
1、哪怕风,哪怕雨,兄弟有我来陪你 。
Even if the wind, even if the rain, brothers have me to accompany you.
2、多谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心 。
Thank you for your heartless, let me learn to give up.
3、说好的盖世英雄,不过是只虚张声势的野猴子罢了 。
A good hero is just a bluff wild monkey.
4、离开你后,真遗憾,活成了你喜欢的样子,可惜你再也不是我的了 。
After leaving you, it's a pity that you have become what you like. It's a pity that you are no longer mine.
5、没兴趣再去认识谁了,反正到头来都是要走的 。
I'm not interested in meeting anyone. I'm going to leave anyway.
6、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在 。
Why do we always understand at the last moment that our love is long gone.
7、回忆很美也很痛,现在的我们已经成为过去了,各自安好 。
Memories are very beautiful and painful, now we have become the past, each well.
8、以前喝一瓶可乐就能快乐,现在长大了,需要喝五瓶啤酒 。
I used to be happy with a bottle of coke, but now I grow up, I need to drink five bottles of beer.
9、在尘世每个欢乐明亮的时刻,我总那么轻易的就想起你 。
In the world every happy bright moment, I always think of you so easily.
10、化了妆有什么用,不还不是遮不住你的丑陋 。
What's the use of make-up? No, it's not that you can't hide your ugliness.
11、我便是桃花有心开,也要你枝繁叶茂足够担当 。
I am a peach blossom, and I want you to be full of branches and leaves.
12、你对谁不这样,跟我讲什么特别 。
Who are you not? Tell me something special.
13、我吸烟吸到恶心,也没有人从我手中夺过烟抱着我说心疼 。
I smoke to disgust, and no one took the cigarette from my hand, holding me said heartache.
14、无论我们最后生疏到什么样子,但请记住曾经对你好都是真的 。
No matter how unfamiliar we are at last, please remember that it was true to you.
15、先飞的都不是笨鸟,只有笨鸟才不肯先飞 。
The first to fly are not stupid birds, only stupid birds will not fly first.
16、太上佛尘迎俗世,你做伞底有缘人,若得你一生不弃 。
If you are destined to be a person at the bottom of your umbrella, you will never give up.
17、谁把谁的明媚尽收眼底、谁把谁的难过感同身受 。
Who can see who's beautiful and who can feel who's sad.
18、能把感情这东西嚼碎了咽下去,你就是王 。
If you can chew up the feelings and swallow them down, you are the king.
19、喜欢你就是,烦的时候谁都不想理,只想你陪在身边 。
Like you is, when annoyed, who do not want to pay attention to, just want you to accompany in the side.
20、这故事若拿来下酒,应该比酒还苦 。
If this story is used to serve wine, it should be more bitter than wine.
21、又一天过去了,今天过的怎么样啊?梦想是不是更远了 。
Another day passed. How was your day? The dream is not further.
22、我希望我的人民币可以相亲相爱,然后生很多小人民币 。
I hope my RMB can love each other, and then produce a lot of small RMB.
23、你必须承认,身边总有一些朋友的笑声比笑话还好笑 。
You have to admit that there are always friends who laugh more than jokes.
24、该来的总会来,该走的也无法挽留 。
What should come will come, and what should go cannot be retained.
25、今天的月色真美,风也温柔 。
The moon is beautiful today, and the wind is gentle.
26、我和你,看上去两三步的距离,也许一辈子都走不完 。
You and I seem to be two or three steps away, maybe we can't finish our whole life.
27、如果我退回到好朋友的位置,你也就不需要为难成这样子 。
If I go back to being a good friend, you don't have to be like this.
28、人总是这样,终于到了懂得珍惜的年纪,却偏偏什么都走散了 。
People are always like this, finally to know how to cherish the age, but just what are scattered.
29、今天天气好晴朗,心情也不赖,美美哒上班啦,又是充实的一天 。
Today's weather is fine and sunny, and I'm in a good mood. It's a full day for Meimei to go to work.
30、尽力爱过的人,分开之后反而更坦荡 。
People who have loved as much as possible are more magnanimous after separation.
31、生活疲倦了,也不影响你重温自己的梦 。
Tired life does not affect you to relive your dreams.
32、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的 。
Don't lose confidence. As long as you persevere, there will be results.
33、做一个有质感的女孩:读书旅游,早睡早起;美丽典雅,自强独立 。
To be a girl with texture: reading, traveling, going to bed early and getting up early; beautiful and elegant, self-improvement and independence.
34、希望你不亏欠每一分热情,也不讨好每一份冷漠,做最好的自己 。
I hope you don't owe every bit of enthusiasm, nor please every indifference, to be the best of yourself.
35、看似没心没肺,大大咧咧的女孩,只不过是把所有的温柔留给值得去爱的人 。
Seemingly heartless, careless girl, just leave all the tenderness to the one who is worth loving.
36、满是皱纹的脸上慢慢地绽开了笑容,那是喜悦的笑,激动的笑,会心的笑 。
Full of wrinkles on the face slowly opened a smile, that is a happy smile, excited smile, knowing smile.
37、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说 。
I want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.
38、想想光头强,想想辉泰朗,在想想汤姆猫,我有什么理由放弃 。
Think about bareheaded strong, think about Hui Tailang, think about Tom cat, I have no reason to give up.
You have broken my heart. When will you disturb my bed?
40、什么是多余,冬天的棉袄,夏天的蒲扇,等我心冷后你的殷勤 。
What is redundant, winter's cotton padded jacket, summer's PU fan, wait for my heart cold after your hospitality.
41、人们会放弃,常常不是因为难度问题,往往是因为,不再值得继续下去 。
People give up, often not because of difficulty, but because it's no longer worth continuing.
42、没想到,连回忆也如此不堪,莪只剩思念旳权利 。
Did not expect, even memories are so bad, I only miss the right.
43、对科学家来说,不可逾越的原则是为人类文明而工作 。
For scientists, the insurmountable principle is to work for human civilization.
44、眼泪滑落,幸福走了 。从此以后,各自天涯 。
Tears fall, happiness is gone. From then on, their respective ends of the world.
45、有钱才敢做最真实的自己,没钱只能做别人喜欢的自己 。
Only those who have money dare to be the most real themselves. If they have no money, they can only do what others like.
46、谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难 。
Those who do not look forward will face many difficulties.
47、早点睡吧,你喜欢的人可能已经抱着别人睡着了 。
Go to bed early. Someone you like may have fallen asleep with someone else.
48、你心里住了一个不可能的人,所以你喜欢不上别人 。
You have an impossible person in your heart, so you don't like others.
【英文短句朋友圈说说】49、其实我们都一样,想回头但又怕重蹈覆辙 。
In fact, we are all the same. We want to look back, but we are afraid of repeating the same mistakes.
50、也许你只是我生命里的一个过客,我的世界留不住你 。
Maybe you are just a passer-by in my life, my world can't keep you.
