1、什么都是短暂的,只有怀念和失去是漫长的 。
Everything is short, only miss and loss is long.
2、有些伤口,无论过了多久,依然一碰就痛了 。
Some wounds, no matter how long, are still painful when touched.
3、如果不快乐,就别硬撑了 。
If you're not happy, don't hold on.
4、我葬身火海的时候,你隔岸观火却不救我 。
When I was buried in the sea of fire, you watched the fire from the other side but didn't save me.
5、不想上班,挣不到钱,还不开心 。
I don't want to work, I can't earn money, and I'm not happy.
6、人有生老三千疾,唯有相思不可医 。
People have three thousand diseases, only Acacia can not be cured.
7、过去旳,曾经旳,莪们旳,遗忘旳,再见了 。
Past, once, our, forgotten, goodbye.
8、曾说好的不离不弃,如今却已是时过境迁 。
Once said good never leave, but now it is time to change.
9、我在这人世流浪,梦一场痴心妄想 。
I wander in this world, dream a delusion.
10、孤独的人都会想家 , 可我 , 为什么会想你 。
Lonely people will miss home, but why do I miss you.
11、爱让人卑微,让人面目全非 。
Love is humbling and beyond recognition.
12、缠绵只是一瞬间的美,逝去的爱无法收回 。
Lingering is just a moment of beauty, the lost love can not be recovered.
13、孤独是种顽疾 , 走再远的路都无法治愈 。
Loneliness is a stubborn disease, no matter how far you go, you can't cure it.
14、如果可以,请把我放回还不认识你的路上 。
If you can, please put me back on the way I don't know you.
15、愿你此后珍重,山一程,水一程,你且走好 。
I hope you will cherish the mountain and water, and go well.
16、枕头要常晒,因为里面堆满了发霉的梦想 。
The pillow should be often dried, because it is full of moldy dreams.
17、我本来就是你可以不喜欢就一脚踢开的人 。
I'm the one you can kick off if you don't like.
18、不敢说永远,害怕上帝不成全 。
Dare not say forever, afraid of God is not perfect.
19、你说你像风一样自由,你的温柔都无法挽留 。
You say you are as free as the wind, your gentleness can't keep.
20、又闻往事如风,你已不在 。
I heard the past like the wind, you are no longer here.
21、既然不能在一起,请你别再靠近 。
Since you can't be together, please don't come any closer.
22、有些事情,是没有办法告诉别人的 。
There is no way to tell others some things.
23、尽力做好每一件事,然后等待着老死 。
Try to do everything well and then wait to die of old age.
24、说真的,要是从来没认识过你就好了 。
Seriously, if only I never knew you.
25、我多么想和你见一面,看看你最近改变 。
How I want to see you and see how you have changed recently.
26、说好要告别的人 , 就别再因为回忆而悸动了 。
Say good-bye to the people, do not throb because of memories.
27、独饮一人酒,独想心上人 。
Drink alone and think of your sweetheart alone.
28、喜欢现在的年纪,却不喜欢现在的自己 。
I like my age, but I don't like myself.
【超短虐心英文句子】29、我这心碎得,捧出来跟饺子馅似的 。
I'm heartbroken. It's like dumpling stuffing.
30、我想和你走一生,你却只愿共享一段情 。
I want to go with you for life, but you are only willing to share a love.
31、爱了你这么久,才发现一切是梦 。
I love you so long, only to find that everything is a dream.
32、感恩曾经相遇,愿今后一切安好 。
Thank you for meeting me. I hope everything will be well in the future.
33、辗转十字路口,等待那爱神的降临 。
Turn around the crossroads, waiting for the arrival of the God of love.
34、在爱里等你,像在热带等雨停 。
Waiting for you in love is like waiting for the rain to stop in the tropics.
35、切记 , 一种机会只能出现一次 。
Remember, an opportunity can only appear once.
36、这不是我想要的,但却是我自找的 。
It's not what I wanted, but it's what I asked for.
37、我的梦里有她 , 即使我在哭也请别吵醒我 。
I have her in my dream, even if I am crying, please don't wake me up.
38、世界剩我一个,我想你也不会再来找我 。
I am the only one left in the world, and I don't think you will come to me again.
39、对婚姻,对生活 , 对老公充满了绝望 。
To marriage, to life, to husband is full of despair.
40、其实,我一直都在乎你,只是你没有发现 。
In fact, I always care about you, but you didn't find it.
41、踏实就是趁着能睡着的时候,好好睡一觉 。
Sureness is to have a good sleep when you can sleep.
42、苦尽甘来,苦不会尽,你也不会来了 。
You will not come after all the hardships.
43、看 , 天在下雨;听,心在哭泣 。
Look, it's raining; listen, my heart is crying.
44、情话总说不出口,眼泪总是不停流 。
Love words can't be expressed, tears can't stop flowing.
45、只要有想见的人,就不再是孤身一人了 。
As long as there are people who want to see, they are no longer alone.
46、你是我隐匿多年,不愿提笔书写的往事 。
You are the past that I have been hiding for many years and unwilling to write.
47、我们把世界看错,反说它欺骗了我们 。
We read the world wrong and say it deceives us.
48、不属于你的东西,花在多的力气也没用 。
It's no use spending too much effort on things that don't belong to you.
49、闲下来的时候,觉得全世界都不理你 。
When I'm free, I feel that the whole world ignores you.
50、你见感情放过谁,又见谁全身而退 。
You see who the feelings let go, and who the whole body back.
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