1、丑的人都睡了,帅的人还醒着 。
Ugly people are sleeping, handsome people are still awake.
2、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑 。
Children without umbrellas must run hard.
3、哥抽的是烟,吐出来的是寂寞 。
Brother is smoking, spitting out is lonely.
4、我不是草船,你的贱别忘我这发 。
I'm not a straw boat. Don't forget your humble self.
5、如果做得太好吃不可以偷偷亲我 。
If it's delicious, you can't kiss me secretly.
6、走了就走了,不要念旧 。
Go away, don't be nostalgic.
7、留不住的人血液里住着风 。
The wind lives in the blood of those who can't stay.
8、生当复来归,死当长相思 。
Everlasting longing for each other is the only way to die.
9、伴着我宠着我,一生一世 。
With me doting on me, all my life.
10、吃亏是福,我祝你福如东海 。
I wish you all the best.
Smile is just an expression, nothing to do with happiness!
12、宁与兽禽相伴,不与财主为邻 。
Better be with beasts and birds than with rich men.
13、世上一切失望,皆因认真二字 。
All disappointment in the world is due to seriousness.
14、铁马是你,冰河也是你 。
Iron horse is you, ice river is you.
15、与你相见,是我最美相遇 。
Meeting you is my most beautiful meeting.
16、你眼角笑意,我一生痴迷 。
You smile at the corner of your eyes. I've been obsessed with it all my life.
17、爱情小飞机,谁撞谁懵逼 。
Love small plane, who hit who ignorant force.
Apart from ambiguity, what is left of affection?
19、牙疼不是病,疼起来真要命 。
Toothache is not a disease. It's killing.
20、你是我浮世之中,唯一的安稳 。
You are the only one in my floating world.
Dear, always love you, never leave!
22、懂你的人,才会配上你的余生 。
People who know you will deserve the rest of your life.
23、许你一世繁华,只愿不负相思意 。
May you live a prosperous life, only wish not to bear the Acacia.
24、沉着脸,哪会有好天气 。
Face down, there will be no good weather.
25、听闻鹿不耀,称霸全世界 。
I heard that deer do not shine and dominate the world.
26、因为你,每天都是情人节 。
Because of you, every day is Valentine's day.
I wish I could have a heart, so as not to have an old blind date!
28、就这样吧,从此山水不相逢 。
That's it. Since then, mountains and rivers have never met.
29、要么好好活着、要么赶紧死 。
Live or die.
30、哀莫大于心死,悲不过于志短 。
No sorrow is greater than death of heart, and no sorrow is too short of ambition.
Not wearing a mask as handsome, I just hate the sun!
32、做一个只会在你怀里撒娇的猪 。
Be a pig that will only play coquettish in your arms.
33、江山如画,不忍以目而掠其美也 。
Rivers and mountains are picturesque. I can't bear to plunder their beauty with my eyes.
34、我刚才好像忘了抱你,下次注意 。
I forgot to hold you just now. Pay attention next time.
35、你喜欢大海,我爱过你 。
You like the sea, I love you.
36、经过一些事,才知道经验 。
After some things, we know the experience.
My heart is dead. Are you afraid of being hurt!
38、我想抱抱你然后腻在你怀里 。
I want to hold you and get bored in your arms.
39、我也是人,也有心,也会碎 。
I'm also human, and I have a heart, and I'll break.
40、人又不聪明,还学别人秃顶 。
People are not smart and learn to be bald.
41、别人结婚的年龄我们还在早恋 。
We are still in early love when others get married.
42、向日葵追逐太阳,而我追逐你 。
Sunflowers chase the sun, and I chase you.
43、有时候,除了说再见,无路可走 。
Sometimes, there is no way but to say goodbye.
【英文说说晚安句子】44、他来过一阵子,我却怀念一辈子 。
He came for a while, but I miss him forever.
I want to get a marriage license with her!
46、不盲从信条,不盲目攀比 。
Do not blindly follow the creed, do not blindly compare.
47、没有记忆,也就没有意义 。
Without memory, there is no meaning.
48、喝醉,吃撑,再爱成傻子 。
Drink, eat, and then love to be a fool.
49、你早已离戏,我却入戏太深 。
You've already left the play, but I'm too deep into it.
Love needs bread. Do you have bread?
No one warms me, I'll turn on the air conditioner!
52、爱你这件事,我就没有退缩过 。
I have never flinched from loving you.
53、别让生活压力挤走快乐 。
Don't let the pressure of life crowd out happiness.
54、宁叫钱吃亏,不叫人吃亏 。
Better to make money suffer than to make people suffer.
55、性格无趣,所以人缘紧张 。
Character is boring, so people are nervous.
56、我爱你,想要和你在一起 。
I love you and want to be with you.
57、因为爱你,所以任性地对你 。
Because love you, so willful to you.
58、说好的不动情,我却动了心 。
I said no emotion, but I moved my heart.
59、我爱的人,他已经有了爱的人 。
The one I love, he already has the one I love.
60、其实我们都好,只是年纪不巧 。
In fact, we are all good, but the age is not good.
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