1、连准备的时间也没有给予的告别 。
Not even time to prepare to give farewell.
2、送我一颗有毒的心 , 你叫我如何收下 。
Send me a poisonous heart. How can I take it.
3、原来不快乐旳孩子不止我一个 。
I am not the only one who is unhappy.
【伤感爱情英文句子】4、发呆这事,如果做得好,那就是深沉 。
Stupidity, if done well, is deep.
5、你身边好拥挤 , 我没法靠近你 。
It's so crowded around you that I can't get close to you.
6、梦如风的行进,残雪孤独 , 野草疯长 。
Dream like the wind, snow alone, wild grass growing.
7、已经习惯了,一个人的日子 。
Have been used to, a person's day.
8、如果说谁是我的弱点 , 那一定是你 。
If who is my weakness, it must be you.
9、格式化自己,只为删除你 。
Format yourself just to delete you.
10、曾经我们最美好,现在你们最美好 。
Once we were the best, now you are the best.
11、我愿你是个谎,从未出现南墙 。
I wish you were a lie. You never showed up on the south wall.
12、有时候沉默,也是一种多余的解释 。
Sometimes silence is an unnecessary explanation.
13、错过,不是错了,而是过了 。
Miss, not wrong, but passed.
14、我分不清楚我是太依赖,还是太爱 。
I can't tell whether I am too dependent or too loving.
15、青山不老 , 为雪白头 。
Green mountain is not old, but snow white head.
16、老娘变天鹅的时候,你还是个蛋呢 。
When I turned into a swan, you were still an egg.
17、我的余生,请你笑纳 。
For the rest of my life, please accept it.
18、往事若能下酒,回忆便是一场宿醉 。
If the past can be drunk, memory is a hangover.
19、东京下的雨 , 会打湿巴黎 。
The rain in Tokyo will wet Paris.
20、我端给你一杯热水 , 记得趁热喝 。
I'll bring you a cup of hot water. Remember to drink while it's hot.
21、我没有害怕,只是双手在颤抖没事的 。
I'm not afraid. My hands are shaking. It's OK.
22、风悄然吹过,黄叶不见了悲伤 。
The wind blows quietly, and the yellow leaves are gone.
23、时光让爱学会荒谬笑着的人怎么哭了 。
Time makes love learn how to laugh absurdly.
24、一个人,一座城,一生心疼 。
A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.
25、全世界都在伪装,只有我演的不像 。
The whole world is in disguise, only I do not.
26、我仍愿意听,你却不愿讲 。
I still want to listen, but you don't want to talk.
27、没有大笑的一天,等于浪费了一天 。
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
28、余生孤独,不碰爱情 。
For the rest of my life, I don't touch love.
29、我只是忽然间,觉得很难过罢了 。
I just suddenly felt very sad.
30、努力可能被辜负,但放弃绝不会被辜负 。
Efforts may be let down, but giving up will never be let down.
31、你站在时光里、模糊了我的信仰 。
You stand in time, blurred my faith.
32、有些喜欢很简单,有些忘记也很艰难 。
Some like it very simple, some forget is also very difficult.
33、失去你的我,真的连呼吸都会痛 。
Lose your me, really even breathing pain.
34、我颠覆整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影 。
I subvert the whole world, just to straighten out your reflection.
35、等待、是人世间最卑微的名词 。
Waiting is the most humble term in the world.
36、逃不开你的拥抱 , 抗拒不了你的味道 。
Can't escape your embrace, can't resist your taste.
37、我该给淋湿的以前加件雨衣 。
I should add a raincoat to the wet one.
38、今生无缘,往生无缘,来生更无缘 。
There is no fate in this life, no fate in the past life, and no fate in the next life.
39、疲倦的双眼,带着对你期望 。
Tired eyes, with expectations for you.
40、如果这都不算爱,我有什么好悲哀 。
If this is not love, I have no good sorrow.
41、失望多了,真的好难过 。
More disappointed, really sad.
42、伱给的一次又一次伤害、使我害怕 。
You give again and again hurt, make me afraid.
43、天下没有不散的宴席 。
There is no feast that will never end.
44、深夜孤独都很美,咎由自取你怪谁 。
Loneliness at night is beautiful. Blame yourself. Who do you blame.
45、谁繁华了谁的流年,谁荒废了谁的青春 。
Who prosperous whose fleeting years, who abandoned whose youth.
46、你爱我多少天,我记住你多少年 。
How many days do you love me and how many years I remember you.
47、眼泪是透明的,所以你才会看不出来 。
Tears are transparent, so you can't see it.
48、一个人有多不正经,就有多深情 。
How serious a person is, how affectionate.
49、你的世界很大,而我的世界,只有你 。
Your world is big, but mine is only you.
50、所有失望都来自我以为 。
All disappointment comes from I thought..
51、习惯不能忘记一切,只能麻木一切 。
Habit can't forget everything, only numb everything.
52、海誓山盟变成一种玩笑 。
Vows and vows become a joke.
53、你是想给我安慰还是想看我的眼泪 。
Do you want to comfort me or see my tears.
54、真话太少,笑话太多 。
Too little truth, too many jokes.
55、我不信命,我信爱情是没有理由 。
I don't believe in life. I believe there is no reason for love.
56、有没有发现,你越爱他 , 他就越不爱你 。
Have you found that the more you love him, the less he loves you.
57、很久没再拥抱过,有的只是沉默 。
I haven't hugged for a long time, but there is silence.
58、忆往昔种种 , 全是孤独寂寞漆成的路 。
Recalling the past, all are lonely painted road.
59、也许是我不重要,才会被你遗忘 。
Maybe I am not important, will be forgotten by you.
60、头发乱了 , 妆哭花了,爱的人也走了 。
The hair is disordered, the makeup is crying, and the one who loves is gone.
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