
1、期盼余生 。
Looking forward to the rest of my life.
2、有你足矣 。
You are enough.
3、心心相印 。
have mutual affinity.
4、天长地久 。
enduring as the universe.
5、放进心里 。
Put it in your heart.
6、夫唱妇随 。
the husband to sing and the wife to follow.
7、清贫是你 。
You are poor.
8、爱你如初 。
I love you as before.
9、她是光芒 。
She is the light.
10、与你共度 。
With you.
11、执手相依 。
Hand in hand.
12、天作之合 。
a heaven-made match.
13、深情是你 。
Love is you.
14、習慣有袮 。
【情话最暖心4个字英文】Used to have you.
15、洞房花烛 。
16、海枯石烂 。
till the seas dry up and the rocks decay.
17、甜言蜜语 。
sweet talk.
18、我喜欢你 。
I like you!
19、平淡是你 。
Plain is you.
20、海誓山盟 。
exchange solemn vows and pledges.
21、你的老伴 。
Your wife.
22、义无返顾 。
There is no turning back.
23、与你相守 。
With you.
24、牵肠挂肚 。
be very worried about.
25、为你倾心 。
For you.
26、余生相恋 。
Love for the rest of your life.
27、非你不嫁 。
You don't have to marry.
28、欢天喜地 。
be full of joy.
29、情投意合 。
agree in opinion.
30、两相情愿 。
both sides are willing to do the thing.
31、和和美美 。
He Meimei.
32、油盐是你 。
Oil and salt are you.
33、我就要你 。
I want you.
34、山盟海誓 。
a solemn pledge of love.
35、悠悠我心 。
Leisurely my heart.
36、眼神所向 。
What's in your eyes.
37、长相思守 。
Everlasting longing for each other.
38、美满良缘 。
Happy marriage.
39、温言软语 。
Warm words and soft words.
