
1、不做最好的别人 , 只做最好的自己 。
Don't be the best, just be the best.
2、希望宝宝健康快乐的成长 , 在学校和小伙伴好好相处 。
I hope my baby can grow up healthily and happily, and get along well with my friends in school.
3、你应该小心一切假知识 , 它比无知更危险 。
You should be careful of all false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance.
4、你是一个了不起的人 , 我希望你以优雅和勇气成长 。
You are a great person. I hope you grow up with grace and courage.
5、愿有前程可奔赴 , 亦有岁月可回首 。
May there be a future to go, and years to look back.
6、望远镜 , 可以望见远的目标 , 却不能代替你走半步 。
Telescopes can see distant targets, but they can't take the place of you.
7、带孩子去玩 , 陪伴孩子一起成长 , 周末的幸福时光!
Take children to play, accompany children to grow up together, happy weekend!
8、愿你一生一世每天都可以睡到自然醒 。
May you sleep until you wake up every day of your life.
9、跌倒了 , 要自己爬起来不要让孩子过度依赖父母 。
If you fall down, get up on your own and don't let your child rely too much on his parents.
10、陪你半生遍历山河 , 愿你觉得人间值得 。
Accompany you to travel the mountains and rivers for half of your life, wish you feel that the world is worth it.
11、遇难心不慌 , 遇易心更细 。
Don't panic when you are in distress, but be more careful when you are in change.
12、人生的光荣 , 不在于永不言败 , 而在于能够屡扑屡起 。
The glory of life lies not in never saying defeat, but in being able to fight and rise again and again.
13、宝宝慢点长大 , 舍不得你长大承受这世间疾苦 。
Baby grow up slowly, reluctant to let you grow up to bear the pain of this world.
14、毕业季节 , 愿你们的友谊永远不散 。
Graduation season, I hope your friendship will never end.
15、此刻学习 , 你将圆梦 。
Now study, you will realize your dream.
16、与你们的三年朝夕相处 , 我们建立了母子般的感情 。
With your three years together day and night, we have established a mother child relationship.
17、祝你百尺竿头更进一步 , 新学期绘出新蓝图 。
I wish you further progress and a new blueprint for the new term.
18、孩子 , 你害怕!你肯定能行的!
Child, you are afraid! You can do it!
19、青丝着墨 , 点缀人生 。
The green silk with ink embellishes life.
20、世界上那些最容易的事情中 , 拖延时间最不费力 。
Of the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least difficult.
21、希望你每天都开开心心的 , 健康快乐成长!
Hope you are happy every day, healthy and happy growth!
22、生活富足乐 , 铭记父母恩 。
Live a rich life and remember your parents' kindness.
23、当今学有所用 , 来日事业有成!小胜凭智 , 大胜靠德!
Today's learning is useful, and tomorrow's business will be successful! Small victory depends on wisdom, big victory depends on virtue!
24、愿你在今后的学习中更加主动 , 争取更好的成绩!
I hope you will be more active in the future study and strive for better results!
25、祝愿你学业有成 , 爱情甜蜜 , 健康快乐!
Wish you success in your studies, sweet love, health and happiness!
26、勤劳一生 , 可得幸福长眠 。
A lifetime of hard work leads to a long and happy sleep.
27、你是一个有责任感的孩子 , 你的人生也会因此而亮丽!
You are a responsible child, and your life will be bright!
28、愿你每一天都能积极向上 , 做一个阳光小男孩 。
I hope you can be positive every day and be a sunshine boy.
29、天空因彩虹而绚丽 , 生命因拼搏而精彩 。
The sky is gorgeous because of the rainbow, and life is wonderful because of the struggle.
30、凡事都要冷静 , 不能急躁 。
Everything should be calm, not impatient.
31、书本中散发着熟悉的清香 , 校园里演奏起快乐的音响 。
Books exude a familiar fragrance, and the campus plays a happy sound.
32、妈妈 , 生日快乐!宝宝 , 生日快乐 , 健康成长!
Happy birthday, mom! Baby, happy birthday, healthy growth!
33、愿你怀着一颗童心享受生活 , 收获快乐!
Wish you enjoy life with a childlike heart and harvest happiness!
34、一生的牵挂 , 最乖的孩子 。
Life's care, the most obedient child.
35、周末好时光 , 带着孩子去玩耍多陪伴孩子才是重要的 。
Good weekend. It's important to take your children to play and keep them company.
36、眼睛里没有追求的时候 , 一定是心如死灰的时候 。
When there is no pursuit in the eyes, it must be a time when the heart is as dead as ashes.
37、新的一岁 , 希望你平安健康 , 开心快乐 。
New year, I hope you are safe, healthy and happy.
38、有你的生活 , 更加的多彩 。
Have your life, more colorful.
39、希望宝贝快乐无忧 , 学会独立 , 做一个坚强的男子汉 。
Hope the baby is happy and carefree, learn to be independent, and be a strong man.
40、灿烂的季节迎接灿烂的你 。这个世界因你而变化 。
The splendid season welcomes the splendid you. The world changes with you.
41、祝你拥有黑猫警长的勇敢 , 捉住所有坏蛋 。
【祝福孩子生日快乐英语】I wish you the bravery of Sheriff black cat and catch all the bad guys.
42、拼搏创造奇迹 , 奋斗书写辉煌 。
Strive to create miracles, strive to write brilliance.
43、往后余生 , 全都是你 。
For the rest of your life, it's all you.
44、学习正如挖井 , 再坚持一会儿也许便可以喝到甘泉 。
Learning is like digging a well. If you insist on it for a while, you can drink sweet spring.
45、静下来 , 铸我实力;拼上去 , 亮我风采 。
Calm down, cast my strength; put it together, brighten my style.
46、家贫志不移 , 贪读如饥渴 。
The poor will not move, greedy to read like hunger.
47、亲爱的女儿 , 相信 , 爱读书的你一定会越来越美丽的 。
Dear daughter, I believe that you who love reading will be more and more beautiful.
48、你刚才做功课的样子很认真 , 希望你继续保持 。
You just did your homework seriously. I hope you can keep it up.
49、望你将来的日子如鸟儿般 , 自由 , 快乐 。
I hope you will be as free and happy as a bird in the future.
50、加油 , 成功会属于你的!
Come on, success will belong to you!
51、你现在吃的苦 , 是你看世界的光 , 会照亮你未来的路 。
What you are suffering from now is the light you see in the world, which will light up your future.
52、抱最大的希望 , 为最大的努力 , 做最坏的打算 。
Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
