1、时间会告诉我们:简单的喜欢最长远,平凡的陪伴最心安 , 懂你的人最温暖 。
Time will tell us: simple like the most long-term, ordinary company the most comfortable, understand your people the most warm.
2、在最坏的时候懂得吃,舍得穿,不会乱 。
In the worst time to know how to eat, willing to wear, not chaos.
3、一伞一笑风正暖,叶随秋去不知寒 。
An umbrella a smile wind is warm, leaves with autumn to know cold.
4、每个人注定有这辈子解不开的问题 , 这就是老天派你,来一趟的修行 。
Everyone is destined to have a problem that can't be solved in this life. This is the cultivation that God sent you to come.
5、抬头仰望天空,思念的泪水就不会掉下来 。
【暖心英文句子】Looking up at the sky, tears of missing will not fall down.
6、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 。
Take my hand and close your eyes. You won't get lost.
7、再难走的路,终能走到尽头 。
No matter how hard it is, it will come to an end.
8、从今以后山也是你,海也是你,这世上所有的温暖和寒冷,都是因为你 。
From now on, the mountain is you, the sea is you. All the warmth and cold in the world are because of you.
9、你要相信,你会被世界温柔相待,幸福只是迟到了,它不会永远缺席 。
You have to believe that you will be treated tenderly by the world. Happiness is only late. It will not be absent forever.
10、醉过才知酒浓 , 爱过才知情重 。你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦 。
Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. You can't do my poems, just as I can't do your dreams.
11、你或许能把我踩入尘土,而我仍然像灰尘一样,向上飞扬 。
You may be able to step me into the dust, but I still fly up like dust.
12、从未觉得缺失,但他来了,才觉灵魂完整,这就是爱 。
He never felt missing, but when he came, his soul was complete. This is love.
13、不要着急 , 最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现 。
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
14、任何时候都不需要为不值得的人和事,伤害自己 。
You don't need to hurt yourself for unworthy people and things at any time.
15、要记住每一个对你好的人 , 因为他们本可以不这么做的 。
Remember everyone who is good to you, because they could not have done it.
16、你所吃过的苦,遭的罪,担的责,最后都会变成光 , 照亮前行的路 。
What you have suffered, what you have suffered, what you have done, what you have done, will eventually become light and light the way forward.
17、等你爱我,一次就满足,一次就是永久 。
When you love me, once you are satisfied, once you are forever.
18、愿时光许你,佑你岁月无忧 。
May time grant you, and bless your years with no worries.
19、酒,两个人分着喝就会觉得更暖 。
Wine, two people drink separately will feel warmer.
20、当一个胖纸没有什么不好,最起码可以温暖其他的人 。
There is nothing wrong with being a fat paper, at least it can warm other people.
21、其实一直关心你的人就在你身边 , 你没发现吗?
In fact, the people who always care about you are right beside you. Don't you find out?
22、偶尔做一个温柔的人 , 不言不语,不争不抢 , 不紧不慢 , 淡然处之 。
Occasionally do a gentle person, silent, do not fight, do not rush, do not slow down, take it easy.
23、你从不孤单 。因为,这个世上肯定有一个人 , 在努力地走到你的身边 。
You are never alone. Because there must be someone in the world who is trying to come to you.
24、若要快乐,就要像太阳花一样:面朝阳光,努力生长,保持本色 , 不卑不亢 。
If you want to be happy, you need to be like sunflower: face the sun, strive to grow, keep your true color, be neither humble nor overactive.
25、我想谈一场永不分手的恋爱,蹒跚漫步,夕阳西下,白头到老 , 相濡以沫 。
I want to talk about a love that will never break up, stagger, walk, sunset, grow old and help each other.
26、其实最好的日子,无非你在闹,他在笑 , 如此温暖过一生 。
In fact, the best day is nothing more than you are making, he is smiling, so warm for life.
27、人生最美好的是相遇,最难得的是重逢 。
The best thing in life is to meet, the most rare is to meet again.
28、万人追不如一人疼,万人宠不如一人懂 。
Ten thousand people are not as painful as one person, ten thousand people are not as understanding as one person.
29、众生七苦,最苦,求不得 。
All living beings suffer seven times, the most bitter, and can't ask for it.
30、不要每到无望时,说这世界荒诞;要在漫长无垠的岁月里 , 时常记得它可爱 。
Don't say that the world is absurd when you are hopeless; always remember that it is lovely in the long and boundless years.
31、不要因为今天的一点点不顺心 , 就随便把今天输掉 。
Don't lose today just because you are a little upset today.
32、陪你青丝变白发,陪你朝阳又夕下,我们三餐四季,我们煮茶赏花 。
Accompany you to turn grey hair, accompany you to sunrise and sunset, we have three meals and four seasons, we cook tea and enjoy flowers.
33、爱情一定是婚姻的前提,而珍惜,才是携手鬓白的那份必须的执念 。
Love must be the premise of marriage, and treasure is the necessary obsession of hand in hand.
34、再铁的异性朋友,当无论谁谈上恋爱,距离都会拉远,这是个事实 。
It is a fact that no matter who is in love, the distance will be extended.
35、山高水远,可别再遇见 。
The mountain is high and the water is far away. Don't meet again.
36、有生之年,边拥有,边清零 。
In one's lifetime, when one has it, one is at the same time cleared.
37、岁月静好,很想和你就这样一起安然老去,不紧不慢,不慌不忙 。
Time is quiet and good. I want to grow old safely with you like this. I will not hurry or hurry.
38、只问深情,无问西东 。
Ask only the deep feelings, not the West and East.
39、人生总有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望 。
There are always unexpected warmth and endless hope in life.
40、有阴影的地方 , 必定有光 。
Where there is shadow, there must be light.
41、本该玩的年龄 , 却怎么心事重重;本该放纵的青春,却怎么只能听天由命 。
The age that should have played, but how heavy mind; the youth that should have indulged, but how can only let fate.
42、走错了,就回头 。
If you go wrong, turn around.
43、快乐的生活是对生命最佳的回应,无论得失心态一定要好 。
Happy life is the best response to life, whether gain or loss of mind must be better.
44、若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头 。
If we teach people to hate, we don't believe that there is a white head in the world.
45、生活中值得高兴的事情太多 , 别把目光都盯在那些让你不愉快的事情上 。
There are too many things to be happy with in life. Don't focus on those things that make you unhappy.
46、最美好的事,是看到了某人的微笑;而更美好的事,是他是因你而微笑 。
The best thing is to see someone smile, and the better thing is that they smile because of you.
47、喜欢一个人的感觉,大概就是听别人讨论爱情 , 我只想起你 。
Like a person's feeling, probably is to listen to others discuss love, I only think of you.
48、人生里面最好的情景:是爱自己,享受生活,发自内心的微笑 。
The best situation in life: love yourself, enjoy life, smile from the heart.
49、凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中 。
Desolate after two should be the same, the most is the moon.
50、活在这珍贵的人间,太阳强烈,水波温柔 。
Living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water.
51、你是我今生渡不过的劫 , 多看一眼就心软,拥抱一下就沦陷 。
You're my life's disaster. If I look at you more, I'll feel soft. If I hug you, I'll fall.
52、默默付出汗水努力成长,最后成功的你让所有质疑你的人闭嘴 。
Silently pay sweat to grow up, and finally you make all those who question you shut up.
53、我把想念寄存在风里,纵使你在万里之遥,却还是会吹在你身旁,看你安好 。
I keep my miss in the wind. Even if you are far away, you will still be by your side to see you well.
54、孤独不是给别人机会来可怜你,而是给你机会发现更强大的自己 。
Loneliness is not about giving others a chance to pity you, but about giving you a chance to find a stronger self.
55、世界并不会对你温柔以待,上帝也不会对你特殊照顾 , 但我会 。
The world will not treat you tenderly, and God will not take special care of you, but I will.
56、有时候找不到坚持下来的理由,但是就是不想放弃 。
Sometimes I can't find a reason to persist, but I just don't want to give up.
57、我喜欢你 , 在所有时候,也喜欢有些人,在他们偶尔像你的时候 。
I like you. At all times, I also like some people when they are like you occasionally.
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