
1、离开你我很坚强,只是偶尔有些伤感 。
I am very strong to leave you, only occasionally sad.
2、破镜不能重圆,和好不能如初 。
Broken mirror can not be reunited, and good can not be the same.
3、听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏 。
Listen to sad songs and watch happy plays.
4、有时候并不是对方忽略你,而是你太闲了 。
Sometimes it's not the other person who ignores you, but you are too busy.
5、你不用哭了,我走就是了 。
【有关心情的英语说说】You don't have to cry. I'll go.
6、难没难过,想没想过我 。
It's hard not to be sad. Have you ever thought about me.
7、如果方向错了,停下来就是前进 。
If the direction is wrong, stop is forward.
8、我可以装作无所谓,到没你的地方再崩溃 。
I can pretend that it doesn't matter. I can collapse where I don't have you.
9、自从我们分离,这永远的期限就碎裂无界 。
Ever since we separated, the eternal deadline has been broken.
10、我想像了多少个场景,可笑的是你每个都在 。
How many scenes have I imagined? The funny thing is that you are all here.
11、人生太短,短到一晃眼就是另一个十年 。
Life is too short to be another decade.
12、没有故事的结局是美好的,却也让人难以忘记 。
The ending of no story is good, but it is also hard to forget.
13、闭上眼你最挂念谁,睁开眼身边竟是谁 。
Who do you miss most when you close your eyes? Who do you miss most when you open your eyes.
14、纸巾擦不掉记忆,枉你哭得那么用力 。
Paper towel can't erase memory, you cry so hard.
15、爱个不爱自己的人,就像在机场等艘船 。
To love someone who doesn't love yourself is like waiting for a boat at the airport.
16、能够自我反省的人,大多坦诚又谦虚 。
Most people who can reflect on themselves are honest and modest.
17、你总是无所谓,现在该我了 。
You always don't care. Now it's my turn.
18、你的眼睛会笑,却不是为我 。
Your eyes will smile, but not for me.
19、互道晚安后,你开始睡觉,我开始想你 。
After saying good night to each other, you start to sleep and I start to miss you.
20、我容忍了所有,最后反倒什么都容不下我 。
I put up with everything but nothing in the end.
21、一些人,一些事,失去了就不再回来 。
Some people, some things, lose and never come back.
22、我欲渡你成佛,却被你累成魔 。
I want you to become a Buddha, but you tired me into a devil.
23、明明想哭,却还要扯着嘴角对你微笑 。
I want to cry, but I still want to smile at you.
24、过去的再也回不去,我就想过好现在 。
I can't go back to the past, so I thought about the present.
25、我想哭过之后 。对着太阳没心没肺的傻笑 。
I want to cry after. Smile heartlessly at the sun.
26、只要你对我的爱是真心的,我就不会花心 。
As long as your love for me is sincere, I will not be distracted.
27、有些朋友,曾经无话不说,现在无话可说 。
Some friends, once had nothing to say, now have nothing to say.
28、那个选择放手的人,其实才是真正难过的人 。
The one who chooses to let go is actually the one who is really sad.
29、跌宕歌词,纵横书卷,不与遣年华 。
Ups and downs of lyrics, vertical and horizontal books, not with the dispatch of time.
30、脑钟叫醒的是我的躯壳,却叫不醒我沉睡的心 。
What the brain clock wakes is my body, but it can't wake my sleeping heart.
31、像失望和委屈这种东西藏在心里就好 。
Just keep things like disappointment and grievance in your heart.
32、唱一首悲伤的歌,述说着悲伤的心 。
Sing a sad song, telling the sad heart.
33、我要的,不是短暂的温柔,而是一生的守候 。
What I want is not a short-term tenderness, but a lifetime of waiting.
34、时间不是问题,我才是问题 。
Time is not a problem, I am.
35、没有人像你,一句话就可以带来天堂或地狱 。
No one like you, a word can bring heaven or hell.
36、希望记忆里的你一直都好 。
I hope you are always good in my memory.
37、让我爱不释手的香烟,是最好的陪伴 。
Let me love cigarettes, is the best company.
38、深情似海敌不过岁月蹉跎,我终究只是旧人 。
Deep love is like the enemy of the sea, but I am just an old man after all.
39、世上没有未完的事,只有未死的心 。
There is no unfinished business in the world, only an undead heart.
40、不及时的安慰和体贴,在温暖我也不要了 。
Not timely comfort and considerate, in the warm I do not want.
41、开始学着不要人陪,假装孤单也是一种美 。
Beginning to learn not to accompany, pretending to be lonely is also a kind of beauty.
42、只要你明确了自己的方向,世界也会为你让路 。
As long as you know your direction, the world will make way for you.
43、苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞 。
Pale moonlight, I and the shadow of loneliness.
44、一些事,只配当回忆 。一些人,只能做过客 。
Some things, only worthy of memory. Some people can only be passers-by.
45、将思念唱的沙哑,有些人是该忘了吧 。
Will miss singing hoarse, some people should forget it.
46、我假装无所谓,却发现你是真的不在乎 。
I pretend it doesn't matter, only to find that you really don't care.
47、我的心好累,连生气和计较都不想叻 。
My heart is so tired that I don't even want to get angry and worry about it.
Why did you contact me when I was about to forget you?
Life, is that what you're doing to me? Why is everything not going well?
50、明明是你做错 。何必装作很难过 。
It's your fault. Why pretend to be sad.
