1、跟记忆在比赛,看谁能忘得快 。
Play with memory and see who can forget quickly.
2、你眼里光芒四射,可那,并不是我 。
You have a bright eye, but that is not me.
3、为什么不能给眼泪上个锁 , 永远锁住 。
Why can't you lock tears, lock them forever.
4、只要有你在,我就可以连寂寞都不怕 。
As long as you are, I can not even be afraid of loneliness.
5、若你早日他人两心同 , 何苦惹我错付了情衷 。
If you are the same as others as soon as possible, why do you make me pay my love wrong.
6、你曾是我的年少心事,终变成我的陈年旧事 。
You were my youth, and you became my old age.
7、如果我一直不放弃,你会不会陪我走下去 。
If I don't give up, will you go with me.
8、不是我不爱你了 , 只是因为我发现你不需要我了 。
It's not that I don't love you, just because I find you don't need me.
9、我曾经为了一个人,淡了所有其他 。
I used to lighten all the others for one person.
10、那些原则瞬间被撕成泡沫,变成一个笑话 。
Those principles were instantly torn into foam and became a joke.
11、我想要足够的好,再见你时可以自信的笑 。
I want to be good enough to smile confidently when I see you again.
12、人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒 。
All human suffering, in essence, is anger at one's own incompetence.
13、人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具 。
Life is like a tea table, and it is filled with cups and utensils.
14、比情人浅,比朋友深 , 比陌生人熟,这就是你 。
Shallow than lover, deeper than friend, familiar with strangers, this is you.
15、年华似水匆匆一瞥,多少岁月轻描淡写 。
Years like water a quick glance, how many years understatement.
16、你是我心里的阳光,只能仰望,一碰就会被灼伤 。
You are the sunshine in my heart, can only look up, a touch will be burned.
17、只要想安慰自己,随便找个理由都可以掠过 。
As long as you want to comfort yourself, you can pass by for any reason.
18、青春,再怎么挥霍,也逃不过一世炎凉 。
Youth, no matter how squandering, also can not escape the whole world.
10000 and a million are the same, because I don't!
20、你把缄默定格在半空,我的有关紧要该怎样描述 。
You have to keep silence in the air, and what I have to say about it.
21、那天下雨了 , 你没有看我,我没有看雨 。
It rained that day. You didn't see me. I didn't watch it.
22、未曾失望的人 , 不懂理想 。
Those who have not been disappointed do not understand ideals.
23、一句那就这样吧,道尽了多少人的失落与绝望 。
In a word, it is like this, and how many people are lost and desperate.
24、我放手成全你,算不算勇敢 。
I don't think it's brave to let go of you.
【悲伤说说英文】25、多希望身边有个你,可以温暖我身边的空气 。
I hope there is a you around me, can warm the air around me.
26、说好了不动情,我却动了心 。
After saying that I was not moved, I moved my heart.
27、罗曼蒂克的爱情,没有故事也没有你 。
Romantic love, no story, no you.
28、你是我这一生,等了半世未拆的礼物 。
You are my life, waiting for half the world's unwrapped gift.
29、微笑就像创可贴,掩饰了伤口,痛还在 。
Smile is like a band aid, covering up the wound, and the pain is still there.
30、那个身影,那个笑容,明明陌生却又渴望 。
That figure, that smile, clearly strange but eager.
31、因为不想被人再刺伤,所以渐渐学会了伪装 。
Because I don't want to be stabbed again, I gradually learn to disguise.
32、我喜欢你,就像下雨,你没看我,我没看雨 。
I like you, like rain, you didn't see me, I didn't see rain.
33、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面 。
I didn't learn to cry before, now I often burst into tears.
34、感谢你带给我的伤 , 让我看透世态炎凉 。
Thank you for the injury you brought me, let me see through the world.
35、比起怒骂,沉默才是最彻底的失望 。
Silence is the most complete disappointment than to scold.
36、错过我,我真替你难过 。
I'm sorry to miss me.
37、很想很想,把每个人的脸都努力的记在脑海里 。
I want to think about it. Remember everyone's face in my mind.
38、拥有的总是不安,没得到的都喜欢 。
I always have something that I don't know. I like what I don't get.
39、擎一伞落红似雨,倾一世芳华初现 。
Qing Yi umbrella falls red like rain, pour the first generation of fragrance.
40、朋友也有背叛你,也有威胁的你的一天 。
Friends have betrayed you, and threatened you a day.
41、是不是伪装的太久,自己也累了 。
Whether it was too long to disguise, I was tired.
42、有时候,很想逃离现在的生活 。
Sometimes, I want to escape from my life.
43、烦恼那么多,困惑那么多,都因见识那么少 。
So many troubles, so many puzzles, because of so little knowledge.
You have to cheat me on the reason to leave, right?
45、偏执的人一旦陷入爱情 , 就成为自己的囚徒 。
Once the paranoid falls into love, he becomes his prisoner.
46、我要挥霍青春的岁月,然后去做铁石心肠的船长 。
I will spend my youth and then I will be a captain of iron heart.
47、别问我有多爱你,那是你想象不到的 。
Don't ask how much I love you, that's what you can't imagine.
48、曾几何时人们愈来愈浮躁 , 变的都不像自己了 。
People were more and more impetuous and changed from themselves.
49、我倔强的不愿屈服 , 换来的却也只是伤痕累累 。
I was stubborn and unwilling to give in, but I was only injured.
50、你不会懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过 。
You can't understand my silence, and how can you understand my sadness.
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