1、乌黑的眼珠,像像算盘珠儿似的滴溜溜乱转 。
Black eyes, like abacus beads like dribble around.
2、娇美可爱的月季花仰着粉红的小脸羞涩的微笑 。
The charming and lovely rose flowers are smiling with a shy little pink face.
3、春天戴着花冠,披着绿裳,踏着彩霞,兴致勃勃地到来了 。
In spring, wearing corolla, green clothes and rosy clouds, we arrived with great interest.
We are the flowers of the motherland, teachers are hard gardeners!
5、太白星像有人小心地擎着走的蜡烛一般,悄悄地闪烁着出现在天空上面 。
Like someone carefully holding a walking candle, Taibai star appears in the sky quietly and flickering.
6、冬爷爷送走了大地的严寒,春姑娘踏着轻盈的脚步来到了人间 。
Grandpa winter sent away the cold of the earth, and girl spring came to the world with light steps.
7、要感谢给你提意见的人,他使你成熟;要感谢给你造困境的人,他使你坚强 。
Thank those who give you advice, who make you mature; thank those who make you difficult, who make you strong.
8、那椰子树叶像长长的羽毛一样,有风时树影婆娑,没风时也飘逸秀美 。
The coconut leaves are like long feathers. When there is a wind, the shadows of the trees are whirling. When there is no wind, they are elegant and beautiful.
9、一个人的生活就像童话,只是没有王子,我也不是公主 。
A person's life is like a fairy tale, but there is no prince, and I am not a princess.
10、圆圆的月亮,像个玉盘,镶在满天星斗之间 。
The round moon, like a jade plate, is inlaid among the stars.
11、暖暖的春风,像哈哈哈手,轻轻地抚摸着小姑娘的脸 。
Warm spring wind, like mother's hand, gently stroked the little girl's face.
12、蒲公英这带绒毛的种子在空中飞飞扬扬地飘着,好像是在向秋天告别 。
Dandelion, the fluffy seed, fluttered in the air as if to say goodbye to autumn.
13、温暖的春风吹化了残雪,吹绿了树枝,吹蓝了天空,吹得河水也泛起了笑容 。
The warm spring wind melted the snow, greened the branches, blued the sky and made the river smile.
14、要留下人生足迹,就必须一步一个脚印;要少走人生弯路,就必须三思而行 。
To leave footprints in life, we must step by step; to avoid detours in life, we must think twice.
15、奶奶两鬓斑白,可她仍然容光焕发 。
Grandma has white temples, but she is still radiant.
16、小小的迎春花,她虽然不像牡丹月季那样娇美动人,惹人喜爱,但她朴实勇敢 。
Small jasmine, although she is not as charming and charming as Peony Rose, but she is simple and brave.
17、桂林的山真秀啊,像翠绿的屏障,像新生的竹笋,色彩明丽,倒映水中 。
Guilin's mountains are so beautiful, like green barriers, like new bamboo shoots, bright colors, reflecting the water.
18、贡献是爱心,勇于付出,你一定会收到不测之外的捐赠 。
Contribution is love, dare to give, you will receive unexpected donations.
19、田野里,青蛙的叫声连成一片,呱呱呱、呱呱呱 。
In the field, the frog's call is continuous, quack quack, quack quack.
20、只有自己种,才有吃不完的菜 。只有努力学习才能考好期末考 。
Only if you plant your own food can you have endless food. Only by studying hard can we get a good final exam.
21、一个人做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事 。
It's not difficult for a person to do a good thing. What's difficult is to do a good thing all his life and not do a bad thing.
22、迈开脚步,再长的路也不在话下;停滞不前,再短的路也难以到达 。
Step forward, no matter how long the road is, no matter how short it is, it is hard to get there.
23、环形路上,一座座立交桥犹如道道彩虹 。
On the ring road, overpasses are like rainbow roads.
24、一束束灯光照着她,长长的城墙和美丽的角楼倒映在河面上,银光闪闪,十分动人 。
A beam of light shone on her. The long wall and the beautiful turret were reflected on the river. The silver light was shining, very moving.
25、春天悄悄地走了,她给大地播下了美丽和希望的种子 。
Spring has gone quietly, and she has planted the seeds of beauty and hope for the earth.
26、她的一头秀发是深色的,像丝质似的光润,走起路来富有弹性地飘动着 。
Her hair was dark, silky and smooth, and she walked elastically.
27、春天的夜晚,淡月笼纱,娉娉婷婷 。有风拂过脸颊,掠起长发 。
Spring night, light moon cage yarn, Ping Tingting. The wind swept my face and my hair.
28、早上推开房门,只见地上的积雪已经一尺多厚了 。
Pushing open the door in the morning, I saw that the snow on the ground was more than a foot thick.
29、这里的山海,是藏在深闺的少女,有难以自弃的天生丽质 。
The mountain and sea here is a girl hiding in a boudoir, with a natural beauty that can't be abandoned.
30、知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威 。
Cicadas keep on barking in their hair, like cheering for the hot sun.
31、我们一边唱歌一边跳舞 。我一边扫地一边与同学说话 。
We sang and danced. I was sweeping the floor and talking to my classmates.
32、暮春时节,正是满树的花吐蕊飘香的时候,那四溢的清香,的确令人陶醉 。
In late spring, it is the time when the flowers of the trees are full of blossom and fragrance. The overflowing fragrance is really intoxicating.
33、细雨像微尘般地飘着,湖边的杨柳像新浴出来的少女的头发,滴着晶莹的水珠 。
The drizzle is floating like dust, the willows by the lake are like the hair of a newly bathed girl, dripping with crystal clear water.
34、我沐浴在大自然的怀抱中,让柔和的晚风轻抚着鬓角,吹去一切郁闷和烦恼 。
I bathed in the embrace of nature, let the soft evening breeze caress the sideburns, blow away all depression and trouble.
35、我感觉小鸟很不自由,笼子不是它的家,大自然才是小鸟的家 。
I feel the bird is not free, the cage is not its home, nature is the bird's home.
36、春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦 。
In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its big warm hand, which makes people feel comfortable.
37、星空倒映在这汹涌的海面上,便随波上下跳舞,时现时灭 。
When the stars are reflected on the rough sea, they dance up and down with the waves. They are now gone.
38、阳春三月,沉睡了一冬的银梨树被蒙蒙细雨淋醒 。
In March, the silver pear tree that had been sleeping for a whole winter was awakened by the drizzle.
39、淘气的小星星在蓝幽幽的夜空划出一道金色的弧光,像织女抛出一道锦线 。
Naughty little stars in the blue and quiet night sky draw a golden arc, like a weaver girl throwing a brocade line.
40、美丽是平凡的,平凡得让你感觉不到她的存在;美丽是平淡的 。
Beauty is ordinary, ordinary so that you can not feel her existence; beauty is plain.
41、血色的花朵,如慓悍的人生宣言,氤氲着一如榴火般热烈的豪情 。
The blood colored flowers, like the fierce declaration of life, are full of warm feelings like a grenade.
42、满天红云,满海金波,红日像一炉沸腾的钢水,喷薄而出,金光耀眼 。
The sky is full of red clouds, the sea is full of gold waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, which is spewing out, and the gold is shining.
43、整个北京城变成了灯的海洋,光的世界 。
The whole city of Beijing has become a sea of lights, a world of light.
44、布谷鸟在春天的舞台上,奏响了一支美妙动听的乐曲 。
Cuckoo in the spring stage, played a wonderful music.
45、月亮默默的从江心升起来了,圆圆的、亮晶晶的,好像一个银盘 。
The moon rises silently from the center of the river, round and bright, like a silver plate.
46、水直晃荡,三个妈妈走走停停,胳膊都痛了,腰也酸了 。
The water was sloshing straight. The three mothers walked and stopped. Their arms hurt and their waists were sore.
47、一个个红石榴就像一个个小姑娘可爱的笑脸,躲在树枝间 。
One by one pomegranate is like a little girl's lovely smile, hiding among the branches.
48、迎着和煦的春风,青蛙打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰,走出家门 。
In the warm spring breeze, the frog yawned, stretched and walked out of the house.
49、人飘然而至,所有沉睡的种子,都可以在这里孕育,并赋予生命一种变换的姿态 。
When people come here, all the sleeping seeds can be gestated here and give life a changing attitude.
50、太阳慢慢地透过云霞,露出了早已胀得通红的脸庞,像一个害羞的小娘张望着大地 。
【英语优美的句子】The sun slowly passes through the clouds, revealing a face that has already been red, like a shy little girl looking at the earth.
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