
1、我会给你留面子,也希望你长脑子 。
I'll save you face and I hope you'll have brains.
2、平时看书是求知欲,考前看书是求生欲 。
Reading at ordinary times is a thirst for knowledge, and reading before an examination is a desire for survival.
3、爱过才知痛滋味,痛过才知情可贵 。
Love to know the taste of pain, pain to know how valuable.
4、你没有如期归来,这正是离别的意义 。
You didn't come back as scheduled, which is the meaning of parting.
5、在没有你的日子里,我连呼吸都会痛 。
In the days without you, I can even breathe.
What is invisible is terrible, but isn't human heart more terrible?
7、泪水化作丝雨,假装一切悲伤从没来过 。
Tears into silk rain, pretending that all sadness has never come.
8、你的离去,让我看到了世界就是如此虚伪 。
You leave, let me see the world is so hypocritical.
9、人不伤,不成长;心不伤,不坚强 。
People do not hurt, do not grow; heart does not hurt, not strong.
10、我无心伤你,而你却字字刺痛我的心 。
I didn't mean to hurt you, but you stabbed my heart.
You really love the way you eat. Have you practiced it?
12、如果还有什么遗憾,也许就是太晚和你遇见 。
If there is any regret, maybe it is too late to meet you.
13、以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了 。
With my appearance as a guarantee, I will never stay up late from now on.
14、所有当初遭遇的绝情,后来想想都会庆幸 。
All the first encounter of heartless, later think will be glad.
15、简单的是我想你 。困难的是我们不能在一齐 。
The simple thing is that I miss you. The difficulty is that we can't be together.
16、自律和付出,才是一个人有成就的关键 。
Self discipline and dedication are the key to success.
17、是什么样的未来,让你义无反顾离开 。
What kind of future, let you leave without hesitation.
18、太美的东西也太眩目,望一眼,都是刻骨铭心 。
Too beautiful things are too dazzling, look at, are unforgettable.
19、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经 。
I miss not you, but you give the fatal once.
20、你的眼神,总是那么吝啬给我 。
Your eyes, always so mean to me.
21、别想一下造出大海,务必先由小河川开始 。
Don't think about creating the sea. You must start with small rivers.
22、我爱你时你才闪耀,我不爱你你算个毛 。
You shine when I love you. I don't love you. You're nothing.
23、一个人的旅行,独自的彷徨 。
A person's travel, alone hesitation.
24、有本事带我回家见家长,不然别说跟我谈恋爱 。
If you have the ability to take me home to see my parents, don't talk about falling in love with me.
25、如果我放弃了、不是因为我输了、而是我懂了 。
If I give up, not because I lost, but because I understand.
26、说实话,我很喜欢自己百毒不侵的样子 。
To tell you the truth, I like the way I'm immune.
27、你什么货色,我就什么脸色 。
I'll look whatever you are.
28、我不高贵,但不是每个男人都有机会 。
I'm not noble, but not every man has a chance.
29、有些事,有些人,一转身就一辈子 。
Some things, some people, turn around for a lifetime.
30、世界之大,不是非你不可 。
The world is so big that you have to.
31、从快乐出发、路过悲伤、走过痛苦、到达幸福 。
Starting from happiness, passing through sadness, passing through pain, reaching happiness.
If I fell in love, would you still treat me like this all the time?
33、也许爱情就是先红了脸,然后红了眼 。
Maybe love is red face, then red eyes.
34、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘 。
How strong to have, just dare not forget.
35、回得了过去,回不了当初 。
Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.
36、离开后,别说祝我幸福,没有你我怎么幸福 。
After leaving, don't say wish me happiness, how happy I am without you.
37、疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 。
Thin shadow horizontal oblique water, faint fragrance floating at dusk.
38、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要 。
How often, because I can't get it, I pretend I don't want it.
39、人如果没有梦想,那跟无忧无虑有什么区别呢 。
If a person has no dream, what's the difference between being carefree and carefree.
Maybe I still live in the world with you, unable to extricate myself!
41、三月氤氲思朝晖,若遇朝晖即与归 。
In March, I think about the morning light, and if I meet the morning light, I will return.
42、执书挥笔,豪撒油墨,笔锋婉约,散墨青史 。
Holding books and writing brush, Hausa ink, the style of writing is graceful, and ink history is scattered.
43、环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自己 。
The environment will not change, the solution is to change yourself.
44、做个过客挺好的,置身事外看得清 。
It's good to be a passer-by. You can see clearly from the outside.
45、你还欠我一句对不起,可我不会再说没关系了 。
You still owe me a sorry, but I won't say it again. It's OK.
46、有时蒙蔽我们的不是假象,而是执念 。
Sometimes what blinds us is not illusion, but obsession.
47、这一生你只能遇到我一次,劝你三思 。
You can only meet me once in your life. Please think twice.
48、我还是我,少了笑容,多了凉薄 。
I am still me, less smile, more cool thin.
49、只怪当初太单纯,被你骗走了最真的感情 。
Only blame at the beginning is too simple, you cheated away the most true feelings.
50、生命是终将荒芜的渡口,连我们自己都是过客 。
Life is the ferry that will be deserted, even we ourselves are passers-by.
51、学会说话,是一个人获得成功成本最小的途径 。
Learning to speak is the least cost way for a person to succeed.
52、一身的痞子味,成不了你的乖乖女 。
The whole body of ruffian flavor, can not become your good girl.
53、不想和你分开,可你的选择就等于放弃了我 。
Don't want to be separated from you, but your choice is tantamount to giving up me.
54、这个世界上从来没有感同身受,只有冷暖自知 。
The world has never felt the same, only the cold and warm.
55、我们成了勇敢的人,也成了简单的人 。
【发朋友圈英文句子】We became brave and simple.
56、衣服能换新的,生活也能 。
Clothes can be changed, so can life.
57、记忆是无花的蔷薇,永远不会败落 。
Memory is a rose without flowers and will never fall.
58、雨会停,心会晴,没有什么会永远糟糕透顶 。
The rain will stop, the heart will clear, nothing will be bad forever.
Don't ask me how I'm doing, I don't even know myself!
60、他最让我感动,可我却给不了他爱情 。
He moved me most, but I couldn't give him love.
