1、写不了相思,又蘸凉波飞去 。
Can not write Acacia, and dip in the cool wave to fly away.
2、佳人应怪我,别后寡信轻诺 。
Beauty should blame me, don't trust me.
3、一夜东风,枕边吹散愁多少 。
Night east wind, pillow blowing away worry.
4、又说今夕天津,西畔重欢遇 。
He also said that this evening in Tianjin, the west bank again happy encounter.
5、倚阑凝望,独立渔翁满江雪 。
Leaning on the appendix and gazing, the independent fisherman is covered with snow.
【伤感英文诗句】6、飞鸿过也,万结愁肠无昼夜 。
Feihongguo also, Wanjie melancholy day and night.
7、摇落事,向空山,休问杜鹃 。
Shake things down, to the empty mountain, don't ask the cuckoo.
8、我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰 。
I want to know you well. I will live a long life.
9、奈一番愁,一番病,一番衰 。
Nai had a lot of worry, illness and decline.
10、江南江北愁思,分付酒螺红 。
Jiangnan Jiangbei melancholy, pay wine snail red.
11、写不成书,只寄得、相思一点 。
Can not write a book, only send, Acacia.
12、问相思、他日镜中看,萧萧发 。
Ask Acacia, look in the mirror in the future, Xiao Xiao hair.
Zisaimen lonely, golden river moon cold, who hate to complain?
14、独睡起来情悄悄,寄愁何处好 。
Sleep alone, feeling quiet, where to send worry.
15、空怀感,有斜阳处,却怕登楼 。
Empty feeling, there is the setting sun, but afraid of climbing.
16、茕茕白兔,东走西顾 。
Alone white rabbit, looking east and West.
17、天朗气清,惠风和畅 。
The sky is clear and the wind is smooth.
18、玉梅消瘦,恨东皇命薄 。
Yu Mei is thin and thin, and hates the emperor.
19、击楫中流,曾记泪沾裳 。
In the middle of the river, I remember tears on my clothes.
20、桐花半亩,静锁一庭愁雨 。
Tung flowers half an acre, static lock a court worried about rain.
21、欲济无舟楫,端居耻圣明 。
If you want to help without a boat, you have to live in shame.
22、扪萝正意我,折桂方思君 。
I'm the one who loves me, and Fang Sijun wins the laurel.
23、百年歌自苦,未见有知音 。
A hundred years of self suffering song, no bosom friend.
24、何意百炼刚,化为绕指柔 。
What does it mean to practice hard and turn it into soft fingers.
25、非怀北归兴,何用胜羁愁 。
If you don't want to go back to the north, you should not worry about it.
26、饮酒莫辞醉,醉多适不愁 。
Don't forget to be drunk when you drink.
27、更倾寒食泪,欲涨冶城潮 。
More pour cold food tears, want to rise Ye City tide.
28、无论去与住,俱是一飘蓬 。
No matter where you go or live, it's all floating.
29、午梦初回,卷帘尽放春愁去 。
At the beginning of my dream in the afternoon, I let go my spring sorrow.
30、倚竹不胜愁,暗想江头归路 。
Leaning on the bamboo, I can't help but worry, thinking about the way back to Jiangtou.
31、此去经年,应是良辰美景虚设 。
In the past few years, it should be a beautiful day.
32、辜负我,悔怜君,告天天不闻 。
Betray me, regret to pity you, complain every day not to hear.
A farewell to two width, each birth happy!
34、夜夜除非,好梦留人睡 。
Every night unless, good dreams stay sleep.
35、此身无所托,空有泪沾衣 。
This body has nothing to support, but tears stained clothes.
36、一任紫玉无情,夜寒吹裂 。
A purple jade merciless, cold night crack.
37、非鬼亦非仙,一曲桃花水 。
It's not a ghost or an immortal. It's a peach blossom water.
38、女子今有行,大江溯轻舟 。
Women today have a trip, the river back to the boat.
39、无意苦争春,一任群芳妒 。
No intention of bitter struggle for spring, a Ren Qunfang envy.
40、奴为出来难,教君恣意怜 。
It's hard for the slave to come out, and teach you to be merciful.
41、不见合欢花,空倚相思树 。
No Albizia flowers, acacia trees in the air.
42、而今才道当时错,心绪凄迷 。
But now I was wrong at that time, and my mood was sad.
43、断尽愁肠谁会得?哀燕声声 。
Who will get it? The sound of mourning swallows.
44、西风恶 。数声新雁,数声残角 。
The west wind is bad. Count the new geese, count the broken horns.
45、今年瘦,非干病酒,不是悲秋 。
This year, thin, not dry disease wine, not sad autumn.
46、梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦 。
Phoenix tree, rain is not bitter.
47、艳歌余响,绕云萦水 。
After the sound of love songs, clouds and water.
48、情不知所起,一往而深 。
I don't know where I'm going.
49、绝顶茅庵里,老衲正孤吟 。
In the top mao'an, I am singing alone.
50、楼空人去,旧游飞燕能说 。
If you go to the sky, you can say it.
51、赤兔无人用,当须吕布骑 。
There is no one to use the red rabbit.
52、同心一人去,坐觉长安空 。
Go with one heart and feel the sky of Chang'an.
53、一唱都护歌,心摧泪如雨 。
A song to protect the song, the heart tears like rain.
54、池花春映日,窗竹夜鸣秋 。
The spring flowers in the pond reflect the sun, and the bamboo Windows sing in the autumn at night.
55、昔在零陵厌,神器若无依 。
Once upon a time in Lingling, I was tired of it.
56、怀春情不断,犹带相思旧子 。
With constant spring feeling, I still miss my old son.
57、谁料同心结不成,翻就相思结 。
Who expected concentric knot, turn on Acacia knot.
58、山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹 。
The mountain is far away, the sky is high, the misty water is cold, Acacia maple leaf Dan.
59、独上高楼,望尽天涯路 。
Alone on the high-rise, looking to the end of the world road.
60、洞庭叶未下,潇湘秋欲生 。
The leaves of Dongting are not falling, and Xiaoxiang is ready to grow in autumn.
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