#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、英雄好汉总是互相敬重、爱惜 。
Heroes always respect and cherish each other.
2、人到中年,终于明白,欢聚是幸运,离别是常态 。
When people are middle-aged, they finally realize that getting together is lucky and leaving is the normal.
3、理智告诉你多此一举,情感怂恿你最后一搏 。
Reason tells you to be superfluous, and emotion encourages you to take the last step.
Happy family, give me ten thousand taels of gold, also do not change!
5、人之相交交于情,人之相拥拥于礼 。
The relationship between people is based on affection, and the embracing of people is based on ceremony.
6、逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心 。
When you talk to people only, you can't throw all your heart away.
With the changes of the situation, the feelings in the heart will not change!
8、因为相信所以选择,坚持下去就会有收获 。
Because believe, so choose, persist in will have the harvest.
9、凡事顺其自然,可能就会有意想不到的收获哦 。
Let everything go as it is, you may have unexpected gains.
10、心灵的温暖,才是最大的幸福 。
The warmth of the heart is the greatest happiness.
11、人生处处是套路,谁会认真演就成功了 。
Life is routine everywhere, who will play it seriously will succeed.
12、当你走的路跟别人不同时,你才能看到更独特的风景 。
When you go a different way, you can see more unique scenery.
13、人生在世,不求富贵显达,但求问心无愧 。
Life in this world, not for wealth and fame, but for a clear conscience.
【英文哲学的句子】14、微笑面对温暖,感动于一份遇见 。
Smile face warmth, moved by a meeting.
15、有时候帮错人,不是因为我们笨,而是因为我们真诚 。
Sometimes helping the wrong people is not because we are stupid, but because we are sincere.
16、你认为爱过,那就爱过 。你认为值得,那就值得 。
If you think you have loved, then you have. If you think it's worth it, it's worth it.
17、不要在不值得的人和事上,斤斤计较,浪费精力 。
Don't waste energy on people and things that are not worth it.
18、真正疼爱你的人,读的不是文字,而是你的心情 。
People who really love you read not words, but your mood.
19、结果不重要,重要的是过程 。
The result is not important, but the process.
20、香花不一定好看,会说不一定能干 。
Fragrant flowers are not necessarily good-looking. They can say that they are not necessarily capable.
21、人生在世,各有各的修行,管好自己就够了 。
Life in the world, each has his own practice, it is enough to take care of himself.
22、灵魂的相遇,才是最美的相逢 。
The meeting of souls is the most beautiful meeting.
23、是是非非很多,只要你自己不听,也就没有了 。
There are a lot of right and wrong. As long as you don't listen to it, you won't.
Intimate friends, wind and rain no matter how big, also do not disperse!
25、一旦结下冤仇,就长期难以消除 。
Once a feud is formed, it will be difficult to eliminate it for a long time.
26、感谢生活,让我们学会了遗忘 。
Thanks to life, let us learn to forget.
27、愿岁月慢点走,望你我依旧年轻 。
May the years go slowly, I hope you and I are still young.
28、为人处世,不必矫情,自然而然就好 。
In life, you don't have to be sentimental. It's natural.
29、人生,恰似一次远足只有痛了爱了才学会微笑 。
Life is like a hike. Only when you are in pain can you learn to smile.
30、面对烦恼,一笑而过是种坦然 。
In the face of trouble, it's calm to smile off.
31、知道自己犯了错误一定改正的人,便是好人 。
He is a good man who knows that he has made a mistake and must correct it.
32、再苦再难也要坚持,只为我爱的家人 。
No matter how hard it is, we should insist, just for the family I love.
33、口舌无刃,却丝毫不逊于利剑 。
A tongue without a blade is no less than a sword.
34、在这个世界上,只有伤心的理由,没有沉沦的借口 。
In this world, there are only reasons to be sad and no excuse to sink.
35、没有什么比时间更值钱,也没有什么比感情更珍贵 。
Nothing is more valuable than time, and nothing is more precious than love.
36、一样的耳朵,不一样的听法 。
The same ears, different ways of hearing.
37、人之所以不快乐,就是计较的太多 。
The reason why people are not happy is that they care too much.
38、当华美的叶片落尽,生命的脉络才历历可见 。
When the gorgeous leaves fall, the vein of life can be seen clearly.
39、一样的眼睛,不一样的看法 。
Same eyes, different views.
40、不奋发,则心日颓靡 。不检束,则心日恣肆 。
If you don't work hard, you will be depressed. If you don't behave yourself, your mind will be free and unrestrained.
41、在生活的答卷里,有着无数道选择题 。
In the answer sheet of life, there are countless multiple choice questions.
Be a layman, be greedy for money and lust, be upright!
Diligence, diligence, diligence, three important words!
44、愿你忠于自己,活的认真,笑的开心 。
May you be loyal to yourself, live seriously and laugh happily.
45、如果你有了自己,就不会随意被人左右生活 。
If you have yourself, you won't be influenced by others.
I know, because care, will help, because cherish, will accompany!
47、有多少人第一时间评论,只为你是特别关心 。
How many people comment the first time just because you are particularly concerned.
48、只有知足常乐,生活才能快快乐乐 。
Only when you are satisfied, can life be happy.
49、真是笑脸给多了,惯的全是病 。
It's a lot of smiling faces. I'm used to being sick.
50、你来我往,因为情真,你我相识 。
You come and I go, because love is true, you and I know each other.
51、别对我大呼小叫的,我小时候被狗吓过 。
Don't yell at me. I was scared by dogs when I was a child.
52、想的越多,顾虑就越多;怕的越多,困难就越多 。
The more you think, the more you worry; the more you fear, the more difficulties you will face.
53、人生就像一段又一段的旅程,且走且行 。
Life is like a journey after another, and go and go.
54、不懂积累,再挣钱也难以大富 。
If you don't know how to accumulate, you can't get rich again.
55、一天一个梦想,祝福快乐安康 。
One dream a day, wish you happiness and health.
56、人生在世,总要有自己坚守的东西 。
Life in the world, always have their own things.
57、没有一世不变的激情,只有一生不悔的深情 。
There is no constant passion, only a lifetime of unrepentant affection.
58、行善不问回报,才是真的善良 。
To do good without asking for reward is the true kindness.
59、你不是天生的王者,但你骨子里流着不服输的血液 。
You are not born king, but you have blood flowing in your bones.
60、将心比心,设身处地为别人想一想,体会别人心意 。
Compare your heart to your heart, put yourself in other people's shoes, and feel the feelings of others.
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