Love is like a play, your friendship is a cameo, but I love to perform!
2、我想和你在一起,直到我不爱你 。
I want to be with you until I don't love you.
3、散落,一地的泪 。
Scattered, tears on the ground.
4、有人说,他们怎会懂我对你的感情 。
Some people say, how can they understand my feelings for you.
5、等待的心,等到无望 。
Waiting heart, waiting for no hope.
6、骗人的是他,骗自己的是我 。
It's him who deceives others and me who deceives myself.
7、昨日江南春又雨,今朝天涯暮再歌 。
It rained again yesterday in the south of the Yangtze River, and now it's the end of the earth.
8、等不到天黑,烟火不会太完美 。
The fireworks won't be perfect until it's dark.
9、透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑 。
Overdraft tears, we will be heartless smile.
10、最好不相惜,如此便可不相忆 。
It is better not to cherish each other, so that we can not remember each other.
11、给你自由的爱,冻结我们美好的回忆 。
Give you free love, freeze our beautiful memories.
12、曾经我很爱你,但只是曾经了 。
Once I loved you very much, but only once.
13、白纸黑字,见证我们感情的喜怒哀乐 。
In black and white, we witness the joys and sorrows of our feelings.
14、多少黑名单,是曾经的特别关注 。
How many blacklists were once of special concern.
15、当脆弱变成一面墙,我拿什么来抵挡 。
When vulnerability becomes a wall, what can I take to resist it.
16、你我之间,不是错过,就是过错 。
Between you and me, either miss or fault.
17、是不是因为我太胖,你的心才装不下我 。
Is it because I am too fat, your heart just can't hold me.
18、或许你要的,我给的,都不相同 。
Maybe what you want and what I give you are different.
19、比薄荷,还凉心 。
Cooler than mint.
20、太主动就会廉价,太被动就会错过 。
Too active will be cheap, too passive will miss.
21、那些曾经、悄然而逝 。
Those who have gone, quietly.
22、独抱一腔孤勇,爱你是我的英雄梦 。
I love you is my heroic dream.
Who can treat you well?
24、想念的频率少了,感觉却依然执着 。
The frequency of missing is less, but the feeling is still persistent.
25、时间偷走如果,只留下结果 。
Time steals if, only leaves the result.
26、过往已不重要,过去式不需要再留恋 。
The past is no longer important, the past tense does not need to be nostalgic.
27、我真的爱过你,我骗不了自己 。
I really love you, I can't cheat myself.
28、疼都是别人给的,但伤都是自己好的 。
Pain is given by others, but the injury is their own good.
29、再回首,斯人已去,只堪回忆 。
Looking back, we can only recall the fact that they have gone.
Honey, live in my heart, have you paid the rent?
31、爱了伤了痛了,最后只剩我自己 。
Love hurt pain, finally only myself.
32、你一副不缺我的样子,让我怎么靠近你 。
You don't want me. How can I get close to you.
33、这样确切的爱,一生,只有一次 。
This exact love, only once in a lifetime.
34、笑看天下,淡看红尘 。
Laugh at the world, look down on the world.
35、心碎了就连哭过的眼泪也是带血的 。
The heart is broken, even the tears are bloody.
36、我自是年少,韶华倾负 。
Since I was young, I was young.
37、唠叨听多了,也会领悟坐禅的意境 。
If you listen too much, you will understand the artistic conception of meditation.
38、对你的放弃,总是拖泥带水 。
Give up to you, always procrastinate.
39、要是他喜欢你怎么会对你这么冷淡 。
If he likes you, how can he treat you so coldly.
40、虚伪的付出,多数以悲剧收场 。
Most of the hypocritical efforts end in tragedy.
41、只要你敢不懦弱,凭什么我们要错过 。
As long as you are not cowardly, why should we miss it.
42、不想去在乎,因为不值得在乎了 。
Don't want to care, because it's not worth caring about.
43、你和我,平行线,哪里是我们的交点 。
You and I, parallel lines, where is our intersection.
44、面子是别人给的,脸是自己丢的 。
Face is given by others and lost by oneself.
45、眼泪是懦弱无能的表现 。
Tears are a sign of weakness.
46、是什么不熟气质,丢什么不丢个性 。
What is not familiar with temperament, what does not lose personality.
47、对你的思念、已交织成了线 。
Miss you, has become a thread.
48、太多的流言蜚语,压得我喘不过气 。
There are so many rumors that I can't breathe.
49、若曾素心相赠,何妨咫尺天涯 。
If you have a simple heart to give, why not so close to the horizon.
50、盯着他看了十分钟,眼很疼,心更疼 。
Staring at him for ten minutes, my eyes hurt and my heart hurt more.
Never loved you, I'm sorry, play with you!
52、生存不等于生活,我想有尊严的活着 。
I want to live with dignity.
53、宁愿笑这流泪,也不哭着说后悔 。
I would rather laugh at this tear than cry and say regret.
54、我可以见你一面吗,我可以站得很远 。
Can I see you? I can stand far away.
55、角落里聆听,那属于哭泣的伤声 。
Listen in the corner, it belongs to the cry.
56、许我,满城永寂 。
Let me, the city is silent forever.
57、真正放弃了才知道,我从未后悔过 。
I never regret it until I really give up.
58、痛心入骨,心如刀割 。
It's heartbreaking.
59、我眼中没有星辰大海也没有春与秋 。
There are no stars in my eyes, nor spring and autumn in the sea.
60、看不透你嘴角旁的,浅微笑 。
【英语爱情短句伤感】Can't see through the corner of your mouth, smile.
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