1、好想搂着你的腰,从此快乐又逍遥 。
I really want to hold your waist, happy and carefree from now on.
2、只有你,是如此自然的让我动心 。
Only you, is so natural let me move.
3、就算月光在唯美,也改变不了硪对迩的情 。
Even if the moonlight is beautiful, it can't change my love for you.
4、山有木兮卿有意,昨夜清晨恰似你 。
The mountain has Mu Xi Qing's intention. It was like you last morning.
5、如果余生是你,那么我希望余生快点开始 。
If it's you for the rest of my life, then I hope the rest of my life will start soon.
6、你是我嘴角,上扬的力量 。
You are the corner of my mouth, the power to rise.
Wait for your concern, until I close my heart!
8、天冷了有什么事,请到我被窝里说吧 。
If it's cold, please tell me in my bed.
I fell in love with you, so you have to choose from me!
10、忙起来的时候,感觉全世界都是你的 。
When you are busy, you feel like the whole world is yours.
11、星光落入你眼里,而你落在我心里 。
Stars fall into your eyes, and you fall in my heart.
12、制定一个目标,给你一辈子的守护 。
Set a goal and give you a lifetime of protection.
13、为了你,我连自由都不想要了 。
I don't even want freedom for you.
I want to give you happiness, who stopped, I give him desperate!
15、全世界,我只为你独唱小情歌 。
All over the world, I only sing a little love song for you.
16、我好想你,第一句是假的,第二句也是假的 。
I miss you so much, the first sentence is false, the second sentence is also false.
17、你的笑容总是在我脑海中,让我难忘 。
Your smile is always in my mind, let me unforgettable.
18、要和你情窦初开,也要和你两鬓斑白 。
I want to be in love with you, but also with you.
19、我想你了,有飞机起飞那么响 。
I miss you. It's as loud as a plane taking off.
【表达爱意的英文短句】20、我喜欢你,你就是这个世界最有排面的仔 。
I like you. You're the best noodle maker in the world.
21、要不要牵手,待会就要到家了哦 。
Do you want to hold hands? I'll be home soon.
22、我只是个仙女,为什么要让我干这些 。
I'm just a fairy. Why should I do this.
23、愿陪你吃饭的人,酸甜苦辣都爱吃 。
Those who are willing to accompany you to eat will enjoy the sweetness, bitterness and bitterness.
24、说不出动人的情话,我只想跟你回家 。
I just want to go home with you.
25、我喜欢夏天的雨,雨后的光,任何时候的你 。
I like the summer rain, the light after the rain, any time you.
26、世上最幸福的工作,就是做你的专职爱人 。
The happiest job in the world is to be your full-time lover.
27、希望你接受我这个小祸害不退不换 。
I hope you will accept me as a little evil.
28、喜欢是为了得到,而爱却是为了付出 。
Like is to get, but love is to pay.
29、好好生活认真爱你,不早不晚刚好是你 。
Live a good life, love you, no sooner or later, it's just you.
30、亲爱的,我爱你,一生不变 。
Honey, I love you for a lifetime.
31、怪我藏不住喜欢,黑眼圈都在对你表白 。
Blame me can't hide like, black eye circles are in the confession to you.
32、你在我后半生的城市里,长生不老 。
You're in my city for the rest of my life.
33、我比昨天多爱你一点,又比明天少一点 。
I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
34、想在你怀里晒太阳,想你就抬起头喵一声 。
If you want to bask in your arms, you will raise your head and meow.
35、我不用胭脂,脸却为你而红 。
I don't need rouge, but my face is red for you.
36、如果你是山,我愿是小河,我绕你 。
If you are a mountain, I would like to be a river and I will walk around you.
37、喜欢你是无心之举,但娶你是梦寐以求 。
Like you is unintentional, but marry you is a dream.
38、你若屠刀放下,我便与你成佛不假 。
If you put down the butcher's knife, I will become a Buddha with you.
39、爱,没有什么道理,爱就爱了 。
Love, there is no reason, love is love.
40、等你确定了自己的心,再来找我 。
When you have confirmed your heart, come to me.
41、月无光 。星隐耀 。满天空飞雪 。故人何处?
The moon has no light. The stars are shining. The sky is full of snow. Where are my old friends?
42、真好啊,忍不住想对这世界再温柔一些 。
It's so nice to be gentle with the world.
43、说星星很亮的人,一定没见过你的眼睛 。
People who say the stars are bright have never seen your eyes.
44、我的世界不允许你消失,不管结局是否完美 。
My world won't allow you to disappear, whether the ending is perfect or not.
45、这世上所有的久处不厌,都是因为用心 。
All the time in this world is because of the heart.
My heart has been sent, please sign with love!
47、今夜星光月夜皆归你,我也归你 。
Tonight, the stars and the moon are all yours, so am I.
48、爱你如初是假的,因为我一天比一天更爱你 。
It is false to love you as before, because I love you more and more day by day.
49、我想拥抱,彻夜聊天,还想接吻 。
I want to hug, chat all night, and kiss.
50、我不喜欢世界,我只喜欢你 。
I don't like the world, I just like you.
51、周遭满是欢喜,我只顾着心疼 。
The whole situation is full of joy, I only care about heartache.
52、不能给你最好的,但可以陪你到老 。
Can not give you the best, but can accompany you to the old.
No marriage, no marriage!
54、刚才我趁你不注意,喜欢了你一下 。
I liked you a little while ago when you weren't paying attention.
55、春风十里不如你,梦里梦外来爱你 。
Spring breeze ten li is not as good as you, dream outside love you.
56、大家好,这个是自愿听我讲废话的男人 。
Hello, everyone. This is a man who voluntarily listens to my nonsense.
57、这份礼物,真的是让人又惊又喜 。
This gift is really amazing and gratifying.
58、你如此迷人,你让我快乐 。
You are so charming, you make me happy.
59、她来过一阵子,我却怀念一辈子 。
She came here for a while, but I miss it all my life.
60、哪怕是清水,和你在一起,都是有滋味的 。
Even if it is water, and you are together, there is a taste.
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