1、面对面问诊,心连心开方 。夏克良
Face to face consultation, heart to heart prescription.
2、医学贵精,不精则害人匪细 。徐春甫
Medicine is expensive, but it is not.
3、莲,因洁而尊;医,因廉而正 。于建华
Lotus is respected for its purity; medicine is right for its integrity.
4、做人一身正气,为医一尘不染 。于建华
Be a man of integrity, and be spotless for the doctor.
5、对抢救伤员来说时间就是生命 。白求恩
Time is life to rescue the wounded.
6、自己的活着是为了别人更好的活 。林巧稚
I live for the better of others.
7、走医者仁心之路,倡清正廉洁之风 。丁靖
Take the road of benevolence of doctors, and advocate a clean and honest style.
8、世无良医,枉死者半,此言非虚 。孙思邈
There is no good doctor in the world, but half of the dead. This is not empty.
9、胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方 。孙思邈
The courage wants to be big but the heart wants to be small. The wisdom wants to be round but the action wants to be square.
10、工作哪能停,心跳不停,工作就不能停 。李月华
Where can work stop? If the heart keeps beating, work can't stop.
11、医生,应该献身于维护人民健康的事业 。白求恩
Doctors should devote themselves to the cause of safeguarding people's health.
12、一个医生,只要活着,就不能忘记伤病员 。柯棣华
A doctor, as long as he lives, cannot forget the sick and the wounded.
13、行医一时,鞠躬一生,不求闻达,但求利人 。贾冬
When practicing medicine, one bows all his life, seeking nothing but profits.
14、医院之本,救死扶伤;医生之本,德术并举 。夏克良
The foundation of hospital is to rescue the dead and the wounded; the foundation of doctor is to develop both morality and skill.
15、清正廉明,扬医者风范;妙手回春,治百姓疾苦 。佚名
He is honest and upright, and promotes the style of the doctor; he can cure the people's sufferings with his wonderful hands.
16、医者,仁心仁术好医德,廉洁自律,自爱守人格 。石珉
Doctors are benevolent, benevolent, virtuous, honest and self-discipline, self-respect and personality.
17、减轻患者经济负担,让患者看得起病、看得好病 。佚名
Reduce the economic burden of patients, so that patients can afford to see a good doctor.
18、从医须心系千家忧与乐;诊治应胸怀百姓暖和寒 。刘克震
To be a doctor, one should be concerned with the worries and happiness of thousands of families; to be a doctor, one should be concerned with the warmth and coldness of the people.
19、合理地用好病人的每一分钱,尽早地帮助他恢复健康 。佚名
Use every cent of the patient's money reasonably and help him to recover as soon as possible.
20、医人不得恃己所长,专心经略财物,但作救苦之心 。孙思邈
Doctors should not rely on their own strengths, concentrate on the management of property, but to save the suffering.
21、金杯银杯不如老百姓口碑,金奖银奖不如老百姓夸奖 。佚名
The gold cup and silver cup are not as good as the public praise, and the Gold Award and silver award are not as good as the public praise.
22、不谋当谋之事,为医之耻;贪求身外之财,从医之危 。巩元
It is a shame for a doctor not to seek what he ought to seek, but to seek wealth outside of himself and to seek danger in medicine.
23、廉洁行医两袖清风昭后世,贪图钱财一朝失足愧今生 。刘克震
Honest and clean practice of medicine shows the future generations, greedy for money once a slip worthy of this life.
24、身如逆流船,心如铁石坚,望父成儿志,至死不怕难 。李时珍
The body is like a boat against the current, and the heart is like iron and stone. I hope my father will become a son, and I will not be afraid of difficulties until I die.
25、树叶离开枝头是腐烂的开始,行医不守医德是堕落的开端 。佚名
Leaves leave the branches is the beginning of decay, medical ethics is not the beginning of degradation.
26、救人一命,上帝为你加一分;收一红包,神灵给你减一寿 。佚名
If you save a life, God will give you a bonus. If you receive a red envelope, God will reduce your life.
27、人命至重,有贵千金,一方济之,德逾于此,故以为名也 。孙思邈
The life of a man is very important. He has a lot of money. He is a man of great economy. He is more virtuous than that. So he thinks that his name is also famous.
28、为人民服务应视名利淡如水,与健康同行须知事业重于山 。江墩明
To serve the people, we should regard fame and wealth as light as water, and health industry as more important than mountain.
29、塘中偏有自洁莲,一尘不染;世上本无后悔药,三思而行 。王晓春
There are self-cleaning lotus in the pond, spotless; there is no regret medicine in the world, think twice.
30、诚信行医,恪守职业道德,不以医谋私,不侵害患者的利益 。刘玲
Practice medicine in good faith, abide by professional ethics, do not seek personal gains with medicine, and do not infringe on the interests of patients.
31、我是没有财产的,我所有的一切只是健康、勇气和我的工作 。巴斯德
I have no property, all I have is health, courage and my work.
32、每一个白衣天使的背后,都会有一条医德医风铺就起来的道路 。佚名
Behind every angel in white, there will be a road paved by medical ethics.
33、行医以德为先,服务以诚为本,做人以品为重,做官以廉为先 。佚名
Medical practice is based on morality, service is based on sincerity, life is based on quality, and government is based on honesty.
34、动摇理想信念,必然迷失方向;追求骄奢浮华,终将身败名裂 。佚名
If we shake our ideals and beliefs, we will lose our direction; if we pursue extravagance and ostentation, we will eventually lose our reputation.
35、名医之治病,较之常医难也 。知其难,则医者固宜慎之又慎 。徐大春
The treatment of famous doctors is more difficult than that of regular doctors. If the doctor knows the difficulty, he should be careful.
36、救人一命,胜造七级浮屠;收人红包,你的一切祷告统统无效 。佚名
Save a man's life and make a seven level pagoda; receive a red envelope and all your prayers will be void.
37、顺境勿骄逆勿沉做堂堂正正人,平境勿庸浊勿乱行廉廉洁洁医 。佚名
Don't be arrogant or arrogant in good times, and don't be upright in bad times.
38、常修从医之德,常怀律己之心;常思贪欲之害,常戒非分之想 。贾冬梅
【医药的英文名人名言】He always cultivates the virtue of medical practice and self-discipline; he always thinks about the harm of greed and often abstains from non separation.
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