
1、在成长的路上,我们突破的不是现实,而是自己 。
On the road of growth, what we break through is not reality, but ourselves.
2、所谓生活,一半惊喜,一半遗憾 。
The so-called life, half surprise, half regret.
3、人生谁能全如意,关键是要敢做精神上的强者 。
The key to success in life is to be a strong man in spirit.
4、客户服务,重在回访.仔细倾听,你认心情 。
Customer service, focus on return visit. Listen carefully, you know the mood.
In addition to my individual strong, but also because I belong to the team!
6、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒 。
If you lean on the mountain, you will fall, if you depend on water, you will never fall.
7、时间是治疗心灵创伤的大师,但绝不是解决问题的高手 。
Time is a master of the treatment of mental trauma, but it is not a master of solving problems.
8、苦苦甜甜就像一部交响曲,汇成我们的一生 。
Bitterness and sweetness are like a symphony, which are merged into our life.
9、你连几点睡都控制不了,还谈什么控制人生 。
You can't even control the time of sleep, and talk about how to control life.
10、痛苦来了正视它,快乐来了享受它,持有平常心,做一个自在人 。
Pain comes, face it, happiness comes, enjoy it, hold common heart and be a free man.
11、把一些无谓的痛苦扔掉,快乐就有了更多更大的空间 。
Throw away some unnecessary pain, and there will be more and more room for happiness.
As long as you are strong enough, nothing can bring yourself down!
Without the test of ice and snow, where is the purity of red plum?
14、心中有梦要讨动,全力以赴向前冲 。
I have a dream in my heart. I will try my best to rush forward.
【正能量句子英文】Hard work is an attitude towards life, it has nothing to do with age!
16、相信自己,相信时间不会亏待你 。
Believe in yourself, believe that time will not treat you badly.
17、有组织作大生意,无组织唱独角戏 。
Organized big business, unorganized monologue.
18、人生的路,如同肚子里的柔肠千转百回,最终到达终点 。
The road of life is like the tender intestines in the stomach, turning one thousand to one hundred times, and finally arriving at the end.
19、宽容他人,也是给自己留有余地 。
To be tolerant of others is to leave room for yourself.
20、有了希望,幸福就会来到你身边;有了梦想,机会就会覆盖你 。
With hope, happiness will come to you; with dreams, opportunities will cover you.
21、全员实动,本周破零加大拜访,业绩攀新 。
The whole staff is active, breaking through zero this week, increasing visits, and achieving new achievements.
22、所有光芒,需要时间才能被看到 。
All the light, it takes time to be seen.
23、一见倾心,再见倾情,我爱你,此生不渝 。
I love you at first sight. I love you forever.
24、只会推销一辈子这样,增员增组才会像样 。
They will only sell for a lifetime. In this way, it will be decent to add more staff and more groups.
25、不要羡慕别人,你有更好的,只是你还不知道 。
Do not envy others, you have better, but you do not know.
26、百分之一百地相信自己,所推广的产品 。
100 percent believe in the products they promote.
27、你不能改变风向,那就改变航向 。
You can't change the wind, change the course.
28、无人帮你是命运,学会坦然面对与承担 。
No one to help you is fate, learn to face and bear calmly.
29、你的日积月累,早晚会成为别人的望尘莫及 。
You accumulate over time, sooner or later, others will not be able to catch up with you.
30、圈子不同,不必强融 。三观不合,别瞎凑合 。
Different circles do not need to be integrated. If the Three Outlooks do not agree, don't make do with it.
31、因为有缘我们相聚,成功靠大家努力 。
Because we are destined to get together, success depends on everyone's efforts.
32、命是弱者的借口,运是强者的谦词 。共勉!
Life is the excuse of the weak, and luck is the humble word of the strong. Encourage!
Life is life and death, isn't it?
34、放不下的时候,多想想对方是怎么放下你的 。
When you can't put it down, think about how the other party put you down.
35、一马当先,全员举绩,梅开二度,业绩保底 。
Take the lead, the whole staff to promote performance, Mei Kai twice, performance guaranteed.
36、人生总要勇敢一次,抛下一切顾虑,去做你真正想做的事 。
Always be brave once in your life. Let go of all your worries and do what you really want to do.
37、面对挫折,如果只是一味地抱怨生气,那么你注定永远是个弱者 。
In the face of setbacks, if you just complain and get angry, you are doomed to be a weak person forever.
38、别和我说对不起,对不起只能换来你的安心,而非我的释然 。
Don't tell me I'm sorry, I can only exchange your peace of mind, not my relief.
39、我不明白为什么命运要让两个不可能在一起的人相遇 。
I don't understand why fate wants two people who can't be together to meet.
40、人生就像是新闻联播,不是换台就可以逃避的 。
Life is like a news broadcast, which can't be avoided by changing channels.
41、当你先从自己的内心开始奋斗时,你就是个有价值的人 。
When you start fighting from your heart, you are a valuable person.
42、不知道自己会遇到谁,就先学会善待在身边的人 。
If you don't know who you will meet, you should learn to be kind to the people around you.
43、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达 。
No matter how long the road is, you can walk step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.
44、不要轻易虚度每一天的光阴,因为那都是你余生中的第一天 。
Don't waste every day because it's the first day of the rest of your life.
No matter how hard you are, someone will work harder than you!
46、只有迈出脚下那一步,人生才会与众不同 。
Only take the step at the foot, life will be different.
47、不要羡慕别人的成功,那是牺牲了安逸换来的 。
Don't envy other people's success. It's at the expense of ease.
48、如果真惨,你哪有时间觉得丢脸 。
If it's miserable, you don't have time to feel ashamed.
49、自己想点燃梦想,一根火柴足以形成燎原之火 。
I want to light a dream, a match is enough to form a prairie fire.
50、人家增我,我增人家;别人培育我,我培育别人 。
Others increase me, I increase others; others cultivate me, I cultivate others.
51、只有不断的学习,才能让你永远立于不败之地 。
Only by continuous learning can you be invincible forever.
52、当生活拿锤子抡向你的时候,只要捶不死你,你就有机会抡回去 。
When life swings a hammer at you, as long as it doesn't kill you, you have a chance to swing it back.
53、你问我爱你值不值得,其实你应该知道,爱就是不问值得不值得 。
You ask me whether I love you or not. In fact, you should know that love is not worth it.
54、无所谓命运,只是不同的选择而已 。
It doesn't matter fate, it's just a different choice.
55、专业代理,优势尽显,素质提升,你能我也能 。
Professional agent, advantages, quality improvement, you can I can also.
56、见顾客前5分钟,对着镜子练微笑 。
Five minutes before meeting customers, practice smiling in the mirror.
57、成功不是轻而易举的,要持之以恒的积累 。
Success is not easy, we should keep accumulating.
58、懂得宽容,人生的路才会越走越宽 。
Understand tolerance, the road of life will go wider and wider.
59、再长的路,坚持走下去,一步一步终会走完 。
No matter how long the road is, keep going, step by step, you will finish.
60、生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞 。
Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the wind and rain.
61、青蛙一米米地跳,每一米皆是奋进 。
Frogs jump every meter and strive every meter.
