
1、三月的风很甜,水很软,猫很懒,阳光很暖 。
In March, the wind is sweet, the water is soft, the cat is lazy and the sun is warm.
2、煎茶坐看梨门雨,情话是你,风景也是你 。
Fried tea sit watch pear door rain, love is you, scenery is you.
3、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不想错过 。
I don't have time to participate in your past, and I don't want to miss your future.
4、今生坐,来世迟,来世问,今生了却残生 。
Sitting in this life, the afterlife is late. Asking in the afterlife, this life ends the rest.
5、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀 。
I want to hold your hand, from heart to rare.
6、空巷长长,谁挑灯独望,候此生不再回首的殇 。
Empty Lane long, who lights alone, waiting for this life no longer look back on the war.
7、无论我走到哪里最想去的还是你身边 。
No matter where I go, what I want to go most is still by your side.
8、你说是天冷了,我说是心凉了 。
You said it was cold, I said it was cold.
9、宇宙山河,浪漫生活,点滴温暖,都值得我前进 。
The universe, the romantic life and the warmth are all worth my advance.
10、这九州山河,万家灯火,无一家等我 。
This Jiuzhou mountains and rivers, Wanjiadenghuo, no one waiting for me.
11、你是我共老白头的良人,黄泉碧落,七世三生 。
You are my old and white headed lover, the spring is green, seven generations and three lives.
12、斑骓只系垂杨岸,何处西南待好风 。
Banzhui is only on the Bank of Chuiyang, where to wait for the good wind in the southwest.
Time will always pass, let time flow away your troubles!
14、只是永远的,永远的想跟你在一起 。
I just want to be with you forever.
15、人强健,青尊素影,长愿相随 。
People strong, green zunsu shadow, long willing to accompany.
16、江水孤寂,两岸墨绿,到处站的都是你的身影 。
Lonely River, dark green on both sides, standing everywhere is your figure.
17、相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残 。
When we meet, it's hard to say goodbye. The east wind is powerless and the flowers are incomplete.
18、苦日子多放两勺糖,熬一熬就过去了 。
Put two spoonfuls more sugar in the bitter days, and it will be over after boiling.
19、有朝一日虎归山,定要血染半边天 。
One day when a tiger returns to the mountain, half of the sky will be stained with blood.
20、笑容可以给任何人,但你的心,只给一个人就好 。
Smile can be given to anyone, but your heart, just to one person.
21、盛世创业之英雄,以襟怀豁达为第一义 。
The hero of the flourishing age is open-minded.
22、你上下都好看,远近都迷人,横竖都不属于我 。
You are good-looking up and down, charming far and near, not belong to me.
23、不期待回去,你我不相往来 。
I don't look forward to going back. You and I don't communicate.
24、承蒙你出现,够我欢喜好几年 。
Thanks for your presence, I've been happy for several years.
25、千里万里,二月三月,行色苦愁人 。
Thousands of miles, in February and March, people are worried about their travel.
26、影响一个人成长的关键两个字,借口 。
The key to a person's growth is excuse.
27、生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了虱子 。
Life is a gorgeous robe full of lice.
28、风花雪月,长恨时别 。
Don't wait for a long time.
29、碧窗斜月蔼深晖,愁听寒螀泪湿衣 。
The blue window slants, the moon is deep and bright, and I am sad to hear the cold tears wet my clothes.
30、誓将前尘化烟灭,拨云破雾创新程 。
Vow to put out the past dust, break the cloud and break the fog, and create a new process.
31、菩萨心如虚空,一切俱舍,所作福德皆不贪着 。
The Bodhisattva's heart is void. He gives up everything and doesn't want to do good.
32、余生遥遥,天命昭昭 。
The rest of my life is far away, and the destiny is clear.
Peach blossom cave, Yaotai dream, a piece of spring sorrow, who share?
34、有福不可享尽,有势不可使尽 。
Happiness is not to be enjoyed, and power is not to be used.
35、遇过的所有人里我最喜欢你,最好的爱也只想给你 。
Of all the people I met, I like you the most, and I just want to give you the best love.
Give my future mother-in-law a bad comment, delivery is too slow!
37、忆从前,一点东风,风隔着垂帘,眉儿愁苦 。
Recalling the past, a little east wind, wind across the curtain, brow son sad.
38、芭蕉不展丁香结,同向春风各自愁 。
Banana do not show clove knot, with the spring breeze respective sorrow.
39、其实,那些从不给你承诺的人,为你做了更多 。
In fact, those who never give you a promise, do more for you.
40、梯横画阁黄昏后,又还是、斜月帘栊 。
After dusk, the terraced horizontal painting Pavilion is still a long, slanting moon curtain.
41、一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你 。
I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you.
42、惩他一世相思苦,是最悲的爱,亦是最爱的恨 。
To punish him for his lovesickness is the saddest love and the most loving hate.
Three thousand years before the devil, looking back on the world, do not be immortal!
44、天冷了,多穿点衣服,你生病了,我会心疼 。
It's cold, put on more clothes, you are sick, I will be distressed.
45、去年米贵阙军食,今年米贱大伤农 。
Last year, rice was expensive for military food, but this year, rice is cheap for agriculture.
46、王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁 。
Wang Shi set the Central Plains day in the north, and told naiweng about the family sacrifices.
47、饮月千尺,寂夜成相思,难挥情丝一缕 。
Drink a thousand feet, silent night into Acacia, difficult to swing a wisp of love.
48、希望有一天你的笑容,全部发自内心 。
Hope that one day your smile, all from the heart.
49、心若不动,风又奈何 。你若不伤,岁月无恙 。
If the heart doesn't move, what can the wind do. If you don't get hurt, years will be fine.
50、为你,千千万万遍 。
for you, a thousand times over.
51、奔赴要值得,放弃要利落 。
It's worth going and it's worth giving up.
52、纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜 。
Even if meet should not know, dust covered face, temples such as frost.
53、竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕一衰烟雨任平生 。
Bamboo sticks and sandals are better than horses. Who's afraid of the rain.
54、与其为已经结束而哭泣,不如为曾经拥有而微笑 。
Instead of crying because it's over, smile because it happened.
55、无情有恨何人觉,月晓风清欲堕时 。
Heartless hate, who feel, the moon Xiaofeng Qing want to fall.
56、故乡今夜思千里,愁鬓明朝又一年 。
I think of my hometown for thousands of miles tonight, and worry about another year of Ming Dynasty.
57、别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得 。
Don't deny yourself, you are very good, very gentle and worth it.
58、梦里飞花几度秋,红颜憔损香泪流 。
In the dream, the flowers fly for several times in autumn, and the beauty pines and tears flow.
59、天作棋盘星做子,地作琵琶路作弦 。
Heaven makes chessboard, stars make pieces, earth makes pipa, and road makes strings.
60、醉吻流年化蝶恋残花 。皆付诸流水,青春苟延残喘 。
Drunk kiss, fleeting butterfly love. All put into water, youth linger.
61、这世界再也的风景,也不及你回头看我一眼 。
There is no more beautiful scenery in the world than when you look back at me.
62、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 。
An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold
63、鲜衣怒马少年时,一日踏遍长安花 。
When he was young, he walked all over Chang'an flower.
64、我要下载个百度地图,被你迷的都找不到北了 。
I want to download a Baidu map, you can't find it.
65、微笑拥抱每一天,做像向日葵般温暖的女子 。
Smile, embrace every day and be a warm woman like a sunflower.
66、在感情的世界里没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不珍惜谁 。
In the emotional world, no one is sorry for who, only who does not cherish who.
67、为将长夜终开眼,报答平生未展眉 。
In order to open the eyes at the end of the long night and repay for not showing your eyebrows in your life.
68、是我的心太伶仃,才能铭记,你十年的容音 。
My heart is too lonely to remember your ten years of Rongyin.
Love you, hidden in my heart, warm in your heart!
70、追亡事、今不见,但山川满目泪沾衣 。
I don't see it now, but the mountains and rivers are full of tears.
71、我不喜欢这世界,我只喜欢你,喜欢有你的世界 。
I don't like the world. I only like you. I like the world with you.
72、别轻易对我许下承诺,誓言到最后只会是谎言 。
Don't make a promise to me easily, the oath will only be a lie in the end.
73、那是多么久远了的时光,我却始终惦记不放 。
It was such a long time, but I always thought about it.
You are everything when you are here, and everything is you when you are away!
75、绿水本无忧,因风皱面;青山原不老,为雪白头 。
Green water has no worries, because of the wind wrinkled face; Castle Peak is not old, but white.
76、跟我混吧,有我一口饭吃就有你一个碗刷 。
Hang out with me. You can have a bowl brush as soon as I eat.
77、我也害怕时间说真话,把所有的坚持都变成笑话 。
I'm also afraid of time to tell the truth and turn all persistence into a joke.
78、物转星移山河不改,你还是你我亦还是我 。
Things change, stars change, mountains and rivers do not change, you are still you and I are still me.
You go home, I go home, how do you live?
80、如花美眷,似水流年,有一种分,如此心狠 。
As beautiful as flowers, as time goes by, there is a point, so cruel.
81、数奉手书,热情诚挚之情,溢于言表 。
He wrote in calligraphy and expressed his sincere feelings.
82、借来最大的勇气,全都用来拥抱你 。
Borrow the greatest courage, all used to embrace you.
83、一杯酒慰风尘,两杯酒烈喉间,三杯酒醉余生 。
One glass of wine comforts the wind and dust, two glasses of wine are strong in the throat, and three cups of wine are drunk for the rest of life.
84、你是我生命中所能经历的,最最深切的感觉 。
You are the deepest feeling I can experience in my life.
85、这个冬天,雪将掩埋过去的一切 。
【个性签名女生小清新英文】This winter, snow will bury everything in the past.
