1、学习的最好刺激,乃是对所学材料的兴趣 。
The best stimulation of learning is the interest in the materials.
2、工欲善其事,必先利其器 。
Sharp tools make good work.
3、付出不一定成功,放弃就一定失败 。
Pay is not necessarily successful, give up is bound to fail.
4、世上无难事,只要肯登攀 。
Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.
5、若能每天坚持读书,该是多么宝贵的品质 。
If you can keep reading every day, what a precious quality.
6、你所有的努力,只为遇见更美好的自己 。
All your efforts, just to meet a better self.
7、振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去 。
pull oneself together! Our difficulties will soon be over.
The stage extends as far as the heart goes!
9、成大事不在于力量多少,而在能坚持多久 。
【英语学习格言】Success does not lie in how much strength, but in how long it can last.
10、你想成为一个什么样的人,最终靠自己决定 。
It's up to you to decide what kind of person you want to be.
11、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 。
My life has its limits, and my knowledge has no limits.
12、不读清华不肯休,我心一片磁针石 。
If I don't study in Tsinghua University, my heart is like a magnet.
13、好奇心是学者的第一美德 。
Curiosity is the first virtue of scholars.
14、展现自己的风采,用加倍的努力来赢得成功 。
Show your own style and win success with double efforts.
15、万夫之勇不足,一夫之智有余 。
Ten thousand men are not brave enough, but one man is wise enough.
16、光阴给人经验,读书给人知识 。
Time gives experience, and reading gives knowledge.
17、读书之法,在循序渐进,熟读而精思 。
The method of reading is to read gradually and think carefully.
18、总有人会赢,为什么不能是我呢 。
There will always be people who will win. Why can't it be me.
19、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 。
Bitter medicine is good for illness, but harsh advice is good for action.
20、总有一天,你的苦会照亮你走的路 。
One day, your pain will light up your way.
Be modest and prudent, so as to make continuous progress!
22、不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己 。
If you don't forgive all living beings, you will suffer yourself.
23、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业 。
If you have a different mind, you can't have the same career.
24、你改变不了环境,但可以改变自己 。
You can't change the environment, but you can change yourself.
25、立志是事业的大门,工作是登门入室的的旅途 。
Ambition is the gate of career, and work is the journey of entering the house.
26、欲知对岸事,就要渡过河 。
If you want to know something on the other side, you have to cross the river.
27、莫放春秋佳日过,最难风雨故人来 。
Don't let spring and autumn pass. It's hard for old friends to come.
28、为什么不试一试呢,反正都是要后悔的 。
Why don't you have a try? Anyway, you have to regret it.
29、不抛弃不放弃,所有的努力都不会白费 。
If you don't give up, all your efforts will not be in vain.
30、不与时间竞争,只向效率挑战 。
Not competing with time, only challenging efficiency.
31、要想壮志凌云,就须脚踏实地 。
If you want to be ambitious, you have to be down-to-earth.
Seize the opportunity and radiate the spark of your talent!
33、一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成功大事业 。
A person who doesn't pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big business.
34、我是最棒的,我一定会成功 。
I'm the best. I'll make it.
35、学习失败不要紧,做人失败才是彻底的失败 。
It doesn't matter if you fail in study. Failure in life is a complete failure.
36、没有斗狼的胆量,就不要牧羊 。
If you don't have the courage to fight a wolf, don't shepherd.
37、纪律是自由的第一条件 。
Discipline is the first condition of freedom.
38、除非想成为一流,否则就是二流 。
It's second rate unless you want to be first rate.
39、信心无畏,良心无愧,青春无悔 。
Confidence without fear, conscience without regret.
40、遇到困难不低头,要迎难而上 。
When you encounter difficulties, you should not bow down, but rise to them.
41、读书改变命运,刻苦成就事业,态度决定一切 。
Reading changes fate, hard work makes a career, attitude decides everything.
42、只要记分牌上的时间还跳动,就不能轻言放弃 。
As long as the time on the scoreboard is still beating, you can't give up easily.
43、读书时偷的懒,换来的将是一生的卑微和底层 。
When reading, I steal lazy, in exchange for a lifetime of humble and bottom.
44、做人贵在有德,学习贵在有心 。
Virtue is the most important thing in life, and heart is the most important thing in learning.
45、只要有人看,书才有价值 。
Books are valuable only if they are read.
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