1、我宁愿优雅的说分手,也不愿狼狈的看着你离开 。
I would rather say goodbye gracefully than watch you leave.
【女孩签名简短唯美句子英文】2、再大的酸楚 , 到了别人那儿也永远只能是个故事 。
No matter how sad it is, it can only be a story when it comes to others.
3、不曾得到并不可怕,可怕的是曾经拥有后的失去 。
It's not terrible not to get, what's terrible is to lose after having.
4、世界跟本不存在什么永恒,必须有的话,那就是过去 。
There is no eternity in the world. If there must be, it is the past.
5、该给的我都给了,我都舍得,除了让你懂得我痛彻心扉 。
I've given all that I should, and I'm willing to give up, except to let you know that I'm heartbroken.
6、依附得人,可获终身快乐;投靠非类 , 将造一生之殃 。
If you depend on others, you will be happy all your life; if you take refuge in others, you will suffer all your life.
7、有时候,你会发现 , 有些话,你看着看着就哭了 。
Sometimes, you will find that some words, you look and cry.
8、如果很好,那就一起幸福,如果不好,那就陪你勇敢 。
If it's good, we'll be happy together. If it's not good, we'll be brave with you.
9、太过一意孤行,把自己逼到死胡同 。
Too willful, forced himself to a dead end.
10、你不必废心记得我,但我祝你多年以后死于心碎,因为思及我 。
You don't have to forget me, but I wish you die of heartbreak many years later, because you think about me.
11、见到你的那一刻上帝在我耳边说了四个字:在劫难逃 。
The moment I saw you, God said four words in my ear: doomed.
12、明明都已经放弃了,为什么依旧如此难受 。
Clearly have given up, why still so uncomfortable.
13、明明知道一段不能维持长久的感情,何足挂齿 。
Clearly know that a long-term relationship can not be maintained, why worry.
14、我是有多久没触摸过阳光,好像是从你离开的那天开始 。
How long has it been since I touched the sunshine? It seems that it started from the day you left.
15、流年诉说不尽我们的悲伤,我们的故事,终成遗憾 。
Fleeting time can't tell us all our sorrow, our story will become regret.
16、我愿用有生之年,换你一世无邪 。
I would like to use my lifetime, in exchange for your innocence.
17、想你的时候,我就像个哑巴,所有情绪都无法表达 。
When I miss you, I'm like a mute, unable to express all my emotions.
18、如果只为遇见,不为停留,不如不遇见 。
If only to meet, not to stay, it is better not to meet.
19、一个人的成功与否,不在于他有多聪明,而在于他有多勤奋 。
A person's success depends not on how clever he is, but on how diligent he is.
20、想开了自然微笑 , 看透了肯定放下 。
Want to open a natural smile, see through certainly put down.
21、我喜欢你 , 像你眉眼不行,像你的脾气不行,不是你不行 。
I like you, like your eyebrows, like your temper, not you.
22、一滴泪的滑落,需要多长时间?泪落无言,跌落一地的碎片 。
How long does it take for a tear to fall? Tears fall speechless, falling to pieces.
23、你我之间隔着的不是一川秋水,而是一生的阴差阳错 。
Between you and me is not separated by a stream of autumn water, but a life of yin and Yang.
24、无聊的人会选择在一起腐烂,有趣的人才要在一起蓬荜生辉 。
Boring people will choose to rot together, interesting people to shine together.
25、为人服务,其实就是缴付居住在地球上的租金 。
To serve people is to pay the rent of living on the earth.
26、考试是浮云,考完就成乌云 。
The examination is a floating cloud, and it becomes a dark cloud after the examination.
27、我们就这样迷失在陌生的风雨里,从此天各一方两两相忘 。
We are so lost in the strange wind and rain, from then on, we forget each other.
28、生活不是电影,生活比电影苦 。太懂生活的人,不懂一起生活 。
Life is not a movie, life is more bitter than a movie. People who know too much about life don't know how to live together.
29、你说过要保护我,可后来的大风大浪也都是你给的 。
You said you wanted to protect me, but you gave me all the big waves.
30、你是要长大的小朋友,拜托撑着别倒下去 。
You are a child to grow up. Please hold on and don't fall down.
31、一次次失望过后的平静,一定藏着太多的无奈吧 。
After a disappointment of calm, there must be too much helplessness.
32、疏远的原因大概是我需要你的时候 , 而你恰好都不在 。
The reason of estrangement is probably when I need you, and you are not at all.
33、其实你不用这么冷淡,我也没想过要纠缠 。
In fact, you don't have to be so cold, I didn't want to entangle.
34、当时年少春衫薄 。骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招 。
At that time, he was young and thin in spring. Riding on a slanting bridge, the red sleeve moves all over the building.
35、放不下的时候,多想想对方是怎么放下你的 。
When you can't put it down, think about how the other party put you down.
36、不用解释什么也不用再说什么,走了就是走了 。
There's no need to explain anything or say anything more. If you leave, you'll leave.
37、有时候有些人有些事 , 我们除了说再见,别无选择 。
Sometimes some people and some things, we have no choice but to say goodbye.
38、脚步再?。?依然向着前方,就算翅膀断了 , 心也要飞翔 。
No matter how small the pace is, it is still facing the front. Even if the wings are broken, the heart will fly.
39、等待,不是为了你能回来,而是找个借口不离开 。
Waiting, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.
40、深夜里静静地想你,让泪水无尽的流 。
I miss you quietly in the middle of the night, let tears flow endlessly.
41、浪费时间等于浪费生命 。
To waste time is to waste life.
42、如果你在背后议论我,那只能说明我比你活的精彩 。
If you talk about me behind my back, it only shows that I live better than you.
43、未失恋的人不懂爱情 , 未失意的人不懂人生 。
People who are not lovelorn don't understand love, and people who are not frustrated don't understand life.
44、没有我的生活,你是不是依旧会快乐 。
Without my life, will you still be happy.
45、学历代表过去,财力代表现在,学习能力代表将来 。
Education represents the past, financial resources represents the present, and learning ability represents the future.
46、时间从来不回答,生命从来不喧哗 。
Time never answers, life never talks.
47、不要丢下我一个人 , 任何时候 。
Don't leave me alone, any time.
48、不如像鱼一样,好或不好,七秒之后都会忘记 。
It's better to be like a fish, good or bad, and forget after seven seconds.
49、隐藏秘密的一个好方法,就是把它当成玩笑讲给全世界听 。
A good way to hide a secret is to tell it to the world as a joke.
50、别活得太复杂,开心就笑,累了就睡觉 。
Don't live too complicated, laugh when you are happy and sleep when you are tired.
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