
1、这一次,我终于看清你是什么样的人 。
This time, I finally see what kind of person you are.
2、要么相守到终老,要么相忘于江湖 。
Either we stay together until we die, or we forget each other in the world.
3、每次看到你上线,就特别开心 。
Every time I see you online, I'm very happy.
4、人生自古谁无死,贱人先死我再死 。
Since ancient times, there is no death in life.
5、拥抱着你的滋味,胜过一切的完美 。
Embracing your taste is better than all perfection.
Mood and I am as happy to praise a!
Who will accompany me to the end of the world?
8、外面的风大,小心被感冒了 。
It's windy outside. Be careful to catch a cold.
9、预测未来的最好方法,就是创造未来 。
The best way to predict the future is to create the future.
10、爱有什么意思,给自己天价烦恼 。
What's the meaning of love? It's too expensive to worry about.
11、别在我离不开你的时候离开我 。
Don't leave me when I can't leave you.
12、请握紧双手,人生的方向就在自己手中 。
Please hold your hands, the direction of life is in your own hands.
13、只有愚蠢的人会哭着乞求被信任 。
Only stupid people cry and beg to be trusted.
14、你能不能像初识那般热衷于我 。
Can you be as keen on me as you first met.
15、亲亲老公,死哪去了,回来给姐跪搓板 。
Kiss my husband, where's the death? Come back and kneel for my sister.
【英语短句子简单】16、井边明月,旷野繁星,我用真心映真情 。
The moon beside the well, the stars in the wilderness, I use my heart to reflect the true feelings.
17、我没有什么特长,就是爱你的时间特长 。
I don't have any specialty, just love you for a long time.
18、我虚度了年华,空有一身疲惫 。
I spent my time in vain, empty and tired.
19、从今以后,我们只有死别,不再生离 。
From now on, we have to die, not to leave again.
20、你所以为的,我根本就不在乎 。
I don't care what you do.
21、最不可能发生的事,往往变成事实 。
The most unlikely things often turn out to be true.
22、八戒,放开那妖怪,让为师先来 。
Bajie, let go of the monster and let me be the teacher first.
23、如果我是猫,九条命都想和你过 。
If I were a cat, nine lives would like to live with you.
24、为了你,抛弃一切,但心甘情愿 。
For you, abandon everything, but willingly.
25、请别为离别而哭泣,天下无不散的宴席 。
Please don't cry for parting, all the banquets will come to an end.
26、远看东方不败,近看傻逼二代 。
Look at the East invincible from a distance, and look at the second generation of fools in the near future.
27、说句我爱你,情到深处扣心弦 。
Say I love you, feeling to the bottom of the heart.
28、我安静的接受了你,有小三的事实 。
I quietly accepted the fact that you have a junior.
29、当爱,已成过去,谁还记得谁 。
When love, has become the past, who still remember who.
30、我们都生活在过去,却忘记了现在 。
We all live in the past, but forget the present.
31、爱情由上天安排,友情却无处不在 。
Love is arranged by heaven, but friendship is everywhere.
32、风景会因季节而变,人会因时间而变 。
The scenery will change with the seasons, and people will change with time.
33、我要我们在一起,那是必须的 。
I want us to be together, that's necessary.
34、没有未来的誓言,是那么深的伤痕 。
There are no deep wounds in the future.
35、害我整天迷着你,只因全心爱着你 。
I love you all day, because I love you with all my heart.
36、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦 。
Everything has a price, the price of happiness is pain.
37、自私自利之心,是立人达人之障 。
Selfishness is the obstacle to success.
38、除了我之外,与你相爱的人都不得好死 。
Except for me, those who love you can't die easily.
39、今晚别关窗,我想偷偷进入你的梦里 。
Don't close the window tonight, I want to sneak into your dream.
War: bite with your teeth if you can't get rid of it with your tongue!
41、遇见你,是我所有美好故事的开始 。
Meeting you is the beginning of all my wonderful stories.
42、你哄我的时候,我就觉得你特别爱我 。
When you coax me, I think you love me very much.
43、事越烦,越要耐烦 。天底下没有不烦的事 。
The more boring, the more patient. There's nothing to be bothered about.
44、一段爱情,你要赢,还是要爱 。
A love, you want to win or love.
45、爱,就是一生的不离不弃相互偎依 。
Love, is a lifetime of inseparable, clinging to each other.
46、相思树底说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知 。
Acacia tree said Acacia, Miss Lang hate Lang Lang do not know.
47、别在姐面前装人物,你顶多是个动物 。
Don't pretend to be a character in front of my sister. You are an animal at most.
48、我不会忘记,你出现在我生命 。
I will not forget that you appeared in my life.
49、我只是太爱你,不想让你受委屈 。
I just love you so much that I don't want you to be wronged.
50、妥协了自己,最终换来的是身心疲惫 。
Compromise their own, the final exchange is physical and mental fatigue.
51、兜兜转转,我们还是就这样没了结局 。
Around, we still have no end.
52、不要焦急,不要贪心,不要放弃 。
Don't worry, don't be greedy, don't give up.
53、土地贵在耕种,知识贵在运用 。
The importance of land lies in cultivation, and knowledge in application.
54、我讨厌我在乎的人不在乎我 。
I hate that people I care about don't care about me.
55、不要给我太甜的糖果,我怕我会沦陷 。
Don't give me too sweet candy, I'm afraid I will fall.
56、对不起,我感觉我是多余了 。
Sorry, I feel like I'm redundant.
57、能有一个可以说话的人就已满足 。
It's enough to have someone to talk to.
58、原谅如需彷徨,一切不过如此 。
If you need to forgive hesitation, it's all.
59、微笑只是一个表情,它与快乐无关 。
Smile is just an expression, it has nothing to do with happiness.
60、对你惦念,我知道思念的滋味 。
Miss you, I know the taste of missing.
