1、柠檬有暖人的黄色 , 但内心一片酸涩 。
Lemon has a warm yellow, but a sour heart.
2、若能表达 , 爱也好 , 恨也罢 , 都是一件快乐的事 。
If you can express it, love or hate is a happy thing.
3、傻傻的爱着你 , 不知道现在是不是该放弃你 。
Silly love you, do not know whether to give up you now.
4、如果不开心 , 就来找我 , 我来给你肩膀和依靠 。
If you are not happy, come to me and I will give you shoulder and support.
5、终于 , 你以爱的名义 , 把我伤的遍体鳞伤 。
Finally, you in the name of love, I hurt all over the body.
6、怪我死缠烂打 , 束缚了你 , 也苦了自己 。
Blame me for pestering you and suffering yourself.
7、时间久了 , 我是不是就不重要了 。
【关于爱情的句子伤感英文句子】After a long time, it doesn't matter if I am.
8、我看到了他的心 , 演的全是他和她的电影!
I saw his heart and played all his and her movies!
9、此生此忆生死忆 , 此忆此生忆今生 。
This life, this memory of life and death, this memory of this life, the memory of this life.
10、是斟酌的话都不说、忍着情绪不重播 。
It is the deliberate words do not say, endure the mood not to repeat.
11、失去了就失去了、我无所谓了 。
If you lose it, you lose it. I don't care.
12、若不是爱得那么深刻 , 我何必认真 。
If I don't love so deeply, why should I be serious.
13、如今的我们 , 就只是个熟悉的陌生人了 。
Now we are just a familiar stranger.
14、红晕 , 翡翠 , 深红 , 撑起一片光艳暖人的晴空 。
Red, emerald, crimson, holding up a brilliant warm sunny sky.
15、想离开那个曾让我伤心的地方 , 最终却逃不掉 。
Want to leave that once let me sad place, but finally can't escape.
16、终于我认输 , 我把我所有伤痛 , 磨成给你的祝福 。
Finally, I give up, I put all my pain, grinding into a blessing for you.
17、寂寞的房 , 灯光别开的太亮 , 到夜晚更无处躲藏 。
Lonely room, light do not open too bright, to the night there is no place to hide.
18、如果你是青蛙 。我愿意做那只为你奔波的丑小鸭 。
If you're a frog. I would like to be the ugly duckling running for you.
19、谁能在我离开的日子 , 每天对我说一句我想你 。
Who can say I miss you every day when I leave.
20、但愿你想回头的时候 , 我还在原地等你 。
I hope when you want to look back, I'm still waiting for you.
21、原来长大了也会哭 , 只是哭的理由不一样罢了 。
It turns out that when I grow up, I will cry for different reasons.
22、成全也不是一种美德 , 拒绝也不是一种界过 。
Success is not a virtue, nor is rejection a boundary.
23、别让眼泪灼伤了你的脸 , 你的左眼很好看 。
Don't let tears burn your face, your left eye is very good.
24、悲伤的旋律还在一遍一遍地重复着 , 继续着 。
The sad melody is still repeated over and over and continues.
25、你的离去带走了我所有无法挽留的爱恋 。
Your departure took away all the love I couldn't keep.
26、你为他放下一身骄傲 , 他却连你爱他都假装不知道 。
You put down your pride for him, but he even pretends not to know that you love him.
27、非常感谢上天在最好的时候 , 给予了我一丝繁华 。
Thank God very much for giving me a trace of prosperity at the best time.
28、你的快乐、我怎么也不能分享 。
I can't share your happiness.
29、若不是情到深处难自禁 , 又怎会柔情百转冷如霜 。
If it is not difficult to control the deep feelings, then how can the tender feelings turn cold like frost.
30、执笔写下关于爱情如花的文字 , 却每一页都是伤痕 。
Write down the words about love like flowers, but every page is scar.
31、最后爱上抽烟 , 喜欢喝酒 , 就是不会再拥抱爱情 。
Finally love smoking, like drinking, is not to embrace love.
32、有没有人和我一样 , 总是用酒精麻醉那受伤的心 。
Is there anyone like me, always use alcohol anesthesia that hurt heart.
33、嘴角上扬看着你装逼 , 比揭穿你更有意思 。
It's more interesting to look at you with your mouth up than to expose you.
34、老天给你关上一扇门 , 就会给你打开一扇窗 。
God closed a door for you, will open a window for you.
35、人家的脑子起码还会短路 , 我连电源都没有 。
I don't even have a power supply.
36、生活就是这样 , 要么过 , 要么难过 。
Life is like this, either live or sad.
37、风景再美 , 没有你 , 如何称作为风景 。
No matter how beautiful the scenery is, how to call it a scenery without you.
38、在心破碎之前 , 请先让它回到原点 。
Before the heart breaks, please let it go back to the origin.
39、我怕别人喜欢上你 , 更怕你喜欢上别人 。
I'm afraid that others like you, but I'm afraid you like others.
40、抱歉 , 你只是我利用的工具之一 , 没什么重要的 。
I'm sorry, but you're just one of the tools I use. It doesn't matter.
41、人总要长大 。也许是外界原因 。也许是自己所为 。
People always grow up. Maybe it's external. Maybe it's your own.
42、我会一直等你 , 即使已经没有再等下去的理由 。
I will always wait for you, even if there is no reason to wait any longer.
43、你带走我的思念 , 却没说抱歉 。
You take away my missing, but don't say sorry.
44、在妳心中是如此的渺小 , 渺小的快要隐形 。
In your heart is so small, small will be invisible.
45、你明天就忘了我 , 而我慢慢习惯没你 。
You'll forget me tomorrow, and I'll get used to not having you.
46、你认识了一个人 , 然后你的人生就永远改变了 。
You know someone, and your life changes forever.
47、心累了 , 就用沉默沉静取代一切 。
Heart tired, with silence instead of everything.
48、还有谁能给我温暖 , 你们都离开了 。
Who else can give me warmth, you all left.
49、原来我们的相遇只是为了一场无人观的离别 。
It turns out that our meeting is just for a parting of no one to watch.
50、我最在乎的是 , 你从头到尾都没有相信我 。
What I care about most is that you don't believe me from the beginning to the end.
51、我拿你当成命 , 你却当我有病 。
I take you as my life, but you think I'm sick.
52、宝贝 , 别让眼泪遮蔽掉你眼睛的光芒 。
Baby, don't let tears cover your eyes.
53、树叶黄了 , 就要掉了 , 被风吹了 , 找不到了 。
The leaves are yellow and will fall off. They are blown by the wind and can't be found.
54、我们不是不敢爱 , 只是怕受伤害 。
We are not afraid to love, just afraid of being hurt.
55、宁可高傲到发霉 , 也不要死缠到发疯 。
It's better to be arrogant and moldy than to be crazy.
56、如果时光能够快进 , 我真想去未来看看我们的结局 。
If the time can fast forward, I really want to go to the future to see our end.
57、如果今后再也不见 , 那么祝你早安 , 午安 , 晚安 。
If I never see you again, good morning, good afternoon and good night.
58、那些一起做过的曾经 , 图留我一个人厮守 。
Those who have done together, figure to stay with me alone.
59、我还是那样的爱你 , 就像你那么爱他一样 。
I still love you as much as you love him.
60、心痛了 , 累了 , 孤单了 , 蹲下来 , 抱抱自己 。
Heartache, tired, lonely, squat down, embrace themselves.
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