
1、你常把梦想挂在嘴边 , 却败在不愿改变的懒惰上 。
You often talk about your dreams, but you lose in laziness that you don't want to change.
2、每当我找到了成功的钥匙 , 就有人把锁换了 。
Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.
3、成功 , 需要明确的目标计划 。
Success requires clear goals and plans.
4、人须在事上磨练 , 方立得住 , 方能静亦定 , 动亦定 。
Only when a person can stand firm, can he be still and still, and can he move steadily.
5、做人诚心 , 学习细心;友情真心 , 生活开心 。
A sincere person, careful study; sincere friendship, happy life.
6、真者 , 精诚之至也 。不精不诚 , 不能动人 。
The true is the most sincere. If it is not refined or sincere, it cannot be moved.
7、做什么人 , 就要看担起什么责任 , 否则便是不合格、不称职 。
To be a person, we have to take responsibility. Otherwise, we will be unqualified and incompetent.
8、应该热心地致力于照道德行事 , 而不要空谈道德 。
We should be enthusiastic about doing things according to morality instead of talking about morality.
9、愿我的临别赠言是一把伞 , 能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨 。
May my farewell message be an umbrella that can shelter you from the sun and rain on your journey.
10、智者创造机会 , 强者把握机会 , 弱者等待机会 。
The wise create opportunities, the strong seize them, and the weak wait for them.
11、沵是强者么?原来也不过如此 。
Are you strong? So it was.
12、种一棵树最好的时间是十年之前 , 其次 , 是现在 。
The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, then now.
13、能吃苦中苦 , 方为人上人 。
If you are a man, you can bear hardships.
14、盛年不再来 , 一日难再晨 , 及时当自勉 , 岁月不待人 。
The prime of life is no longer coming, and it is hard to be early in the morning. We should encourage ourselves in time.
15、成长的背后 , 必定是心酸的付出 。
Behind the growth, there must be heartache to pay.
16、放弃是一件容易的事 , 心一想 , 力一卸 , 顿时就轻松了 。
Give up is an easy thing, the heart a think, force a unload, immediately relaxed.
17、越是乐观的人 , 就越是容易把心事藏的更沉重 。
The more optimistic people are, the more likely they are to hide their worries more heavily.
18、知识改变命运 , 努力改变结果 。
Knowledge changes fate and strives to change results.
19、好汉死在战场上 , 懒汉死在炕头上 。
The hero died on the battlefield, the lazy man died on the Kang.
20、当我们感到羞耻时 , 给自己一点空间 , 一点信心 。
When we feel ashamed, give ourselves a little space, a little confidence.
21、为学之道 , 莫先于穷理;穷理之要 , 必先于读书 。
The way of learning should not be prior to poor reason; the necessity of poor reason must precede reading.
22、仰头不是骄傲 , 是要看见自己的天空 。
Looking up is not pride, but seeing the sky.
23、愿你奋力拼搏 , 去感受世间百态 。
May you work hard to feel the world.
24、我曾经怯懦过、逃避过但现在 , 我要正视现实!
I used to be timid and evasive But now, I want to face the reality!
25、大海若没有千尺深度 , 哪有如山浪头 。
If the sea is not a thousand feet deep, it will not be like a mountain wave.
26、先天环境的好坏 , 并不足奇 , 成功的关键完全在于一己之努力 。
The key to success lies in one's own efforts.
27、奋斗胜过得到 , 真正的成功就是奋斗 。
Struggle is better than gain. Real success is struggle.
28、增强质量意识 , 提高全员素质 。
Enhance the quality awareness and improve the quality of the whole staff.
29、每一个奋斗在追求梦想路上的人 , 都是值得尊重的 。
Everyone who strives to pursue his dream is worthy of respect.
30、没有比记忆中更好的风景 , 所以最好的不要故地重游 。
There is no better scenery than memory, so the best is not to revisit the old place.
31、前路漫漫 , 荆棘重重 , 只有不息的信念才是最亮的灯火 。
There is a long way to go and many thorns. Only constant faith is the brightest light.
32、用欣赏的眼光看世界 , 生活处处呈鲜花美景 。
With the appreciation of the world, life is everywhere beautiful flowers.
33、没有信仰 , 就没有真正的美德 。
Without faith, there is no real virtue.
34、谁对时间越吝啬 , 时间对谁越慷慨 。
Who is more stingy to time is more generous to whom.
35、吸取你的前辈所做的一切 , 然后再往前走 。
Take what your predecessors have done and move on.
36、个人的价值 , 应该看他贡献什么 , 而不应当看他取得什么 。
The value of an individual should depend on what he has contributed rather than on what he has achieved.
37、经过磨难的好事 , 会显得格外香甜 。
After suffering, good things will appear especially sweet.
38、胜者为王的时代 , 能活下来的都成为行业的翘楚 。
In an era when the winner is king, those who can survive become the leaders in the industry.
39、任何的收获不是巧合 , 而是每天的努力与坚持得来的 。
Any harvest is not a coincidence, but daily efforts and persistence.
40、失掉信用的人 , 在这个世界上已经死了 。
People who lose their credit are dead in this world.
41、凡笑者 , 就表现着他尚有生活的胆和力 。
Those who laugh show that they still have the courage and strength to live.
42、你未来的模样 , 就藏在现在的努力里 。
Your future appearance is hidden in the present effort.
43、尔曹身与名俱灭 , 不废江河万古流!
You Cao's body and name are destroyed, and the rivers will flow forever!
44、缺点让你弄丢自信 , 优点让你找回自信 。
Shortcomings make you lose confidence, advantages let you regain confidence.
45、不管事情开始于哪个时刻 , 都是对的时刻 。
No matter what moment it starts, it's the right moment.
46、放弃者不会成功 , 成功者永不放弃 。
Those who give up will not succeed, and those who succeed will never give up.
47、用勤奋之笔 , 绘出最美丽的彩虹 。
With the pen of diligence, draw the most beautiful rainbow.
48、只有抛开过去 , 才能遇见未来更美好的风景 。
Only by putting aside the past, can we meet a better landscape in the future.
49、做农村青年的致富领头雁 , 带动更多乡亲发家致富 。
To be the leading geese for rural youth to become rich, and to drive more villagers to become rich.
50、天若赐我辉煌 , 我必天天向上 。
If Heaven gives me glory, I will make progress every day.
51、一切豁然开朗 , 调整好状态 , 迎接新的挑战!
All of a sudden, adjust the good state, meet the new challenges!
52、不管生活给你多少焦虑烦躁 , 你只需保持自律自信的生活状态 。
No matter how much anxiety and irritability life gives you, you just need to maintain a self-discipline and confident life state.
53、只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗 , 胜利就在前方!
As long as we can persevere in the struggle, victory is ahead!
54、如果你有理想 , 就去捍卫它 。
If you have an ideal, defend it.
55、有一种东西决不能游戏 , 那就是人生 。
There is one thing that can never be played, and that is life.
56、我们常常不去想自己拥有的东西 , 却对得不到的东西念念不忘 。
We often don't think about what we have, but we never forget what we can't get.
57、抱怨的时候 , 换个方法看问题 。
When complaining, look at the problem in a different way.
58、感恩的心对待任何事情 , 随时换位思考的人肯定是很优秀的!
Grateful heart treats any matter, at any time transposition thinking person is certainly very excellent!
59、莫道君行早 , 更有早行人 。
Don't walk early, but walk early.
60、期望是性命的阳光 , 行动是期望的翅膀 。
【积极乐观的英文句子】Expectation is the sunshine of life, and action is the wing of expectation.
