
1、原谅我捧花盛装出席,只为错过你 。
Forgive me for holding flowers and dressing up to miss you.
2、思念,挂在眉梢 。
Missing, hanging in the eyebrows.
3、能回忆的东西,证明已经失去了 。
What can be recalled proves to have been lost.
I have a thousand kinds of bad, but I never cold thin to you!
5、我赢了所有人,却输掉了你 。
I won everyone and lost you.
6、想要告诉你,这份爱别人无法代替 。
I want to tell you that this love cannot be replaced by others.
7、那些爱过的感觉都太深刻,我都还记得 。
Those feelings of love are too deep, I still remember.
【伤感英语标签】8、一直盯着手心看,手心会发热 。
Keep looking at the palm of your hand.
9、只怨红线不够长,缠不住我对你的爱 。
Only complain that the red line is not long enough to entangle my love for you.
10、一榻一身卧,一生一梦里 。
A bed, a bed, a dream.
11、一个人站在爱情的尽头,回忆过去 。
A person stands at the end of love, recalling the past.
12、我长得不漂亮,但是未必能看得上你 。
I'm not beautiful, but I may not be able to see you.
13、想念有个别名,叫做自捅千刀 。
Miss a nickname, called self stabbing thousand knives.
14、用所有的勇气,撑起最灿烂的笑容 。
With all the courage, hold up the most brilliant smile.
15、少发脾气,按时睡觉 。
Lose your temper and go to bed on time.
16、所有的青春都腐朽,连你也远走 。
All the youth are rotten, even you are far away.
17、我总是这么不争气,梦里还是梦到你 。
I'm always so frustrated. I still dream of you in my dream.
18、如果我死了、你拿什么来祭奠 。
If I die, what do you take as a memorial.
19、想活成什么模样,通常与岁月无关 。
What you want to live is usually not related to years.
20、岁月如故,却不如初 。
Years are as old as before, but not as good as the beginning.
21、没有你烦我,我就开始烦我自己 。
Without you bothering me, I began to annoy myself.
22、隐着撕心的痛,也要笑着和你说再见 。
Hidden tear heart pain, also want to smile and say goodbye to you.
23、人,唯有爱自己,方能爱别人 。
People can only love others if they love themselves.
24、只是借口而已,何必说的那么动听 。
It's just an excuse. Why do you say that.
25、爱与时光,终年不遇 。
Love and time never meet.
26、明明很孤单,却偏说一个人真好 。
Obviously very lonely, but said a person is very good.
27、唯一的记忆,汇集的飘渺的故事结局 。
The only memory, the collection of the ethereal ending of the story.
28、我们从无话不聊、到无话可聊 。
We have nothing to talk about, to have nothing to talk about.
29、鸿图霸业谈笑中,不胜人间一场醉 。
Hongtu hegemony in the talk and laugh, unable to get drunk in the world.
30、虚拟补伤,迷言尽谎 。
Virtual mending, riddles lie.
31、智慧源于经验,经验源于小愚笨 。
Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from foolishness.
32、寂寞还是一支又一只升着烟雾的香烟 。
Loneliness is still a cigarette with smoke.
33、我不是个适合听你说心事的人 。
I'm not the right person to listen to you.
34、天会黑,人会变,三分情,七分骗 。
Day will be dark, people will change, three points of love, seven points of cheating.
35、聚散依依,云淡风轻 。
Gathering and parting, the clouds are light and the wind is light.
36、失去你,从此再也不相信爱情了 。
Lose you, never believe in love again.
One person, one city, life, the rest of your life, well!
38、你喜欢转头就走,我学会了不再挽留 。
You like to turn around and leave, I learned not to retain.
39、习惯寂寞,选择一个人生活 。
Accustomed to loneliness, choose a person's life.
40、其实我们都没错,只是岁月太蹉跎 。
In fact, we are all right, but the time is too wasted.
41、你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东 。
You must remember, that year that month, weeping willow purple Mo Luo city east.
42、为了爱你,我错过了爱我的人 。
To love you, I miss the one who loves me.
43、哭不是勇敢不勇敢,它只是一种本能 。
Crying is not brave or not, it is just an instinct.
44、回得了过去,回不了当初 。
Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.
45、离开不会太悲伤,有些心情该释放 。
Leave will not be too sad, some feelings should be released.
46、我只想要简简单单,憨憨厚厚的爱情 。
I just want simple, honest and thick love.
47、成全你,也是成全自我的开始 。
To fulfill you is also the beginning of self perfection.
48、后来想起来,我们竟然没有一张合照 。
Later I remembered that we didn't have a group photo.
Love is drinking poison wine with a smile!
50、我用尽一生的思念,只为等你出现 。
I spent my whole life missing, just waiting for you to appear.
51、那么大的天空,却看不到有你的痕迹 。
So big sky, but can't see your trace.
52、等良人,再道时却忘良人之名 。
Wait for the beloved, and forget the name of the beloved.
53、最深的孤独是站在人群中却哑口无言 。
The deepest loneliness is to stand in the crowd and be speechless.
54、知道么 。有一种爱叫离开 。
You know what. There is a love called leave.
55、一辈子那么短,却错过了那么多人 。
Life is so short, but miss so many people.
56、在无尽的黑夜,便只剩下千疮百孔的心 。
In the endless night, there are only holes in the heart.
57、有一条路只能往前走,叫青春 。
There is a road can only go forward, called youth.
58、最痛的,不是离别,而是别后的回忆 。
The most painful thing is not parting, but the memories after parting.
What I smoke is loneliness!
60、我会继续让你看到、我的心高气傲 。
I will continue to show you my pride.
