
1、失恋了就去买瓶雪碧,因为它是透心凉 。
Lovelorn to buy a bottle of Sprite, because it is cool through the heart.
2、爱若难以放进手里,何不将这双手放进心里 。
If love is hard to put into your hands, why not put them into your heart.
3、如若你能借我拥抱予我温暖,我愿还你一世陪伴 。
If you can lend me a hug to give me warmth, I would like to give you a lifetime of company.
4、朋友圈未必是朋友,黑名单总有心酸故人 。
A circle of friends is not necessarily a friend. There are always sad friends on the blacklist.
5、做事极端,从不将就,没有凑合 。
【短语的英文】Extreme things, never make do with, no make do.
6、抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去 。
Don't let go when you hold your hand. Go on when you love the right person.
7、就这样,反反复复失望重复着故事的悲伤 。
In this way, repeated disappointment, repeated the sadness of the story.
8、即使没有成功,但是你尽力了,你的人生也一定与众不同 。
Even if you don't succeed, if you try your best, your life will be different.
9、一个人的心房要承载多少毁灭,才会遇到另一颗复活它的心 。
How much destruction does a person's heart have to bear before he meets another heart that revives it.
10、说好每一天 , 每一分 , 每一秒,大手拉小手一起走 。
Say good every day, every minute, every second, hand in hand to go together.
11、我听着 , 属于我们那首歌曲,心里面,流过许多回忆 。
I listen to the song that belongs to us. In my heart, there are many memories.
12、努力吧,直到你的账户余额看起来像电话号码 。
Work hard until your account balance looks like a phone number.
13、我承认我很贪心,有酒有肉,还想有你 。
I admit I'm greedy. I have wine and meat, and I want to have you.
14、对你微笑、纯属礼貌,你个大脸、别对我笑 。
Smile to you, pure courtesy, you big face, don't smile to me.
15、我希望自己依旧还是个孩子 。没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪 。
I hope I'm still a child. No broken heart, no tears of pain.
16、我习惯了他 , 却爱上了你 。
I'm used to him, but I'm in love with you.
17、人生是伟大的宝藏,我晓得从这个宝藏里选取最珍贵的珠宝 。
Life is a great treasure. I know how to choose the most precious jewels from it.
I use time to prove my specificity, but you let time prove my stupidity!
19、秋叶落下 , 不是风在召唤,而是树的不挽留 。
Autumn leaves fall, not the wind in the call, but the tree does not retain.
20、相信回忆是美好的!但也要知道 , 明天会比回忆更美好!
I believe memories are wonderful! But also know that tomorrow will be better than memories!
21、有些人,一错过,就是昔人;有些事,再美好,皆成往事 。
Some people, once missed, are the past; some things, no matter how beautiful, are the past.
22、每座城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪里都会想你 。
It rains in every city, just like I miss you everywhere I go.
23、一件事情的毕业,永远是另一件事情的开启 。
The graduation of one thing is always the beginning of another.
24、十指之间为什么会有缝隙是因为在等待一个人来填满它 。
The reason why there is a gap between the fingers is that they are waiting for someone to fill it.
25、留下孤傲的背影 , 也是一抹靓丽的风景 。
Leaving a lonely and proud back is also a beautiful scenery.
26、觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候 。
When it is too late, it is the earliest time.
27、每天进一步,踏上成功路 。
Go further every day and set foot on the road to success.
28、人才都是熬出来的,本事都是逼出来的 。
The talents are all boiled out, and the abilities are all forced out.
29、我没有骗人的意思,只是你们每一个人都不了解我的真面目罢了 。
I don't mean to cheat, but each of you doesn't know my true colors.
30、不要因为某一个伤害你的人而念念不忘,毕竟爱你的人还很多 。
Don't forget someone who hurt you. After all, there are many people who love you.
31、姐不是客服人员 , 你没权要求姐答这答那 。
Sister is not a customer service staff, you have no right to ask sister to answer this and that.
32、爱里全是难过,互相放过,得过且过 。
Love is all sad, let each other go, muddle along.
33、没人牵手,我就插兜,手插口袋,谁都不爱 。
No one hand in hand, I put pocket, hand in pocket, who do not love.
34、我真的爱你,但是我家人反对我恋爱 。
I really love you, but my family opposes my love.
35、感情随着时间沉淀,感觉随着时间消失 。
Feelings precipitate over time, feelings disappear over time.
36、雪糕的甜味你有,清晨的美好你有,总之,我喜欢的样子你都有 。
You have the sweetness of ice cream, the beauty of the morning, in short, I like the way you have.
37、都是过来人!何必留恋一时的心痛,后面的日子也有快乐 。
It's all from here! Why linger for a moment of heartache, the days after also have happiness.
38、一个定律:说出口但还没有实现的好消息,一定会黄 。
A law: the good news that has been said but not yet realized will surely turn yellow.
39、也许错过,才让我们将青春记得如此铭心 。
Perhaps miss, let us remember the youth so unforgettable.
40、要超越竟争对手,就要必须有创新 。
If we want to surpass our competitors, we must innovate.
You are the author of your life. Why write such a difficult play?
42、羡慕的不是风华正茂的情侣,而是搀扶到老的夫妻 。
The envy is not the young couple, but the old couple.
43、我用一诺一誓,换来苦痛回忆 。我用一心一意,换来断肠相思 。
I use a promise, an oath, in exchange for painful memories. I use one heart, in exchange for heartbreak Acacia.
44、精神成就事业,态度决定一切 。
Spirit makes a career, attitude makes everything.
45、有些人说了再见后,转眼一生,转瞬,就是一世 。
Some people say goodbye, the twinkling of an eye life, twinkling of an eye, is a life.
46、我那样爱你,你为什么还要忍痛欺骗 。
I love you so much, why do you have to bear to cheat.
47、我的心里一片狼藉,有的人出不去,有的人进不来 。
My heart is in a mess, some people can't get out, some people can't get in.
48、奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命努力 。
Miracles sometimes happen, but you have to work hard for them.
49、你敢爬我家窗户唱忐忑、我就跟你对唱甩葱歌 。
If you dare to climb my window and sing uneasily, I will sing the song of throwing onion with you.
50、那些零碎的回忆,渐渐失去了方向 。
Those fragmentary memories, gradually lost the direction.
