1、叶的一生都在树上,落下只为再次轮回 。
The leaf's whole life is on the tree, falling only for reincarnation.
2、这分手越长越残忍,你说的越来越诚恳 。
The longer the breakup is, the more cruel it is. What you say is more and more sincere.
3、当我转身的时候心在痛泪也在流 。
When I turn around, my heart is aching and my tears are flowing.
4、女人你该笑得甜美,纵然有万般心碎 。
Woman, you should smile sweetly, even if you have heartbreak.
5、我这么爱他,他却这样对我 。
I love him so much, but he treats me like this.
6、我不介意人走茶凉,孤独好过念念不忘 。
I don't mind people walking in the cold, lonely better than never forget.
7、对于爱情,我们总是说的比唱的好听 。
For love, we always speak better than sing.
8、兜里没钱的时候,才能看清楚你的人缘 。
When you have no money in your pocket, you can see your popularity clearly.
9、有时候,你只是需要一个可以说话的人 。
Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to.
10、我们的爱不再存在,你的心已渐渐变远 。
Our love no longer exists, your heart has gradually become far away.
11、童话里的爱情,那么煽人泪下 。
The love in the fairy tale, so stirring tears.
12、我那样求你,你为什么还要违背承诺 。
I beg you like that, why do you break your promise.
13、我哭得像小孩,以为你还会再回来 。
I cried like a child and thought you would come back again.
14、一季飘零,一季浅舞 。
A season of wandering, a season of light dancing.
15、不爱我请别深拥我,我不需要海市蜃楼 。
Do not love me, please do not hold me, I do not need a mirage.
16、你走,我当你没来过 。
You go. I don't think you've been here.
17、不要把悲伤攒积到心里,心会被冻坏的 。
Don't put sadness in your heart, your heart will be frozen.
18、太过年轻的爱,注定只是一时冲动 。
Too young love, destined to be just impulsive.
19、有你无你都一样,只不过自欺欺人而已 。
It's the same with you and without you. It's just self deception.
20、有时候有些事,不知道比知道幸福 。
Sometimes some things, do not know than know happiness.
21、我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己 。
I pretend I don't care about you, but the pain is my own.
22、不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天 。
Don't promise forever, just love me day by day.
23、只是突然放开了手,然后一个人继续走 。
Just suddenly let go, and then go on alone.
24、算了,所有的失望都是源于我凭空的期待 。
Forget it, all the disappointments come from my expectations.
25、遗忘了开始,遗失了自我 。
Forget the beginning, lost self.
26、从未拥有,谈何失去 。
Never have, never lose.
27、说分手的是我,念念不忘的也是我 。
It's me who says goodbye, and it's me who never forgets.
28、生活并不糟糕,糟糕的是我 。
Life is not bad. It's me.
29、旧人已经辜负了你,你又何必再辜负时光 。
Old people have failed you. Why should you fail time again.
30、什么都介意,却又可以妥协 。
Mind everything, but compromise.
31、我动心的男人,都不是我的男人 。
The men I love are not my men.
32、心中有座坟,藏着未亡人 。
There is a grave in my heart, hiding the undead.
33、我等的船还没来,我等的人还不明白 。
The boat I'm waiting for hasn't come yet. The people I'm waiting for don't understand.
34、一刻,也不能离开你 。
I can't leave you for a moment.
After the second half price, I drink two cups alone!
36、尽管也曾有消沉的时候,我还是过得佷好 。
I had a good time even though I was depressed.
37、酒只可醉一宿,人只能爱一生 。
Wine can only be drunk for one night, people can only love for life.
38、难为了别人,委屈了自己 。
It's hard for others, but it's hard for yourself.
39、烟熏妆,也遮不住的情殇 。
Smoky make-up, also can't cover love.
40、多么想像海绵宝宝一样,没心没肺的笑 。
How like SpongeBob, heartless smile.
41、最近风太大,把心上人都刮跑了 。
Recently, the wind is so strong that my sweetheart has been blown away.
42、你的敷衍,令我无处躲藏 。
Your perfunctory, I have no place to hide.
43、那个身影,渐渐远去 。
The figure, gradually away.
44、越长大,越懒散,后来也懒得去爱别人 。
The more you grow up, the more lazy you are. Later, you are too lazy to love others.
45、心跳藏在抽屉,见到了迩,才不会分心 。
Heart hidden in the drawer, see you, will not be distracted.
46、每个自强不息的人,都曾无处可依过 。
Every self-improvement person has had nowhere to rely on.
47、分岔的爱情,让眼泪隔出银河的距离 。
Bifurcation of love, so that tears separated from the distance of the galaxy.
48、分手了,我连眼泪都没有力气流 。
Break up, I don't even have the strength to shed tears.
49、都是第一次做人,我凭什么让着你 。
It's the first time to be a man. Why should I let you.
50、对不起,一句对不起就结束了全部 。
I'm sorry. A word of sorry is the end.
51、有一种感觉总在失眠时,才承认是相思 。
There is a feeling always in insomnia, just admit is Acacia.
52、原来只有你孤身一人,独自背负着寂寞 。
It turns out that you are alone, carrying loneliness alone.
53、脆弱过,永远都在坚强 。
Fragile, always strong.
54、如果不能接受失去,人简直无法成长 。
If you can't accept loss, you can't grow.
55、光没有分别地照向每个人,暗亦如此 。
Light does not shine on everyone separately, so does darkness.
56、隔山相看两不厌,何必踏遍岭头云 。
I'm not tired of seeing each other across the mountains. Why go all over the mountains.
57、得不到的总是挂念,共朝夕的总是厌倦 。
Those who can't get it are always concerned, and those who share it are always tired.
58、我藏不住喜欢,你演不出热情 。
I can't hide it. You can't show enthusiasm.
59、每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想 。
It's not an alarm clock that wakes you up every morning, it's a dream.
60、我看向彩虹,满眼他的笑容 。
I look at the rainbow and see his smile.
61、心里没有仇恨的人,日子总是过得好些的 。
He who has no hatred in his heart always leads a better life.
62、相逢无悔,过往无憾 。
Meet without regret, no regret in the past.
63、我已经忘了当初的样子,连怀念都没有证据 。
I've forgotten what I looked like, and I don't even have the evidence to remember.
64、褪了色的花瓣,在珍藏也是无奈 。
Faded petals, in the collection is helpless.
65、是不是我不爱你,你就不爱我了 。
If I don't love you, you don't love me.
66、笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来 。
Laugh to cry at last; I cried until I finally laughed.
67、你看看我这心碎得,捧出来和饺子馅似的 。
Look at my broken heart. It's like dumpling stuffing.
68、我停留在记忆深处,寻找残留的幸福 。
I stay in the depth of memory, looking for residual happiness.
69、眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞 。
The eye is raining for you, but the heart is umbrella for you.
70、只是悔恨当初,没有拉住你的手 。
Just regret at the beginning, did not hold your hand.
71、每次我临时抱佛脚时,佛总是给我脚 。
Every time I hold my feet temporarily, the Buddha always gives me feet.
72、既然选择推开我,就不要让我再回来 。
Since you choose to push me away, don't let me come back.
73、留不住的,再拼命拉扯,都是多余的 。
If you can't keep it, no matter how hard you pull it, it's unnecessary.
74、不想不看不关心,那是自己对他最平凡的爱 。
Do not want to do not see do not care, that is his most ordinary love for him.
75、那些华丽的语言,一概输给了信念 。
Those gorgeous language, all lost to faith.
76、每天看着太阳升起,可乌云却在我的心底 。
Every day I watch the sun rise, but the dark clouds are in my heart.
77、宁可高傲到发霉,也不要死缠到卑微 。
It's better to be arrogant and moldy than to be obsessed with humbleness.
78、人间是个好地方,可我再也不想来了 。
The world is a good place, but I don't want to come again.
79、雨,勾起我的回忆,思念如雨,划过脸颊 。
Rain, recall my memories, miss such as rain, across the cheek.
80、我等的人,又在哪里等着别人 。
Where are the people I'm waiting for.
81、有没有那么一瞬间,你也曾心疼我的执着 。
There is no such a moment, you have also loved my persistence.
82、自导自演,那自欺欺人的曾经 。
Self directed self acting, that self deceptive once.
83、这荒唐的疼痛,让我在夜里失声痛哭 。
This absurd pain makes me cry at night.
84、何德何能,得他全心全意 。
He de can't win his heart and soul.
85、嘴上说,戒掉我,心里说,记得我 。
【qq个性签名伤感英文】Mouth said, quit me, heart said, remember me.
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