1、时间随月弦下切 , 缺了又圆 , 圆了又再度被亲吻 。
Time cuts down with the string of the moon, missing and round, round and kissing again.
2、锄禾日当午 , 啥都不靠谱 。闲来没事做 , 不如斗地主 。
Weeding day in the afternoon, nothing reliable. If you have nothing to do in your spare time, you'd better fight the landlord.
3、心若没有栖息的地方 , 到哪里都是在流浪!
If the heart has no habitat, it is wandering everywhere!
4、淡了 , 散了 , 不多 , 一点就够了 , 睡了 , 呼呼中 , 懂了?是的 。
Light, scattered, not much, a little is enough, sleep, Huhu, understand? yes.
5、如果天叫我亡 , 我无从选择 , 如果你叫我亡 , 我血战到底!
If Heaven calls me dead, I have no choice. If you call me dead, I will fight to the end!
6、这局是尽力局 , 我说的不是游戏 。
This is the best game. I'm not talking about the game.
7、已经受过那么多的伤 , 再多一次又怎样 。
I've already suffered so many injuries. What if I had one more.
8、不要相信自己的回忆 , 因为回忆里的那个人不一定在想念你 。
Don't believe your memory, because the person in the memory may not miss you.
9、永远不要在人前示弱 , 哪怕你真的山穷水尽 。
Never show weakness in front of people, even if you are really at your end.
10、今夕何夕 , 遇此良人 。
I'll meet you this evening.
11、我在茫茫尘世间寻寻觅觅 , 只为了找寻心的归属 。
I search in the vast world, just to find the belonging of the heart.
12、你不用多好 , 我喜欢就好 , 我没有很好 , 你不嫌弃就好 。
You don't have to be good, I like it, I don't have it, you don't hate it.
13、放弃了一切只为你 , 可你却不要我了 。
Give up everything just for you, but you don't want me.
14、不是不想见到你 , 是不知道见到你该说什么 。
It's not that I don't want to see you, but I don't know what to say when I see you.
15、现在让我们哭的事 , 以后会笑着说出来!
Now let us cry, later will smile to say!
16、不要以关心为借口 , 去逼别人说他们的伤心事 。
Don't use care as an excuse to force others to say their sad things.
17、想学素描 , 到时候我的房间里就能挂满各式各样的你 。
If you want to learn sketch, my room will be full of all kinds of you.
18、热水治不了百病 , 情话过不了一生 。
Hot water can't cure all diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.
19、没理都要争三分 , 那得理为什么要饶人 。
If you have to fight for three points, why should you forgive others.
20、我没有想要万水千山走遍 , 我只是想去看你一眼 , 然后道别 。
I don't want to travel all over the world. I just want to see you and say goodbye.
21、当我瘦时 , 每天吃五顿饭实在太困难了 。
When I was thin, it was too difficult to eat five meals a day.
22、我认为和恋爱想比 , 你更适合结婚 。
I think you are more suitable for marriage than love.
23、夜晚总是太寂寞 , 没有一个人会去安慰一个爱哭的女孩 。
Night is always too lonely, no one will go to comfort a crying girl.
24、像失望和委屈这种东西藏在心里就好 。
Just keep things like disappointment and grievance in your heart.
25、今天你不弄死他 , 明天他就会弄死你 。
If you don't kill him today, he will kill you tomorrow.
26、不怕万人阻挡 , 只怕自己投降 。
We are not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but we are afraid of surrendering ourselves.
27、要想飞 , 就得追;要成功 , 发奋干 。
If you want to fly, you have to chase; if you want to succeed, you have to work hard.
28、是不是我对你的容忍 , 已经变成你肆无忌惮伤害我的资本 。
Is not my tolerance for you, you have become unscrupulous hurt my capital.
29、努力不一定能带来成功 , 但是一定能带来成长 。
Hard work may not bring success, but it will bring growth.
30、这样的生活 , 这样的多难得 。
Such a life, such a rare.
31、使人成熟的是经历 , 而不是岁月 。
It is experience, not years, that matures.
32、你时而温柔似水 , 时而热情似火 , 我每天就在水深火热中翻滚 。
Sometimes you are as gentle as water, sometimes you are as passionate as fire. I roll in deep water every day.
33、一些事厌倦到不行 , 一些人虚伪得要命 。
Some things are too tired, some people are so hypocritical.
34、这个世界真小 , 小到风一不小心 , 就把你吹进了我的眼里 。
The world is so small that the wind blows you into my eyes.
35、从此放下矫情和孤独把真心藏好 , 过漂泊的日子 , 浪荡而自由 。
From then on, he put down his affectation and loneliness, hid his heart, and lived a wandering life, free and free.
36、成功是优点的发挥 , 失败是缺点的累积 。
Success is the exertion of advantages, while failure is the accumulation of disadvantages.
37、人生的快乐和幸福不在金钱 , 不在爱情 , 而在真理 。
The happiness of life is not in money, not in love, but in truth.
38、什么都可以是你的 , 但你得是我的 。
Anything can be yours, but you have to be mine.
39、用微笑告诉别人 , 今天的我 , 比昨天更强 。
Tell others with a smile that I am stronger today than I was yesterday.
40、如果你曾歌颂黎明 , 那麽也请你拥抱黑夜 。
If you have sung the dawn, please also embrace the night.
41、你可以轻视我们年轻 , 我们会证明这是谁的时代 。
You can despise our youth, we will prove whose era this is.
42、爱情就像一部影片 , 影片结束时 , 所以人都会散去 。
Love is like a movie. At the end of the movie, people will disperse.
43、远则美 , 近则丑 , 唾手可得不值钱 , 历尽艰难才珍贵 。
Far away is beautiful, near is ugly, easy to get, not worth money, go through difficulties to be precious.
44、世界上最好的保鲜就是不断进步 , 让自己成为一个更好的人 。
The best way in the world is to make progress and become a better person.
45、我以为自己忘记了过去 , 可是曾经出现在我每晚的梦里 。
I thought I had forgotten the past, but once appeared in my dream every night.
46、喜欢的东西 , 自己去买 , 喜欢的人 , 立刻去追 。
If you like something, buy it yourself. If you like someone, go after it immediately.
47、我好想听你说一句你爱我 , 即使前提是曾经 。
I really want to hear you say that you love me, even if the premise is once.
48、月亮今晚不营业了 , 所以我来说晚安 。
The moon is closed tonight, so I say good night.
49、可以量深浅的爱情是贫乏的 。
Love that can be measured is poor.
50、为了自己的目标 , 努力去奋斗 。
【女生英语个性签名简短】Strive for your own goal.
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