
1、自己选择的路 , 就该一步一步的走完 。
The road you choose should be completed step by step.
2、我的左手旁边,是擦干泪水的 , 我的右手 。
Next to my left hand, it's to dry my tears, my right hand.
3、对于一个不懈努力的人,没有什么困难的 。
There is no difficulty for a person who works hard.
4、人争什么,争时间,培养自己,感恩亲人,帮助好人 。
People fight for what, fight for time, cultivate themselves, thank their relatives, and help good people.
5、目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱 。
Goals and beliefs give people lasting motivation, which is the spiritual pillar of people.
6、承诺就像放屁 , 说时惊天动地,过后苍白无力 。
Commitment is like farting. It's shocking when it's said, and then it's pale.
7、只要活着,就有希望,若死去,所有的一切的都是泡影 。
As long as you live, there is hope. If you die, everything is in vain.
8、我懂你的无助、可你不懂我的无奈 。力,爱你想你 。
I know your helplessness, but you don't know my helplessness. Li, love you miss you.
9、吃了碗里的还有锅里的,永远不要想着垃圾堆里的 。
After eating the dishes and the pots, never think about the garbage.
10、天与地的距离是多少,你和我的距离又是多少 。
What is the distance between heaven and earth, and between you and me.
11、时间顺流而下 , 生活逆水行舟 。
Time goes down the river, life goes against the current.
12、老师 , 如果你再无视下课铃,那么我们将无视上课铃 。
Teacher, if you ignore the bell again, we will ignore it.
13、也许我很孤独很无助很想哭,但我不能怒不能诉不能输 。
Maybe I'm lonely and helpless and want to cry, but I can't be angry and can't complain and can't lose.
14、我已经把我们的记忆,全部埋葬在黑名单里 。
I have buried all our memories in the blacklist.
15、发光的不是你的光环 , 而是你受人追捧的过程 。
It's not your aura that shines, it's the process of being sought after.
16、既然认准这条路 , 何必去打听要走多久 。
Now that you know the way, why do you need to find out how long it will take.
17、你硬要把单纯的事情看得很严重 , 那样子你会很痛苦 。
You have to take the simple things seriously, then you will be very painful.
18、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的 。
Any restriction starts from your heart.
19、笑得再灿烂也不会是太阳,哭得再泛滥也不会是海啸 。
No matter how bright you laugh, it won't be the sun. No matter how much you cry, it won't be the tsunami.
20、没有比记忆中更好的风景,所以最好不要旧地重游 。
There is no better scenery than in memory, so it's better not to revisit the old place.
21、当你的太多奢望都没覆灭 , 你便会绝望 。
When too much of your extravagance is not destroyed, you will despair.
22、人们总是对陌生人很宽容,对熟悉的人很挑剔 。
People are always tolerant to strangers and critical to familiar people.
23、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备 。
Society is like a boat. Everyone should be ready to take the helm.
24、有些人做了那么久的墙头草,都可以不用依靠风了 。
Some people who have done so much grass on the wall do not have to rely on the wind.
25、有时候,我们就像仙人掌,防备了别人,孤单了自己 。
Sometimes, we are like cacti, guarding others and being alone.
26、真正的朋友,哪怕是不经常联系,也不会分离 。
Real friends, even if they don't often contact, don't separate.
【书写精彩人生英文】27、我们心中的恐惧,永远比真正的危险巨大的多 。
The fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.
28、你是我今生为完成的歌,唱不到结局却难以割舍 。
You are the song that I finished this life. I can't sing the ending but I can't give up.
29、一切都会好起来的,愿所有的努力都不被辜负 。
Everything will be better. May all efforts be lived up to.
30、就算爱情再一次让莪跌倒,伤痕也要是一种骄傲 。
Even if love makes me fall again, the scar is a kind of pride.
31、强者不是没有眼泪,而是不想流泪 。
The strong don't have tears, but don't want to cry.
32、我怕输 , 所以我从不敢放弃 。
I'm afraid of losing, so I never dare to give up.
33、三样东西最神圣:父母、孩子和信仰 。
Three things are most sacred: parents, children and faith.
34、天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠生辉 。
When the sky is dark enough, the stars will shine.
35、爱情就像攥在手里的沙子 , 攥的越紧,流失的越快 。
Love is like the sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the faster you lose it.
36、人生和爱情一样,错过了爱情就错过了人生 。
Life is the same as love. If you miss love, you miss life.
37、微笑可以掩饰很多东西 , 比如伤心比如心痛 。
Smile can cover up many things, such as sadness, such as heartache.
38、只有经历人生的种种磨难 , 才能悟出人生的价值 。
Only through all kinds of tribulations can we realize the value of life.
39、要试着接触,不要把自己跟这个世界划分开 。
Try to reach out and not separate yourself from the world.
40、贫穷就像毒药 , 谁都不愿意品尝 。
Poverty is like poison, no one wants to taste it.
41、我们一直在寻觅 , 寻觅,那个我们都有的结局 。
We have been looking, looking, that we all have the end.
42、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上 。
Don't waste your life where you will regret it.
43、有些话,说再多也没用 。有些事,只有自己懂 。
It's no use saying more. There are some things that only you know.
44、唯有繁华落尽,生命的脉络才清晰可辨 。
Only when the prosperity is exhausted can the context of life be clearly discernible.
45、你随时要认命,因为你是人 。
You have to admit your life at any time, because you are human.
46、人生易逝,奋发图强才不虚此生 。
Life is fleeting, striving for strength is not empty this life.
47、其实爱美的人,只是与自己谈恋爱罢了 。
In fact, people who love beauty just fall in love with themselves.
48、小岁月太着急,总让人措手不及 。
It's always a surprise that I'm in such a hurry in my childhood.
49、权利的相互转让,就是人们所谓的契约 。
The mutual transfer of rights is what people call a contract.
50、心存坚持,快乐就会常伴你 。
If you persist, happiness will always be with you.
51、虽然上班天天迟到,可是我下班很准时啊 。
Although I'm late for work every day, I'm on time after work.
52、我们曾设计好的未来,现在却无人理睬 。
The future we designed is now ignored.
53、一个人的快乐 , 抵不过两个人的温暖 。
One's happiness is worth two's warmth.
54、绝望的双眼落在你的背影,我期待着你的回头 。
Desperate eyes fall on your back, I look forward to your turning back.
55、困难是人生的教科书 , 逆境是一所最好的大学 。
Difficulty is the textbook of life, adversity is the best university.
56、分别之心,人皆有之 。计较执着 , 在所难免 。
Everyone has a heart of separation. It is inevitable to be persistent.
57、笑是最真实的伪装 , 泪是最自由的释放 。
Smile is the most real camouflage, tears are the most free release.
58、我的努力,连上天都感动 。
My efforts are touched even by heaven.
59、今日甜蜜的忧伤,是明日的激励 。
Today's sweet sorrow is tomorrow's inspiration.
60、生命不在于长短,而在于活得有意义 。
Life is not about length, but about being meaningful.
61、若能一切随他去,便是世间自在人 。
If you can go with him, you will be free in the world.
