
1、坚信是成功的起点 , 坚持是成功的终点 。
Firmly believe is the starting point of success, persistence is the end of success.
2、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在 , 而是敢面对恐惧克服恐惧 。
Having courage doesn't mean fear doesn't exist, but it means facing fear and overcoming it.
3、每个人都有一个死角 , 自己走不出去别人走不进来 。
Everyone has a dead end, they can't go out, others can't come in.
4、勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明 。
Courage is a light in adversity.
5、高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说 , 才有真正意义 。
A peak has real meaning only for those who climb it rather than look up to it.
6、好心不一定会换来感恩 , 但千万不要因此而灰心 。
Kindness does not necessarily lead to gratitude, but don't be discouraged.
7、只要你保持微笑 , 生活就会向你微笑!
As long as you keep smiling, life will smile to you!
8、江山代有才人出 , 各领风骚数百年 。
The talented people of Jiangshan generation have been leading the way for hundreds of years.
9、生活中最残忍的地方 , 就是推你进地狱的人 , 曾经带你进过天堂 。
The cruelest place in life is that the person who pushed you into hell once took you to heaven.
10、如果你前面有阴影 , 那么后面一定有阳光!
If you have a shadow in front of you, there must be sunshine behind you!
11、苦难本身并没有价值 , 只有经历过了苦难那才是价值 。
Suffering itself has no value, only experienced suffering that is value.
12、经历过了成功 , 使我懂得了要更加自信 。
Having experienced success, I learned to be more confident.
13、未来美不美 , 取决于你现在拼不拼 。
Whether the future is beautiful or not depends on whether you can spell it now.
14、勤奋是时间的主人 , 怠惰是时间的奴隶 。
Diligence is the master of time, laziness is the slave of time.
15、相对于理想而言 , 我更愿意用梦想来表达 。一直走 , 不能回头 。
Compared with ideal, I prefer to express with dream. Keep going, you can't turn back.
16、人生就像一面镜子 , 你笑它也笑 , 你哭它也哭 。
Life is like a mirror, you laugh and you cry.
17、春风大雅能容物 , 秋水文章不染尘 。
Spring breeze elegant can hold things, autumn articles do not dye dust.
18、每一天告诉自我一次:我真的很不错 。
Tell yourself once a day: I'm really good.
19、人生最清晰的脚印 , 往往印在最泥泞的路上 。
The clearest footprints of life are often printed on the most muddy road.
20、最安全和最合时宜的方式 , 还是和自己厮守 。
The safest and most timely way is to stay with yourself.
21、最不会叹息的人是最年轻的人 , 是有时间调整生活的人 。
The person who can't sigh the least is the youngest person who has time to adjust his life.
22、不属于自己的东西又何必拼命在乎 。
Why care so much about things that don't belong to you.
23、本来无望的事 , 大胆尝试 , 往往能成功 。
If you try boldly, you can always succeed.
24、一个人除非自我有信心 , 否则带给别人信心 。
A man brings confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.
25、思考时 , 要像一位智者;但讲话时 , 要像一位普通人 。
Think like a wise man, but speak like an ordinary man.
26、只要比别人更早 , 更勤奋地学习 , 才能尝到成功的滋味 。
As long as compared with others earlier, more diligent study, can taste the taste of success.
27、结果不重要 , 重要的是为了结果拼搏的过程 。
The result is not important, but the process of fighting for the result.
28、生命很短 , 去做自己喜欢的就好 。真正的富有 , 是你脸上的笑容 。
Life is short, just do what you like. The real wealth is the smile on your face.
29、当眼泪流尽的时候 , 留下的应该是坚强 。
When the tears run out, what is left should be strong.
30、学 , 然后知不足;教 , 然后知困 。
Learn, then know the lack; teach, then know the difficulty.
31、不怕每天迈一小步 , 只怕停滞不前 。
I'm not afraid to take a small step every day, but to stand still.
32、不要轻易用过去来衡量生活的幸与不幸 。
Don't easily use the past to measure the happiness and misfortune of life.
33、世界上没有绝境 , 只有绝望的人 。
There is no hopelessness in the world, only desperate people.
34、要善良 , 要勇敢 , 要像星星一样努力发光 。
To be kind, to be brave, to shine like a star.
35、每一次发奋努力的背后 , 必有加倍的赏赐 。
Behind every effort, there must be a double reward.
36、天下之大 , 无奇不有 , 你是奇异之花 , 还是那朵奇葩?
You are a wonderful flower or a wonderful flower?
37、生前的赞扬往往虚假 , 死后的议论经常真实 。
Praise before death is often false, but after death is often true.
38、成功无须解释 , 失败却有许多托辞 。
Success needs no explanation, but failure has many excuses.
39、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在 , 而是敢面对恐惧、克服恐惧 。
Courage does not mean that fear does not exist, but dare to face it and overcome it.
40、与其羡慕他人智慧 , 不如自己勤奋补拙 。
It is better to be diligent than to admire others' wisdom.
41、人之相识 , 贵在相知;人之相知 , 贵在知心 。
The most important thing for people to know each other is to know each other, and the most important thing is to know each other.
42、很多人都说我可以靠脸吃饭 , 我偏不 , 我就要靠嘴吃 。
Many people say that I can eat by my face, but I don't. I eat by mouth.
43、初生牛犊 , 尽显神威当仁不让 , 舍我其谁 。
Newborn calves, full of divine power, should not give up, give up who.
44、穷荒绝漠鸟不飞 , 万碛千山梦犹懒 。
The birds in the desert don't fly, and the dream of thousands of mountains is lazy.
45、你要告诉自己 , 能面对挫折的人 , 才能承受得起辉煌的人生 。
You have to tell yourself that people who can face setbacks can afford a brilliant life.
46、收获的主要目的是要有更多的东西可以施舍 。
The main purpose of harvest is to have more to give.
47、就算全世界反对 , 我也要坚持自己的梦想 。
Even if the world is against it, I will stick to my dream.
48、找准自己的最佳位置 , 就能炫出美丽和光芒 。
Find their best position, you can dazzle beauty and light.
49、越是陡峭的山峰 , 看到的景致越美妙 。
The more steep the mountain, the more beautiful the view.
50、生活没有真正的完美 , 只有不完美才是最真实的美 。
There is no real perfection in life, only imperfection is the most real beauty.
51、真正的強者 , 不是流淚的人 , 而是含淚奔跑的人 。
The real strong man is not the one who tears, but the one who runs with tears.
52、没有比别人厉害 , 就要比别人更努力 。
No one is better than others, you have to work harder than others.
53、责任是与生俱来的 , 不可推卸的 。
The responsibility is born and cannot be shirked.
54、懒惰厌学难成器 , 勤奋博学出状元 。
Lazy and tired of learning, hard to become a tool, diligent erudition out of the number one.
55、漫漫长路 , 荆棘丛生 , 待我用双手踏平 。
Long road, thorns, waiting for me to step down with both hands.
56、修行要有耐性 , 要能甘于淡泊 , 乐于寂寞 。
Practice should be patient, be willing to be indifferent and willing to be lonely.
57、我在时光里享受温暖 , 我在流年里忘记花开 。
I enjoy the warmth in time, I forget to bloom in the fleeting years.
58、一个女人喜欢一个男人时 , 她希望听到谎言 。
When a woman likes a man, she wants to hear lies.
59、不管昨天 , 今天 , 明天 , 能豁然开朗就是美好的一天 。
No matter yesterday, today, tomorrow, it is a beautiful day to be able to see the light suddenly.
60、记住生命中的美好 , 让孤独的灵魂不再漂泊 。
【英文个性签名励志】Remember the beauty of life, so that the lonely soul no longer wandering.
