托福独立写作备考的过程中,很多同学都不知道该如何做提升 。其实托福独立写作提升只需要做到三点即可,哪三点?今天小编和大家分享托福独立写作提升有困难,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧 。
在刚开始练习的时候并不需要如此苛求自己,完全可以轻松地把这个过程当作梳理自己英文表达和熟悉托福考试题型的过程,不应该有压力 。有的时间多少不重要,只要你愿意,写几个小时都可以,但是内容以及用词的质量必须要体现出来 。这样,就会有一个文章的雏形出来,然后就进入到重要的一个步骤:修改 。
托福写作修改的过程就是一个提高的过程,绝对不能写完了不改就扔在一边,那样只能停留在原来的水平 。推荐大家先不限时写几篇,写完一篇就立刻打印出来逐字逐句修改,把过于简单的词和句子一一替换,注意别用太难的词和没把握的词,能用到6级词汇就差不多了,如果想要添加一下较难的词汇建议大家用词典将相应单词查找出来,用进文章里,并且将这个词的含义,词性,用法以及搭配都摘抄到笔记本上 。久而久之,你便会形成自己的单词库,还能在无意识间扩大词汇量 。
【托福独立写作提升有困难怎么办】改作文还需要做的一点就是找到自己认为漂亮实用的句式,往自己的托福独立写作里套 。尤其开头段,结尾段以及中间各段的衔接,找到了漂亮的句式就从此永远用这个不要再改了,这就是自己独家的写作模板 。
写简单句,可以吗?可以 。全部写简单句,可以吗?显然就不行了 。在表达通俗直白的观点时,用过于复杂的句型会使得句子含义很晦涩,反而会阻碍到读者对文章的理解 。我们追求的是长短局的结合和表达的难易的结合,并且能够用简单句表达的最好避免使用复杂句 。
平时在进行托福独立写作练习的时候可以用尽量多的句式,多尝试,找到适合自己的,既能记住,又能灵活运用,在结合上课时老师提供的句型选择,那么限时模考的时候就开始逐渐找到自己的句式表达和段落结构,形成自己固定的模板套路 。有了属于自己的惯用句型,考试的时候便会事半功倍了 。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television hasdestroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your opinion.
To agree or disagree with the statement that television has destroyed thecommunication among family and friends is a matter of balancing its pros andcons. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she may disagreewith the title statement as I do.
First, some people may hold the view that friends and family would easilyfight with each other for the programs on the television that he or she wants towatch. For example, the child may be likely to switch to the cartoon channelwhile the father wants to see the news program, and the mother prefers aromantic movie. However, as far as I am concerned, the scenario is anexaggeration. I do not think such a trivial quarrel would destroy anythingimportant, and as friends or family, the one result is to attribute to thecommunication. Each person would present their reasons for watching the program,so that next time they would not argue for the same thing again. They know thetaste of each number of the family and they will probably try to avoid suchconflicts.
In addition, television offers us numerous topics to talk about. Televisioninforms us of what is happening around the world. Everybody has his/her ownreaction towards these events. Without television, we may hold the idea that noone would have the chance to share. When the friends and the whole family sittogether in front of a television, a nice and intimate atmosphere is providedfor communication. Through such kind of communication, family members canunderstand each other better. A small example may give some light to this point.Once I had some disagreement and had not talked to my dad for several days. Onenight, when my dad and I were watching television together, we found aninteresting topic that both of us wanted to say something about it, so we said alittle first and talk much later and all the unpleasant disappear out ofexistence.
So, in my point of view, nothing has been destroyed by television. On thecontrary it might improve our communication.
provide educators-to-be with the tools, mentors, and hands-onexperience:给即将成为教育者的人提供工具、导师和实践经验
In fact : 实际上
an inspiring and informed teacher:一个启发性的、知识渊博的老师
pay close attention to :密切关注
provide many opportunities for X.X.X:为X.X.X提供更多机会
under the supervision ofX.X.X :在X.X.X的监管之下
professionals in medicine, architecture, and law:
learn through examining case studies, learning best practices:
participating in internships: 参加实习
in the context of : 在X.X.X的背景下面
educational technologies: 教育科技
professional-development schools:培养职业技能的学校
innovative training programs :创新的培训项目
providing them with early and adequate support: 给他们提供早的、足够的培训
Mentoring and coaching from veteran colleagues :来自老员工的指导和培训
create opportunities for X.X.X:为X.X.X提供机会
learn from best practices and analyze and reflect on their teaching:
ongoing and regular opportunities :不间断的、常规的机会
Ongoing professional development keeps teachers up-to-date on new research onhow children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, new curriculumresources, and more.
持续的职业发展使得教师能够紧跟有关孩子如何学习,教室层面出现的科技手段,新课程资源等新研究的相关信息 。
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