
1、往往越是透明的东西,我们越看不透 。
The more transparent things are, the more we can't see through.
2、让你一个人走,泪在我心里流过的痛 。
Let you go alone, tears in my heart flow pain.
3、可以华丽的转身,不让看见落下的泪 。
Can gorgeous turn around, do not let see the tears fall.
4、你问问你的佛,能渡苦厄,何不渡我 。
Ask your Buddha, can cross the pain, why not to cross me.
5、心冷后的殷勤,是我最不需要的东西 。
The hospitality after cold heart is the least I need.
6、有时,你不是迷茫,你只是优柔寡断 。
Sometimes, you are not confused, you are just indecisive.
7、别给我脸色看,你的脸又不是调色盘 。
Don't show me the face. Your face is not a palette.
8、谁都可以没有谁,而生活总是会继续 。
No one can have anyone, and life will always continue.
9、你绝情的时候,是我最需要你的时候 。
When you are in a desperate situation, it's the time I need you most.
Don't say I'm good, I'm fine. Why don't you?
11、谁能从不犯错,谁在爱情中没有罪过 。
Who can never make mistakes, who has no sin in love.
12、回不去的记忆总是在生活中汹涌叫嚣 。
Memories that can't go back are always clamouring in life.
13、要习惯两个人的世界,一个人的生活 。
Be used to the world of two people, one person's life.
14、是不是对你太好,你就觉得我没脾气 。
If it's too good for you, you think I'm not in a good mood.
15、别让你在爱里逞强,得到的却是伤感 。
Don't let you be strong in love, but you get sad.
16、无论爱或者不爱,都和你没有关系了 。
Whether you love or not, it doesn't matter to you.
17、过往已不重要,过去式不需要再留恋 。
The past is no longer important, and the past style does not need to be nostalgic.
18、我羡慕她,她拥有的,是我得不到的 。
I envy her, she has, is I can not get.
19、深夜,是有心事的人,最孤独的时刻 。
Late at night, is the person with the heart, the lonely moment.
20、谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着 。
Who pale my waiting, satirized my persistence.
21、习惯孤单,只是因为还没等到对的人 。
Used to be lonely, just because of the people who haven't waited for the right.
22、我不会软弱到陷在那种记忆里出不来 。
I will not be weak enough to be stuck in that memory.
23、你是孤岛,而我是永远上不了岸的潮 。
You are an island, and I will never get on the shore.
24、你要很幸福,才不枉费我狼狈的退出 。
You need to be happy, and I will not waste my awkward exit.
25、只要有你在,我就可以连寂寞都不怕 。
As long as you are, I can not even be afraid of loneliness.
26、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华 。
Thank you for your smile. I have been in a hurry.
27、爱一个人,无缘在一起,那就放手吧 。
Love a person, no chance together, let go.
【伤心的英文句子带翻译】From the new point of view, if you are unlucky, you should try to replace it!
29、时间不会再从来做过的选择不会再改 。
Time will never be changed again.
30、如果,舍不得,放不下,那就痛苦吧 。
If, give up, can not put down, then pain.
31、你幸福就好,何必在我面前不停炫耀 。
You are happy, why not stop showing off in front of me.
32、离开我的人,我只想说你并非我绝配 。
The one who left me just wanted to say you were not my best match.
33、新鲜过后变冷淡,嘴里还说着我没变 。
After the fresh, it became cold and cold, and I said in my mouth that I didn't change.
34、真想停下来歇一歇,怎奈岁月如流水 。
I really want to stop and have a rest. But years are like water.
You said you were afraid of me leaving, so now?
36、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已 。
I have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.
I only laugh very happy, sad can not be seen through!
38、我就是一个傻子,一个痴情的傻孩子 。
I am a fool, a silly child.
39、看着电视剧里的情怀,我忍不住哭了 。
I couldn't help crying watching the feelings in the TV series.
40、就是因为失去了,才会觉得心有不甘 。
It is because of the loss that I feel unhappy.
41、即使是离开 。也是要记挂着彼此的好 。
Even if it's leaving. Also remember each other's good.
42、有些事,不是不想了,而是回不去了 。
Some things, not not not not to think, but to go back.
I just want to ask you, if I turn back, are you still there?
44、这位帅哥,你长得好像我下一位男友 。
You look like my next boyfriend, this handsome guy.
45、既然留不住我的心,请不要怪我花心 。
Since I can't keep my heart, please don't blame me for my flower heart.
46、我们把世界看错,反说它欺骗了我们 。
We mistake the world and say it deceives us.
47、我的执着,永远得不到你的一次心疼 。
My persistence, never get your one heartache.
48、那些半路离开的人,就不要在惦记了 。
Those who leave half way, don't think about it.
49、你给的伤害,把我的天真彻底粉粹了 。
The harm you gave, I completely pulverized my innocence.
50、尽力爱过的人,分开之后反而更坦荡 。
The people who try to love are more open after separation.
51、有些朋友很假,当面讨好,背后捅刀 。
Some friends are very fake, please face to face, stabbing in the back.
52、不碰了好像忘了,恐惧却在脑海住着 。
Don't touch it as if I forget, but fear is in my mind.
53、我会在夜里很伤感,想你的每分每秒 。
I'll be sad at night, thinking about your every minute and second.
54、黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的 。
Black is convergent, gloomy, and hard to ponder.
55、秘密终究被掩盖在过往,见不到阳光 。
The secret was eventually hidden in the past, and the sun could not be seen.
56、世界如此之大、却没有我的容身之处 。
The world is so big, but there is no place for me.
57、拥有了太多的故事,但是都没有后来 。
There are too many stories, but they have not been later.
58、离开,或许就是对我生命的最好诠释 。
Leaving, perhaps, is the best interpretation of my life.
59、走过青春的夏天,谁还记得曾是哪年 。
Through the summer of youth, who still remember the year.
60、靠手机电脑联系的感情,机械又脆弱 。
The feeling of computer connection by mobile phone is fragile.
61、旧爱就像冬夜里的冷风刺骨难以忘怀 。
Old love is like the cold wind in winter night.
62、有本事任性的女人,也会有本事坚强 。
Women with the ability to do things and willfulness will also have the ability to be strong.
63、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂 。
With a glass of water, face the complexity of a lifetime.
64、我总有一天,会坚强到让所有人心疼 。
I will be strong enough one day to make everyone feel hurt.
65、十指紧紧的相扣,也总有一天会分开 。
Ten fingers are tightly clasped, and they will be separated one day.
66、十年之前,我不认识你,你不属于我 。
Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't belong to me.
67、你像冷风像烈酒,能让我哭的像条狗 。
You are like cold wind like wine, can make me cry like a dog.
68、你说你喜欢我,为什么让我这么难过 。
You said you like me, why make me so sad.
69、故事不难讲,四个字概括,爱而不得 。
The story is not difficult to tell, four words are summarized, love but not.
70、原来黎明的起点,就在我们的心里面 。
The beginning of the dawn is in our hearts.
71、没有为你伤春悲秋,所以不配有憾事 。
I don't hurt the spring and autumn for you, so I don't deserve to regret.
72、假如生活出卖了我,我希望是论斤卖 。
If life betrays me, I hope it is about Jin.
73、这个城市好大,大的我再也遇不见你 。
This city is so big that I can't meet you again.
74、你累成这样还不愿意睡 。还想讨好谁 。
You are tired and you are not willing to sleep. Who else would like to please.
75、时光的轮子转了,却也把我们转散了 。
The wheel of time turned, but it also scattered us.
76、如果摆脱不了宿命,就任它写错剧情 。
If you can't get rid of the fate, let it write the wrong story.
77、再长的噩梦,也有被晨曦撕碎的时候 。
No longer nightmare, there are also the time to be torn by the morning.
Sprinkle a Acacia red bean, harvest full of happiness in autumn!
79、有一种爱,明知是煎熬,却又躲不开 。
There is a kind of love, knowing that it is suffering, but can not escape.
80、我没有再打扰你,你也没有再想起我 。
I didn't disturb you any more, and you didn't think of me again.
81、有一种疼痛叫眷恋,有一种回忆梦见 。
There is a pain called attachment, there is a kind of memory dream.
82、把依赖变少,期望降低,会过得很好 。
It will be good to reduce dependence and lower expectations.
83、你不珍惜我就会走,即使我很喜欢你 。
You don't cherish me and I will go, even if I like you very much.
