1、你无人能解的孤寂,用此生来作陪 。
You can't solve the loneliness, with this life to accompany.
Don't care about the result, it's important to have fought!
3、不让自己那么忧伤,所以抑制双重性格 。
Don't let yourself be so sad, so suppress the dual character.
4、那段情,你忘记了既没有人会再想起 。
That love, you forget, no one will remember.
5、你不努力,怎么对得起看不起你的狗 。
If you don't work hard, you can't look down on your dog.
6、言不由衷,是我想爱你却不能爱的痛 。
Insincerity is the pain that I want to love you but can't love.
7、幸福就像烟火,那么美,却那么短暂 。
Happiness is like fireworks, so beautiful, but so short.
8、只想安静的生活,安静到谁都遗忘我 。
Just want a quiet life, quiet to everyone forget me.
9、宁愿承认自己庸俗,也不愿承认孤独 。
I would rather admit that I am vulgar than lonely.
10、我们分开了,留下的只有时间和回忆 。
We separated, leaving only time and memories.
11、我慢热,且不长情,只因为你没来 。
I'm slow and I'm not in love because you didn't come.
12、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承诺 。
There is no old oath, no unchangeable commitment.
13、电影开场,我们的爱情却已散场 。
At the beginning of the movie, our love is over.
14、适可而止的放弃,至少不会输的太狼狈 。
Enough to give up, at least won't lose too embarrassed.
15、我会试着放下往事,管它过去有多美 。
I'll try to put the past behind me, no matter how beautiful it was.
16、不要为了旧的悲伤,而留下新的眼泪 。
Don't leave new tears for the old sorrow.
17、你若不爱我,就每天别来触摸我的心 。
If you don't love me, don't touch my heart every day.
18、此后我当司南一生,伴君两人一马 。
After that, I became a Sinan all my life, accompanying you two people and one horse.
19、被风吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间 。
The thoughts scattered by the wind, rolling up unruly time.
20、真爱虽然不会缺席,但始终会迟到 。
Although true love will not be absent, it will always be late.
21、难以挥去的,内心深处的那抹忧伤 。
It's hard to shake away the sadness in my heart.
22、你永远是我的定格,而我只是你的过客 。
You are always my stop frame, and I am just your passer-by.
23、能不能多一丝感动,能不能多一丝爱 。
Can more than a silk touch, can more than a silk of love.
24、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程 。
Growth is the process of turning your crying into silence.
25、别难过了,又不是你一个人爱而不得 。
Don't be sad. It's not you who love you.
26、总有一些话,每次听见,心脏就很疼 。
There are always some words that hurt my heart every time I hear them.
27、我把你当做氧气,你却当我是空气 。
I take you as oxygen, but you think I am air.
A city, a love, a person, life pain!
29、再明媚不入你眼,再痴心不敌流年 。
No matter how bright and beautiful you are, you will never be infatuated with fleeting time.
30、最后,你是你,我是我,回到终点 。
Finally, you are you, I am me, back to the end.
31、我泪流满面的时候,何曾有人安慰过我 。
When I was in tears, who ever comforted me.
32、在想他到想哭的时候、抬起头拼命的笑 。
When I miss him to cry, I raise my head and laugh desperately.
33、囚禁我的,是一个人的名字 。可笑吧 。
I was imprisoned by a name. Funny.
34、如果值得,我会不负一切代价去争取 。
If it is worth it, I will fight for it at all costs.
35、假装微笑,可微笑里的痛,谁看得见 。
Pretend to smile, but the pain in the smile, who can see.
36、老娘心里全是你,你怎么舍得我难过 。
My mother's heart is full of you. How can you make me sad.
37、此地伤心不能道,目下离离长春草 。
There is no way to grieve here. Under my eyes, I leave Catharanthus roseus.
38、当泪落尽的时候,心也会跟着落尽 。
When the tears fall, the heart will follow.
39、太过年轻的爱,注定只是一时冲动 。
Too young love, destined to be just impulsive.
40、此情可待成追忆,只是当时以惘然 。
This feeling can be a recollection, but at that time to be at a loss.
41、你的眼神,在我内心还是这么深刻 。
Your eyes are still so deep in my heart.
42、美丽、一瞬间你凭什么说会永恒 。
Beauty, a moment, why do you say it will last forever.
43、我该怎么用最平常的语气告诉你我想你 。
How can I use the most common tone to tell you that I miss you.
44、失落是钱,只有攒够了才能买车票离开 。
Loss is money. You can't leave until you save enough.
45、其实你也很难过,只是骄傲不让你说 。
In fact, you are also very sad, just proud not to let you say.
46、没了心动的感觉,却羡慕别人的爱情 。
No heart feeling, but envy other people's love.
You broke your appointment today. Do you know how long I'll wait for you?
48、我陪你枯骨成双,作别这场曲散人凉 。
I accompany you to become a pair of bones, farewell to this song sanrenliang.
49、为君生,为君亡,今生今世不后悔 。
Live for you, die for you, don't regret this life.
50、晚风吻尽荷花叶,任我醉倒在池边 。
The evening wind kisses all the lotus leaves, let me drunk in the pool.
51、我与你近在咫尺,可惜,心隔千里 。
【伤心句子英文】I'm close to you. Unfortunately, my heart is thousands of miles away.
52、我准备放弃你了,可你又对我笑了 。
I'm ready to give you up, but you smile at me again.
53、你有没有那么一瞬间,心疼过我的执着 。
Do you have such a moment, heartache my persistence.
54、你在北方,我在南方,住着不同的城市 。
You are in the north, I am in the south, living in different cities.
55、选择了就走下去吧,别给自己留遗憾 。
Choose to go on, don't leave regret for yourself.
56、姐从来不说人话,姐一直说的是神话 。
She never talks about people. She always talks about myths.
57、心痛么,没事,至少证明你努力过了 。
Heartache? It's OK. At least you've tried.
58、班里并不是不团结,而是有几个贱人 。
It's not that there is no unity in the class, but there are a few *****es.
59、热闹从来都是别人的,我什么都没有 。
The excitement is always someone else's, I have nothing.
60、哪怕周围再多人,感觉还是一个人 。
Even if there are more people around.
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