
1、我允许别人比我强 , 但我不允许我没有别人努力 。
I allow others to be better than me, but I don't allow me to work without others.
2、精诚所至 , 金石为开 。
To be honest, to be honest.
3、你要学会努力奔跑 , 别被世俗跌得一塌糊涂 。
You should learn to run hard, and not be ruined by the secular world.
4、拧成一股绳 , 搏尽一份力 , 狠下一条心 , 共圆一个梦 。
Twist into a rope, strive to do a part of the force, hard next heart, a dream.
5、千淘万漉虽辛苦 , 吹尽狂沙始到金 。
Although it's hard to wash thousands of clothes, it's hard to blow all the sand before gold comes.
6、失恋不一定是一件坏事 , 可能是下一个幸福旳开始 。
Lovelorn is not necessarily a bad thing, may be the beginning of the next happiness.
7、要是累了 , 停下来 , 看看天空 , 继续旅程 。
If you are tired, stop, look at the sky and continue your journey.
8、挫折只是人生中的一段插曲 , 也许是在 , 锦上添花吧 。
Frustration is just an episode in life. Maybe it's icing on the cake.
9、成功和失败并不重要 , 重要的只是我们努力了 。
Success and failure don't matter. What matters is that we work hard.
Don't make excuses for your failure!
11、如果 , 不能运气爆棚 。那就 , 努力实力过人 。
If you can't get lucky. Then, try to be superior.
12、我们都会经历一些自己从未经历过的磨难 , 然后成长 。
We will all experience some tribulations that we have never experienced before, and then grow up.
13、时间是把锋利的刀 , 成全过我的疯狂 , 也粉碎过我的梦想 。
Time is a sharp knife, which has completed my madness and shattered my dream.
14、地球无时不刻都在运动 , 一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置 。
The earth is moving all the time. A person will not always be in a bad place.
15、除了你自己没人能否定你 。
No one can decide you but yourself.
16、谁不会休息 , 谁就不会工作 。
Whoever does not rest will not work.
17、我从不害怕千军万马来阻挡 , 我只是害怕自己缴械投降 。
I'm never afraid of thousands of troops to stop me. I'm just afraid of disarming and surrendering myself.
18、拼一个春夏秋冬 , 愿一生无怨无悔 。
Fight for a spring, summer, autumn and winter, wish you have no regrets.
19、胸无大志 , 枉活一世 。
No ambition, no life.
20、失败不可怕 , 可怕的是从来没有努力过 。
Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that you never try.
21、没有抽象的真理 , 真理总是具体的 。
There is no abstract truth, the truth is always concrete.
22、读书无疑者 , 须教有疑 , 有疑者却要无疑 , 到这里方是上进 。
Those who have no doubt about reading must have doubts about teaching, while those who have doubts must have no doubt about it. Only here can they make progress.
23、为了照亮夜空 , 星星才站在天空的高处 。
In order to illuminate the night sky, the stars stand high in the sky.
24、低调 , 取舍间 , 必有得失 。
Low key, between the choices, there must be gains and losses.
25、要有梦想 , 即使遥远 。
Have a dream, even if it's far away.
26、不要做没出息的人 , 最好的复仇就是成功 。
Don't be a failure. The best revenge is success.
27、努力变优秀吧 , 不让对方瞧不起自己 。
Try to be good and don't let others look down on you.
28、虽然生命终有重点 , 却从不后悔选择明天 。
Although there is a point in life, but never regret choosing tomorrow.
29、人生岂止爱恨 , 还有孤独和酒 , 更有梦想与生活 , 坚持住 。
Life is not only about love and hate, but also loneliness and wine, dreams and life, and persistence.
30、过去的靠现在忘记 , 将来的靠现在努力 , 现在才最重要 。
The past depends on the present to forget, the future depends on the present to work hard, now is the most important.
31、贪婪是最真实的贫穷 , 满足是最真实的财富 。
Greed is the most real poverty, and contentment is the most real wealth.
32、只有不怕死的人才配活着 。
Only those who are not afraid of death deserve to live.
33、我不想落后 , 所以一起变优秀吧 。
I don't want to fall behind, so let's be good together.
34、人生不是必须要抓一手好牌 , 而是怎么才能把坏牌打好 。
Life is not to grasp a good hand, but how to play a bad card.
35、不怕路远 , 就怕志短 。
Not afraid of a long way, but afraid of a short mind.
36、成长就是让我们学会坚强 。
Growth is to let us learn to be strong.
37、人之所以能 , 是相信能 。
The reason why people can is to believe in can.
38、不要再追逐光明了 , 让自己发光吧 。
Stop chasing the light and let yourself shine.
39、成功的秘诀 , 在永不改变既定的目的 。
The secret of success is never changing the purpose.
40、人生不容许你任性 , 接受现实 , 好好努力 。
Life doesn't allow you to be willful, accept the reality and work hard.
41、生气会蒙蔽我们的判断力 。
Anger blinds our judgment.
42、任何的限制 , 都是从自己的内心开始的 。
Any restriction starts from your heart.
43、相信自己 , 比谁都棒 。
Believe in yourself, better than anyone.
44、只有脚踏实地的人 , 大地才乐意留下他的脚印 。
Only a down-to-earth man is willing to leave his footprints.
45、就是自己人生的老板 , 要如何经营还是你说了算 。
It's the boss of your own life, how to manage or has the final say.
46、先变成自己喜欢的自己 , 再遇见一个无须取悦的人 。
First become the one you like, then meet someone you don't need to please.
47、逆境是磨练人的最高学府 。
Adversity is the highest institution of learning.
48、活在他人掌声中 , 是禁不起考验的人 。
Living in the applause of others is a man who can't stand the test.
49、许多事情 , 都是要经过岁月的沉淀才会逐渐清晰起来 。
Many things are only gradually clear after years of precipitation.
50、只会在水泥地上走路的人 , 永远不会留下深深的脚印 。
People who can only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints.
51、回望灯如旧 , 浅握双手 。
Looking back at the lamp as old, hold hands lightly.
52、只要你足够好 , 你想要的都会来找你 。
As long as you are good enough, whatever you want will come to you.
53、为了以后能好好偷懒 , 现在一定要非常努力 。
In order to be lazy in the future, we must work hard now.
54、没有口水和汗水 , 就没有成功的泪水 。
Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success.
55、学习知识要善于思考 , 思考 , 再思考 。
Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking and thinking again.
56、守株待兔只能得一餐饱 , 主动出击方能丰衣足食 。
To wait for a rabbit, you have to eat a full meal. Only when you take the initiative can you have enough food and clothing.
57、放弃 , 不是生命的绝对 。
Giving up is not the absolute of life.
58、读书使人心明眼亮 。
Reading makes the mind bright.
59、胜利属于坚持到最后的人 。
Victory belongs to those who persist to the end.
60、只会幻想而不行动的人 , 永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦 。
Those who can only dream but not act will never feel the joy of harvest.
61、你凭什么不努力 , 又什么都想要 。
You want everything if you don't work hard.
62、忘不掉的是回忆 , 继续的是生活 。
What can't be forgotten is memories, and what goes on is life.
63、笨蛋自以为聪明 , 聪明人才知道自己是笨蛋 。
A fool thinks he is clever. A wise man knows he is a fool.
64、一个女人可以生得不漂亮 , 但是一定要活得漂亮 。
A woman can not be born beautiful, but must live beautiful.
65、一无所有就是拼博的理由 。
Nothing is the reason for combo.
66、梦想不大 , 道路很长 , 开始了就别停下 。
The dream is not big, the road is long, don't stop when you start.
67、我又不脆弱 , 何况这算什么!
I'm not fragile, what's more!
68、要想青春不留遗憾 , 小伙必须敢想敢干 。
If you want to be young without regrets, you must dare to do what you want.
69、成功在于优点的发挥 , 失败在于缺点的积累 。
Success lies in the exertion of advantages and failure in the accumulation of disadvantages.
70、只有变得优秀了才能使我的灵魂饱满 。
Only becoming good can make my soul full.
71、希望是厄运的忠实的姐妹 。
Hope is the faithful sister of misfortune.
72、只要你不计较得失 , 人生还有什么不能想法子克服的 。
As long as you don't care about gain and loss, there is nothing in life that can't be overcome.
73、维持一个人的生命的事物 , 是他的事业 。
What sustains a person's life is his career.
74、书籍是造就灵魂的工具 。
Books are the tools of the soul.
75、机会远比安稳重要 , 事业远比金钱重要 , 未来远比今天重要 。
Opportunity is more important than stability, career is more important than money, and future is more important than today.
76、我不相信手掌的纹路 , 但我相信手掌加上手指的力量 。
I don't believe in the lines of the palm, but I believe in the power of the palm plus the fingers.
77、行动不一定带来快乐 , 而无行动则决无快乐 。
Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but without action there is no happiness.
78、自己那么差又不努力 , 还有什么资格唉声叹气 。
I'm so poor and I don't work hard. What else can I sigh for.
79、对的 , 坚持;错的 , 放弃!
【英语格言】Right, insist; wrong, give up!
80、翘首盼来的春天属于大自然 , 用手织出的春天才属于自己 。
Looking forward to the spring belongs to nature, hand woven spring belongs to themselves.
81、没有什么随心所欲 , 只是有人替你支起了一片天 。
There's nothing to do with it, it's just that someone has set up a day for you.
82、所有的努力 , 最终都会绕个大圈回报给你自己 。
All your efforts will eventually be rewarded to yourself in a big circle.
83、冰冻三尺 , 非一日之寒 。
Rome wasn't built in a day.
84、梦就算遥不可及 , 但只要坚持 , 一定会有实现的一天 。
Even if the dream is far away, but as long as we stick to it, there will be a day to realize it.
85、讨厌自己明明不甘平凡 , 却又不好好努力 。
I hate myself for being unwilling to be ordinary, but I don't work hard.
86、人的价值是由自己决定的 。
Man's value is determined by himself.
87、三十年河东 , 三十年河西 , 莫欺少年穷 。
Thirty years on the East and thirty years on the west, do not deceive the poor.
88、努力一点 , 现在想要的以后你都会有 。
Work hard. You will have everything you want now.
89、人的智慧不用就会枯萎 。
Human wisdom will wither when it is not used.
90、绊脚石乃是进身之阶 。
A stumbling block is a step forward.
91、觉得自己做的到和不做的到 , 其实只在一念之间 。
I feel that what I do and what I don't do is only between one thought.
92、要坚强 , 要勇敢 , 要可经风雨不畏时光 。
To be strong, to be brave, to be brave through the wind and rain.
93、只有智者 , 才会从平时的细节发现答案 , 而不是等答案 。
Only a wise man can find the answer from the usual details, rather than waiting for the answer.
94、想要的东西必须自己拿 , 不然就算别人给你也要不起 。
You must take what you want, or you can't afford it even if someone gives it to you.
95、我们一路走 , 一路被辜负 , 一路点燃希望 , 一路寻找答案 。
We walk all the way, all the way to be disappointed, all the way to ignite hope, all the way to find the answer.
96、看我的 , 跟我来 , 一起干 。
Look at me. Come with me. Do it together.
97、愿你可以携着梦想 , 带上阳光一路高歌到远方 。
Wish you can carry your dream and bring the sunshine to the distance.
98、付出多少 , 得到多少 , 这是一个众所周知的因果法则 。
It is a well-known law of cause and effect that how much you give and how much you get.
99、别想一下造出大海 , 必须先由小河川开始 。
Don't think about making the sea. You have to start with small rivers.
100、良好的习惯是成功的保证 。
Good habits are the guarantee of success.
101、人 , 最大的敌人是自己 。
Man, the greatest enemy is himself.
102、赢家不是那些从不失败的人 , 而是属于那些从不放弃的人 。
Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never give up.
103、我们不能选择命运 , 但是我们能改变命运 。
We can't choose fate, but we can change it.
104、懂得低头 , 才能出头 。
Only when you know how to bow your head can you get ahead.
105、请再努力一下为了你想见的人 , 想做的事想成为的自己 。
Please try again for the people you want to see and the things you want to do.
106、母鸡的理想不过是一把糠 。
The ideal of a hen is nothing but a handful of chaff.
107、昨天 , 删去 , 今天 , 争取 , 明天 , 努力 。
Yesterday, delete, today, strive for, tomorrow, strive for.
108、只要相信 , 就有可能 。
As long as you believe, it's possible.
109、为了成为理想中的自己 , 每天努力着 。
In order to become the ideal self, every day to work hard.
110、失败 , 并不是说明你差 , 而是提醒你该努力了 。
Failure doesn't mean that you are bad, but reminds you that it's time to work hard.
111、将喜欢的一切留在身边 , 这便是努力的意义 。
It's the meaning of hard work to keep everything you like.
112、只要你不认输 , 就有机会!
As long as you don't give up, you have a chance!
113、往后的日子都是崭新的 , 不要回头看了 。
The days ahead are brand new. Don't look back.
114、感谢上一秒的自己 , 坚持创造新的奇迹 。
Thanks to the last second of their own, adhere to create new miracles.
