1、亲爱的 , 我的心还有一块的好的,你慢着点伤 。
Honey, my heart has a piece of good, you slow a little bit hurt.
2、即便绕过千山渡过万水踏遍枯枝,也难再寻一个我 。
Even if you go around the mountains and cross the water and walk through the dead branches, it is difficult to find another me.
3、有时候,惟有一场眼泪 , 我们才彻底清晰了视线 。
Sometimes, only a tear can we see clearly.
4、荡漾了很久,还是决定享受孤独 。
It was a long time ago, but I decided to enjoy loneliness.
5、证据,难道信任一个人还需要证据 。
Evidence, do you need evidence to trust someone.
6、总有些东西,对你毫无价值,可是一直舍不得扔 。
There are always things that are of no value to you, but they have been reluctant to throw them away.
7、难过怎么讲的清楚,失落怎么感同身受 。
How to say sad clearly, how to feel the loss.
8、我还来不及炫耀你,你就已经不是我的了 。
I can't show you off before you're mine.
9、我用一秒钟爱上你却要用我一生的时间来忘记你 。
I love you in a second but I will forget you in my life.
10、能在一起的人 , 来来回回总能在一起的 。
People who can be together can always be together.
11、那最初的美好 , 早被你搁在一角 。
That first good, you have put in a corner.
12、直到现在才明白,原来那不是幸福 。
It was not until now that it was not happiness.
Forget you, is I blow the most brave cow force!
14、坚信一句话:没有人会让你输,除非你不想赢 。
Believe in one word: no one will let you lose unless you don't want to win.
15、我不敢在群里聊天 , 因为我怕我说的话没有人接 。
I dare not talk in the group because I am afraid that I am not answering what I say.
16、眼泪没有太多,只是可以为你流成河 。
There are not too many tears, but they can flow into rivers for you.
17、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得 , 是世间常态 。
Grow up to know, the original love but not, is the normal in the world.
18、从不奢望我们之间的距离有多小 , 默默守护你就好 。
Never expect how small the distance between us, silently guard you.
19、海底月捞不起,心上人不可及 。
The moon can not be retrieved under the sea, and the sweetheart can not be reached.
20、笑看流年如风,流年上色红颜 。
Smile to see the year of the wind, the year of the flow of color red.
21、我想像了多少个场景,可笑的是你每个都在 。
I imagine how many scenes, funny is that you are all in.
22、以我余生敬孤独 , 且把回忆当归宿 。
I respect loneliness for the rest of my life and take memories home.
23、他眼里有星辰大海,唯独没有我 。
He had a sea of stars in his eyes, but he didn't have me.
24、择友宜慎,弃之更宜慎 。
It is better to be careful in choosing friends and abandoning them.
25、泪水模糊了谁的视线,青丝佛过了谁的脸面 。
Tears blurred who the sight, who the green Buddha passed by whose face.
26、孤独其实不可怕,习惯了就好 。
Loneliness is not terrible, so it is good to get used to it.
27、你的心很大 , 可以装下整个世界,我又在哪个角落 。
Your heart is big, can install the whole world, I in which corner.
28、我知道讨厌我的人很多,但我并不是为那些人而活 。
I know there are many people who hate me, but I don't live for those people.
29、最难过的是你眉头紧皱而我却没有理由抱你 。
The saddest thing is that your eyebrows are tight and I have no reason to hold you.
30、明明是个感性的人 , 却尽做理性的事 。
It is a sensible person, but he does his best to do rational things.
31、不用你瞧的起,若有一天我崛起,连本带利还给你 。
You can see it. If I rise one day, I will give you even my own profits.
32、岁月遗忘了多少心安 。时代沧桑几许释怀 。
Years forget how much peace of mind. The vicissitudes of the times are relieved.
33、忘记需要勇气 , 也需要运气 。
It takes courage to forget, and luck.
34、是什么在反覆着,让回忆都翻起了 。
What is it is repeated, let the memory all turn up.
35、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风 。
I am your kite, the line is in your hand, but only the wind can accompany me.
36、一见钟情 , 再见倾心 。
Love at first sight, goodbye.
37、回忆让眼泪汹涌 。只因爱与被爱不同 。
Memories make tears surge. Only because love and being loved are different.
38、诺言堆积的感情 , 最后被谎言击的面目全非 。
The feelings of promise accumulation, finally, were hit by lies.
39、一场戏 , 如要入木三分,必须忘记初衷 。
A play, if you want to get into the wood, you must forget the original intention.
40、世界之大 , 为何我们相遇,因为这就是爱 。
The world is big. Why we meet, because that is love.
41、无论如何,我们终会相遇 。
Anyway, we will meet.
42、我竟甘心做电灯胆,照亮你与他才没遗憾 。
I am willing to do the electric lamp gallop, lighting you and him just have no regrets.
43、多好笑我竟以为久伴能敌得过深爱 。
How funny I thought long partner could be too much loved.
44、天涯倦旅,谁能得诉 。
【一秒泪崩的句子英文】Who can complain about the tiredness of the world.
45、只有恨 , 会更寂寞 。
Only hate, will be more lonely.
46、我想一个人躲起来慢慢伤心,我怕你为我难过 。
I want to hide myself and feel sad. I'm afraid you are sorry for me.
47、不得到就不会失去,不出生就不会死去 。
If you don't get it, you won't lose it, you won't die without birth.
48、我的愿望是,一觉睡到小时候 。
My wish is to sleep until I was a child.
49、朋友,没有一个真心对我,我注定孤独一个人 。
Friend, no one really to me, I am destined to be alone.
50、待我他日权在手,杀尽天下装逼狗 。
I will be left with my hand and kill the world and force dogs.
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