
1、别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起 。
A friend is still with you when everyone else walks away.
2、为你成功而喝彩的,才是朋友 。
Those who cheer for your success are friends.
3、一贫一富,乃知交态 。
A poor man and a rich man are intimate friends.
4、是你慰藉的港口,更是你不再孤单的源头 。
Is your comfort port, but also you no longer lonely source.
5、有种问候,清清淡淡,却最真诚 。
There is a kind of greeting, clear and light, but the most sincere.
6、攒够了思念,等一场相聚 。
【有关友谊的英语名言】Enough missing, waiting for a reunion.
Sunrise meets expensive, sunset sees wealth!
8、友谊是和煦轻柔的春风,让人温暖贴心 。
Friendship is a warm and gentle spring breeze, which makes people warm and intimate.
9、真正的得到,缘于一份感恩的心态 。
Really get, because of a grateful attitude.
10、想和你一起看,永远有多远 。
Want to see with you, forever how far.
11、一份祝福,温暖着心房 。
A blessing, warm the heart.
12、我们高贵,男人不配 。
We are noble, men are not worthy.
13、好的友谊不是为彼此停留,而是同步成长 。
Good friendship is not for each other to stay, but for synchronous growth.
14、最好的友情是各自忙碌,又互相牵挂 。
The best friendship is busy and concerned about each other.
15、等待是最漫长的,友情是最珍贵的 。
Waiting is the longest and friendship is the most precious.
16、淡淡的牵挂,捎去我真切的思念 。
Light care, take my real miss.
17、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐 。
Kindness produces happiness, civilization brings harmony.
18、相逢是缘,愿我们友谊长存 。
Meeting is fate. May our friendship last forever.
19、好友不是书,它比书更壮丽 。
A good friend is not a book. It is more magnificent than a book.
20、今日乐相乐,别后莫相忘 。
Enjoy each other today. Don't forget each other later.
21、抵得住流年,经得起离别 。
Can withstand the fleeting time, can withstand the departure.
22、人生在世,谁都离不了朋友 。
No one can live without a friend.
23、朋友不分距离,心里有就行 。
Friends, regardless of distance, have in mind line.
24、朋友不分贫富,有难同当就行 。
Friends, rich and poor, should be treated equally.
25、我要陪你一年又一年,十年又十年 。
I will accompany you year after year, ten years and ten years.
26、真正的朋友,了解你比你自己还要多一点 。
A true friend knows you a little more than yourself.
27、用真诚浇灌友谊,用感激浇灌亲情 。
Irrigate friendship with sincerity and affection with gratitude.
28、为你成功而羡慕的,是旁人 。
It is others who envy you for your success.
29、好朋友,永远陪伴左右 。
A good friend is always with you.
30、人心,因为真诚更近 。
People's heart, because sincerity is closer.
31、有种友谊不低于爱情,不叫暧昧,叫蓝颜 。
There is a kind of friendship no less than love, not called ambiguous, called blue Yan.
32、纯真的友谊,即是难聚仍然温馨美甜 。
Pure friendship, that is difficult to get together, still warm and sweet.
33、最思念的是亲人,最牵挂的是朋友 。
What I miss most is relatives, and what I care about most is friends.
34、别以为不经常见面,感情就淡了 。
Don't think that if you don't see each other often, your feelings will fade.
35、久违亦如初见,亲切又新鲜 。
After a long absence, it's just like the first meeting. It's kind and fresh.
36、相知在急难,独好亦何益 。
It's hard to know the difference between the two.
37、岁月在流逝,友谊在扎根 。
Time goes by and friendship takes root.
38、朋友不在多,有真心就好 。
If you don't have many friends, it's good to have sincerity.
39、无尽的心意,美好的祝福 。
Endless heart, beautiful blessing.
40、感谢你伴我,岁岁又年年 。
Thank you for being with me year after year.
41、一个眼神,便能心领神会 。
A look, you can understand.
42、只要他在,全力以赴就帮你 。
As long as he is there, he will do his best to help you.
43、不珍惜你的,说了珍惜也会离开 。
Do not cherish you, said treasure will leave.
44、想未来的日子,还是与你温暖如邻 。
Think of the future days, or with you warm like neighbors.
45、真诚的朋友,虽然遥远还是心绪相牵 。
Sincere friends, though far away, are still in the same mood.
46、陪你的人,因暖心而情义交换,才离不开 。
Accompany you, because of warm heart and love exchange, can not leave.
47、友谊如火,照亮黑暗 。
Friendship, like fire, lights up the darkness.
48、相逢方一笑,相送还成泣 。
When we meet each other, we smile and cry.
The villains who follow the trend should not share weal and woe!
50、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的友情 。
Thousands of horses can't be exchanged for true friendship.
51、患难识朋友 。
A friend in need.
52、朋友不分男女,开心就行 。
Friends, regardless of gender, are happy.
53、人生是一场苦旅,需要我们跋涉 。
Life is a hard journey, we need to travel.
54、别灰心,普普通通的你也值得被万般宠溺 。
Don't be discouraged. You are ordinary and worthy of being spoiled.
55、最高兴是有您这位朋友 。
I'm glad to have you as a friend.
56、我们是彼此嫉妒却共同进步的伙伴 。
We are partners who envy each other but progress together.
57、朋友之间,不分彼此 。
Among friends, there is no difference between them.
58、你放弃一个人,一定是失望过 。
You must have been disappointed to give up a person.
59、哪天撑不住的时候记得告诉我,换我来撑 。
When you can't hold on one day, please tell me. I'll do it for you.
The accumulation of friendship is a lifelong friend!
