
1、用那悲伤的音乐,来愈合我深深的伤 。
With that sad music, to heal my deep wound.
2、爱,不说也能感觉到,就像水在俩人间流动 。
Love can be felt without saying, just like water flowing between two people.
3、很多时候你只是某个人的练爱对象,而非恋爱对象 。
Most of the time, you are just someone's practice love object, not love object.
4、无言独坐窗前,月如钩,寂寞梧桐深夜锁清秋 。
Speechless sitting alone in front of the window, the moon is like a hook.
5、让一个人成长的所有事,都是孤独的 。
Everything that makes a person grow up is lonely.
6、金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回 。
Money can be recovered if it is lost, but it is difficult to recover once it is lost.
7、幸福是灵魂的一种香味,是一颗歌唱的心的和声 。
Happiness is a fragrance of the soul and the harmony of a singing heart.
8、白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你 。
I'm waiting for the wind, and I'm waiting for you.
9、其实,单身挺好,和谁暧昧都不需要解释 。
In fact, it's good to be single, and you don't need to explain who you are.
10、可你有没有想到我,眼泪,一滴,一滴落到键盘上 。
Can you think of me, tears, a drop, a drop on the keyboard.
11、你没有舍不得,我也不好意思难过 。
You are not reluctant, I am sorry to be sad.
12、人哪有好的,只是坏的程度不一样而已 。
No one is good, but the degree of bad is different.
13、你能不能开心一点啊,这样我就能住进你心里了 。
Can you be happy so that I can live in your heart.
14、我什么都不想要,只想要你的一世专情 。
I don't want anything. I just want your special love.
15、坚强是成功者的通行证,懦弱是失败者的墓志铭 。
Strong is the pass of success, cowardice is the epitaph of failure.
16、我会带你去看天上的鲸鱼,再和你潜入海底 。
I'll take you to see the whales in the sky, and then dive into the sea with you.
17、没人会死在别人手里,都是死在自己的热爱里 。
No one will die in other people's hands, all die in their own love.
18、我对你的爱就像拖拉机上山,轰轰烈烈 。
My love for you is just like a tractor going up the mountain.
The eyes with tears are brighter, and the heart with blood is stronger!
Children without umbrellas must run hard!
21、我谢谢你给的希望,都是那么的让人绝望 。
I thank you for the hope, are so desperate.
22、虽然认输不会死,但我死也不认输 。
Although I will not die if I give up, I will not.
23、自拍这种东西,三分天注定,七分靠滤镜 。
Selfie is a kind of thing, three minutes is doomed, seven depends on the filter.
24、做你害怕做的事情 。然后你会发现,不过如此 。
Do what you're afraid to do. And then you'll find out, but that's it.
25、没有遇到挫折,永远不会懂得自己的力量有多大 。
Without setbacks, you will never know how powerful you are.
26、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很棒 。
Tell yourself once a day: I'm really great.
27、生活很糟糕,还好我很可爱 。
Life is bad, but I'm lovely.
28、打出来的女人口服,疼出来的女人心服 。
The woman that hits out takes orally, the woman that ache comes out is convinced.
29、刚要想想未来,现实却给我一巴掌 。
Just want to think about the future, reality gave me a slap.
30、我能忍受你对我说滚,但是我不能接受你无视我 。
I can stand you saying go away, but I can't accept that you ignore me.
31、人生最悲伤的事是,你很相信他,他却欺骗了你 。
The saddest thing in life is that you believe him very much, but he deceives you.
32、对着你亮着的头像,终于做到了无动于衷 。
Facing your bright head, I finally became indifferent.
33、喜欢放狠话,心软到不堪一击 。
Like to speak hard, soft to vulnerable.
34、你见到我时,我已经是被生活打磨好的人了 。
When you see me, I have been polished by life.
35、天堂满员,地狱打烊,所以上帝才把我放到人间 。
Heaven is full, hell is closed, so God put me on earth.
36、最热烈的火焰,冰封在最沉默的火山深处 。
The warmest flame, frozen in the silent depths of the volcano.
37、这么可爱的我,你确定不要 。
I'm so cute. Are you sure you don't want to.
38、所有似曾相识的感觉,都是你曾经错过的 。
All the familiar feelings are what you have missed.
39、关于我有多想念你,一切语言都显得苍白无力 。
About how much I miss you, all the language seems to be powerless.
40、对自己说声对不起,曾为了一个男人折磨自己 。
I'm sorry for myself. I tortured myself for a man.
41、一个人有多不认真,就有多深情 。
A person how not serious, how deep.
42、昔有朝歌夜弦之高楼,上有倾城倾国之舞袖 。
Once upon a time, there were high-rise buildings singing the song of the night, and the dancing sleeves were on top of them.
43、我不要短暂的温存,我要你一世的温柔 。
I don't want the temporary warmth, I want you to be gentle all my life.
【抖音上流行的英文句子】44、再遇见,彼此没变,只是身份不似从前 。
Meet again, each other has not changed, but the identity is not like before.
45、智者顺时而某,愚者逆时而动 。
A wise man follows the time, but a fool goes against it.
46、我看过最虐心的微小说,就是我和你的聊天记录 。
The most heartbreaking micro novel I have ever read is the chat record between you and me.
47、只此一生,执子之手,与子偕老 。
Only this life, holding the hand of the son, grow old together with the son.
48、好好的放他走吧,别把最后那一点感情也耗尽了 。
Let him go well, don't exhaust the last bit of emotion.
49、爱情是场骗局,我不愿骗人,也不想被骗 。
Love is a scam. I don't want to cheat or be cheated.
