日本东京新宿火车站附近一座建筑物上设立了一块3D广告牌,上面显示了一只非常逼真的巨型花猫,不但会动,还会喵喵叫 。
Recently, a hyper-realistic 3D cat has appeared on a billboard in Tokyo, Japan, and the videos of it vent viral on Twitter.
最近,日本东京的广告牌上出现了一只极其逼真的3D猫咪,关于它的视频在推特上迅速传播 。
A few Twitter users had posted videos of the animal yawning, falling asleep and basically just doing cat things.
一些推特用户发布了这只大花猫打哈欠、睡觉以及做些猫咪常见的动作的视频 。
【花猫图片(花猫图片大全)】 据悉,这个崭新的高科技广告牌位于新宿站东出口,由一个弯曲的LED屏幕组成,横跨三层楼,可以显示清晰的4K图像 。
The giant lifelike “Shinjuku cat” is a 4K 3D moving image created by MicroAd Digital.
这只栩栩如生的巨型“新宿猫”是MicroAd Digital公司制作的4K三维动态影像 。
The big and official debut of the giant cat ad will be on the 12th of July, as the current broadcast is just a series of tests.
巨型猫咪广告将于7月12日正式盛大亮相,目前播出的是一些测试视频 。
To no one’s surprise, the adorable 3D cat went viral on the internet as people were quite fascinated by the unusual sight in the street.
毫无意外,这只可爱的3D猫咪在网上走红,人们相当喜欢这道不同寻常的街景 。
The calico cat billboard airs between 7 am and 1 am, as the video changes throughout the day.
大花猫广告牌在早7点至凌晨1点之间播放,视频内容一整天都在变 。
为了让世界各地的人都能看到这只猫,广告公司还将对广告牌进行直播 。
For those of you who would like to see a glimpse of the hyper-realistic calico in person despite being unable to visit, no worries! Cross Space (one of the companies behind the cat ad display) has decided to start a live stream on YouTube, where you can see the said ad as it appears periodically.
如果你想亲眼看看这只超逼真的花猫,别担心,Cross Space公司(该广告背后的一家公司)决定在油管上开启直播,在那里你可以看到上述广告定期播放 。
这太酷了!这是一次曲面屏妙用 。
太绝了 。
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