
1、友谊不容草率断绝,再恢复也留症结 。
Friendship can't be cut off hastily, and it's hard to recover.
2、天气好时去见你,天气不好时,带上伞去见你 。
I'll see you when the weather is good. I'll take my umbrella to see you when the weather is bad.
3、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 。
It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.
4、子弟宁可不读书,不可一日近匪人 。
Children would rather not read than approach bandits one day.
5、朋友不需要誓言,肝胆相照,风雨同舟 。
Friends don't need vows. They share weal and woe together.
6、谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就会没有朋友 。
He who asks for a friend without faults will have no friends.
If you know each other, do not abandon each other, if you cherish each other, do not want to leave!
8、谢谢,太暖心了,真的非常开心 。
Thank you. It's so warm. I'm really happy.
Friendship is you and I, rely on each other, deep feelings!
10、相逢方一笑,相送还成泣 。
When we meet each other, we smile and cry.
11、友谊像一把把雨伞,能够遮挡肆意的风雨 。
Friendship is like an umbrella, which can block the wanton wind and rain.
12、最大的欣慰,莫过于随同作伴 。
There is no greater comfort than company.
13、若不能原谅彼此的小缺点便不能让友谊长存 。
If we can't forgive each other's small faults, we can't make our friendship last forever.
14、今日重来访,不见知音人 。
I've come here again today, but I don't see my bosom friend.
15、所谓的异性闺蜜,只要你过得好,我就很开心 。
As long as you have a good life, I will be very happy.
16、朋友就是朋友,除此之外,无所求 。
A friend is a friend, nothing else.
17、原来最好的朋友是自己,最坏的敌人也是自己 。
It turns out that the best friend is yourself, and the worst enemy is yourself.
18、真的很让人感动,竹马之友,一生的友谊 。
It's really moving. Friends of bamboo and horses, friendship of life.
19、友谊不需要句子,我和你就是最好的证明 。
Friendship doesn't need sentences. You and I are the best proof.
20、感恩生活中,关切不断的人 。
Be grateful for the people who care about you in your life.
21、人生在世,有个朋友是一种福气 。
It is a blessing to have a friend in life.
He who asks for a friend without faults has no friends!
23、友谊,是寂寞中带来的一声问候,它是温馨的 。
Friendship is a greeting from loneliness. It is warm.
24、不管经历多少春秋与冬夏,我们永远都是朋友 。
No matter how many spring and autumn, winter and summer, we will always be friends.
25、感谢你陪我闯过那些风,那些雨 。
Thank you to accompany me through the wind, the rain.
26、做人,知足常乐,感恩就好 。
To be a man, be contented, be grateful.
27、感谢朋友,对我的帮助,和给予我深厚的友情 。
Thank you for your help and friendship.
28、没有了友谊,你将失去你的自信 。
Without friendship, you will lose your confidence.
29、谁心里没有故事,只不过学会了控制 。
Who has no story in his heart, but has learned to control.
30、有一种感情,不再浓烈,却一直存在 。
There is a feeling, no longer strong, but always exists.
31、兄弟处好了是水浒传,处不好就是上海滩 。
It's not a good place for Shanghai brothers.
32、怀感恩之心,将爱传承 。
【友情的英文句子】Be grateful and pass on love.
33、朋友的关怀像太阳,为你驱走寒冷 。
The care of friends is like the sun, driving away the cold for you.
34、花儿之美,美于绽放,人生之美,美于淡然 。
The beauty of flowers, beauty in bloom, the beauty of life, beauty in indifference.
35、四海皆兄弟,行为行路人 。
All the people in the world are brothers.
36、有一种牵挂,总是心头缠绕,那是同学情 。
There is a concern, always entangled in the heart, that is the feeling of classmates.
37、友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆 。
The harbor of friendship is warm, and the breeze of friendship fills the sails.
38、同学,是一种真挚的温暖 。
Students, is a sincere warmth.
39、家人寄过来的水果味道真棒,感谢家人 。
The fruit from my family is delicious. Thank you.
40、我们的友谊,最终都死在朋友圈里 。
Our friendship, eventually died in the circle of friends.
41、人生最幸运的事,遇见知己,互诉衷肠 。
The luckiest thing in life is to meet a confidant and talk to each other.
42、此后再无空欢喜啦,给你扛一箩筐的快乐 。
Since then, I have no time to be happy. I'll carry a lot of happiness for you.
43、一个真正朋友,十年不见却更感亲切 。
A true friend is more cordial after ten years' absence.
44、比心眼,不要去记恨别人,不要看低他人 。
Compare the heart, do not hate others, do not look down on others.
45、祝福心里有我的朋友,谢谢你们的陪伴 。
Wish my friends in my heart, thank you for your company.
46、我可以不要男朋友,但我一定要有个女朋友 。
I can't have a boyfriend, but I have to have a girlfriend.
47、你拍一,我拍一,我们的友谊天下第一 。
You take one, I take one, our friendship is the best in the world.
48、一生知己难求,如有必当同怀视之 。
It's hard to find a bosom friend in your life. If you have one, you should look at it with your heart.
Say to a friend: I love you! Thank you all the way!
Time can take away our youth, not our deep friendship!
51、天下无不是的父母,世间最难得者兄弟 。
There is no wrong parents in the world, the most rare brother in the world.
52、时间冲不淡友谊的酒,距离拉不开思念的手 。
Time can not dilute the wine of friendship, distance can not open the hand of missing.
53、感谢亲情,给我带来了温暖 。
Thank you for your family, which has brought me warmth.
54、珠玉不如善友,富贵莫如仁友 。
A good friend is better than a pearl and jade, but a good friend is better than a good friend.
55、平凡的文字,简单的话语,说不尽的深情厚谊 。
Ordinary words, simple words, endless friendship.
56、遥想当年一支烟,一声兄弟大过天 。
Think of a cigarette in those years, a big brother.
57、损友将骑士抛下马鞍,恶友会将朋出卖 。
A bad friend leaves a knight in the saddle, but a bad friend betrays a friend.
58、感恩生命,感恩你们的陪伴 。
Thank you for your life and your company.
59、看人不能看表面,日久必现原形 。
You can't look at the surface, but you will see the original shape over time.
If your friend is a little crazy, please cherish it!
