no one cares about your care and grievances.
19、我容忍了所有 , 最后反倒什么都容不下我 。
I put up with everything, but in the end I couldn't bear anything.
20、你像风来了又走 , 我的心满了又空 。
You come and go like the wind, my heart is full and empty.
21、我们终究把别人安抚的太好,轮到自己时就失了分寸 。
After all, we pacify others so well that when it comes to ourselves, we lose our balance.
22、原来有种心情叫无可奈何,有种感觉叫有心无力 。
There was a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of powerlessness.
23、没有你,就算把世界给我,我还是一无所有 。
Without you, even if the world to me, I still have nothing.
24、我把自由给你了 , 你把我的快乐还给我吧 。
I give you freedom, you give me back my happiness.
25、他不爱你的时候,你的爱便是他的负担 。
When he doesn't love you, your love is his burden.
26、要痛到什么程度,才有资格被安抚 。
To what extent do you have to suffer, you are entitled to be pacified.
27、你认识南墙吗,我撞过很多次了 。
Do you know the south wall? I've hit it many times.
28、感受世间温柔,领略万千山河 。
Feel the tenderness of the world and appreciate thousands of mountains and rivers.
29、可能有些不甘,但也被失望填满 。
May be a little reluctant, but also filled with disappointment.
30、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸 。
I wait all my life, but I can't change your eyes.
31、嘴在逞强,心却投降,其实我们都在装 。
The mouth is trying to be brave, but the heart is surrendering. In fact, we are all pretending.
32、谁会无条件陪你,连影子都会在雨天缺席 。
Who will accompany you unconditionally, even the shadow will be absent in rainy days.
33、我不要喜欢你了 , 除了委屈我什么也没得到 。
I don't want to like you. I have nothing but grievances.
34、若是足够心安 , 何必小心试探 。
If you have enough peace of mind, why be careful to test.
35、不要让自己被三件事所控制:过去,别人和金钱 。
Don't let yourself be controlled by three things: the past, others and money.
36、不必去假装过得很好,其实没多少人在乎 。
You don't have to pretend that you're doing well. Not many people care.
37、此去经年,千山万水 , 永不相离,生老病死,永不相弃 。
This past year, thousands of mountains and rivers, never leave each other, life and death, never abandon each other.
38、我拼了命的去在乎,到头来却发现只是独角戏一场 。
I tried my best to care, but in the end I found it was just a one-man show.
39、每个人,都有一段悲伤,想隐藏,却在生长 。
Everyone, there is a sad, want to hide, but in the growth.
40、唯你最深得我心,也只有你最不识抬举 。
Only you are the deepest in my heart, and only you are the most ungrateful.
41、你来过一阵子,我却怀念一辈子 。
You have been here for a while, but I miss you forever.
42、不是某人使我烦恼,而是我拿某人的言行来烦恼自己 。
It's not someone who bothers me, but I worry about myself with someone's words and deeds.
43、我是很喜欢你,可是这辈子,我就陪你走到这里了 。
I like you very much, but in this life, I will accompany you here.
44、若现在就觉得失望无力,未来那么远你该怎么扛 。
If you feel disappointed now, how can you carry it in the future.
45、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我 。
I don't mind if you lie to me. I mind if your lies don't lie to me.
46、吵架不可怕,怕的是和错的人在一起 , 越吵越累 。
It's not terrible to quarrel. It's afraid to be with the wrong person. The more quarreling, the more tired.
47、我淋过的最大的雨,是那天你在烈日下的不回头 。
The biggest rain I've ever had is that you didn't look back in the hot sun that day.
48、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开了 。
We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time.
49、有些事情并不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎么样 。
Some things are not that I don't care, but what I care about.
50、是你慷慨,予我岁月如歌;却也吝啬,赐我爱而不得 。
It's your generosity that gives me the song of the year, but also your stinginess that gives me love.
51、没有后来,没有余生 , 也不敢指教了 。
No later, no rest of life, also dare not teach.
52、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里 。
I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten that you've been here.
53、认真了又能怎样,倾我所有,最后落得一无所有 。
What can I do if I'm serious? I'll end up with nothing.
54、有些心心念念喜欢,却是拼尽全力又抵达不了的远方 。
Some people like it, but they can't reach the distance with all their strength.
55、最疼的距离,是你不在身边却在我心里 。
The most painful distance is that you are not around but in my heart.
56、如果眼泪都变得冰冷 , 还能用什么来温暖我的心 。
If tears become cold, what can I use to warm my heart.
57、耳朵塞满痛苦,我听不见幸福 。
My ears are full of pain, I can't hear happiness.
58、如果我没有什么可以帮到你,至少可以陪着你 。
If I have nothing to help you, at least I can accompany you.
59、我忙忙碌碌走过几度春秋,倾尽所有,却从未留住什么 。
I've been busy for several years. I've spent all my time, but I've never kept anything.
60、我以为你是我的终点,结果不过只是个转折点 。
I thought you were my destination, but it turned out to be just a turning point.
61、多想,把疼爱都给你,把疼痛都给我 。
Think more, give you all the love, give me all the pain.
62、所谓孤独,就是有的人无话可说 , 有的话无人可说 。
【心情不好的英文短句】The so-called loneliness means that some people have nothing to say and some words have nothing to say.
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