
1、淡定不是表面伪装出来的,是阅历的沉淀 。
Calm is not disguised on the surface, it is the precipitation of experience.
2、你有抛弃我的权利,我有让你后悔的实力 。
You have the right to abandon me, I have the strength to make you regret.
3、一本好书是大师心灵的鲜血,可以一代一代地保存珍藏 。
A good book is the blood of the master's soul, which can be preserved and treasured from generation to generation.
4、努力向前,默默耕耘,机会和成功,必属于最坚忍的奋斗者 。
Strive forward, work quietly, opportunities and success, will belong to the most persevering struggle.
5、改变文化很难很难,但也不是不可能 。
It's hard and hard to change culture, but it's not impossible.
Start, or end, it's up to you!
7、只有自强自立自信,你才能付得起人生的账单 。
Only by self-reliance, self-confidence, can you afford to pay the bill of life.
8、谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力 。
No one can succeed casually. It comes from thorough self-management and perseverance.
9、信念信心信自己,创业创新创将来 。
Faith, confidence, self-confidence, entrepreneurship and innovation to create the future.
10、虽然学无止境,但是我们要尽我所能地去学 。
Although there is no end to learning, we should try our best to learn.
11、不要对别人轻易许诺,因为很多话,只有听的人才会记得 。
Don't promise to others easily, because only those who listen will remember many words.
12、人能克己身无患,人处九思当守紧 。
If a man can restrain himself, he should keep his mind tight.
13、闪光的未必都是金子,但金子必须会闪光 。
All that glitters is not gold, but gold must shine.
14、肖炀萌,书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 。
Xiao Yangmeng, the book mountain has a road, diligence for the path, learning boundless, painstaking boat.
15、活在当下,生命的每一刻都可以如花开般美好 。
Living in the moment, every moment of life can be as beautiful as a flower.
16、学者不患才之不赡,而患志之不立 。
Scholars do not suffer from the lack of talent support, but the lack of ambition.
17、在最平凡的生活里,谦卑和努力 。
In the most ordinary life, humility and hard work.
18、人所缺乏的不是才干而是志向,不是成功的能力而是勤劳的意志 。
What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed, but the will to work hard.
19、稗子享受着禾苗一样的待遇,结出的却不是谷穗 。
Barnyardgrass enjoy the same treatment as grass seedlings, but they are not ears of grain.
20、生活中若没有朋友,就像人生活中没有阳光一样 。
Life in the sunshine is like without friends.
21、谁人背后无人说,谁人背后不说人 。
No one speaks behind his back, and no one speaks behind his back.
22、须有宁拙毋巧之意,而后可以持久 。
It must be more clumsy than skillful, and then it can last.
No matter how strong a person is on the surface, his heart is fragile!
Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. How many people have been fighting since ancient times!
25、对于未来的真正慷慨在于向现在献出一切 。
True generosity to the future is to give everything to the present.
26、这个世界,从来都需要你独当一面 。
The world, always need you to be in charge of it.
27、用辛勤收获财富,用感恩回赠邻里,小康我们同步前进 。
With hard work to harvest wealth, with Thanksgiving back to the neighborhood, well-off, we move forward at the same time.
28、没有口水与汗水,就没有胜利的泪水 。
Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of victory.
29、成功的人已经够少的了,但能维持成功的更是少之又少 。
There are enough successful people, but few can maintain success.
30、与其祈求生活平淡点,还不如自己强大点 。
It's better to be strong than to pray for a plain life.
31、学问渊博的人,懂了还要问;学问浅薄的人,不懂也不问 。
A man of great learning will ask if he understands; but a man of little learning will not ask if he does not understand.
32、生活没有一劳永逸,要想不被抛弃,必须自己争气 。
Life is not once and for all, if you want not to be abandoned, you must strive for success.
33、自强,自信,自立;我能,我行,我来 。
Self improvement, self-confidence, self-reliance; I can, I can, I will.
Continue to fulfill your dream, bravely challenge yourself, experience yourself!
35、不会为你的离去找理由就像当初我以为你不会走 。
I won't find a reason for your leaving, just like I thought you wouldn't go.
36、没有阳光,学会享受风雨的洗礼 。
No sunshine, learn to enjoy the baptism of wind and rain.
37、当你决定放弃,有人却坚信前进就有希望 。
When you decide to give up, some people believe that there is hope to move forward.
38、一条铁链的坚固程度决定于它最弱的一环 。
The strength of a chain depends on its weakest link.
39、因为年轻我们一无所有,也正因为年轻我们将拥有一切 。
Because we are young, we have nothing, and just because we are young, we will have everything.
40、时间是一笔贷款,即使在守信用的借贷者也还不起 。
Time is a loan, which can't be paid even by a trustworthy borrower.
41、从哪里被赶出来,就要从哪里衣着光鲜的再进去 。
From where they are driven out, they have to go back from where they are dressed up.
42、青春是美妙的,挥霍青春就是犯罪 。
Youth is wonderful, wasting it is a crime.
43、树多枝,路多岐,有所弃,才有所取 。
Many branches of trees and different roads lead to different choices.
【英文励志短语大全】44、真诚对待每一位学生,让他们的童年充满金色的阳光 。
Treat every student sincerely, let their childhood full of golden sunshine.
45、不反思,不知道自己是对是错,不比较看不到自己的差距 。
Do not reflect, do not know whether they are right or wrong, do not compare can not see their own gap.
46、记住:浪费了今生今世,人就再也得不到什么来生来世 。
Remember: waste this life, people will no longer get what afterlife afterlife.
47、幸福不在得的多,而在计较的少 。
Happiness is not to get more, but to care less.
48、要是你想走出平淡的生活,那就努力让自己高傲的飞翔 。
If you want to go out of the ordinary life, then try to make yourself proud of flying.
49、人生短短数十载,最要紧是证明自己,不是讨好他人 。
The most important thing in life is to prove yourself, not to please others.
50、一个鼠标,一份希望,人品最重 。
A mouse, a hope, the most important character.
51、坚持是一种智慧,固执是一种死板 。
Persistence is a kind of wisdom, stubbornness is a kind of rigidity.
52、青春就像是切洋葱,我们都泪流满面,却还乐此不疲 。
Youth is like cutting onions. We are all tearful, but we still enjoy it.
53、学习,学习,再学习!学,然后知不足 。
Study, learn, learn again! Learn, then know.
54、黄河走东溟,白日落西海,逝川与流光,飘忽不相待 。
The Yellow River goes through the East Ming, and the West Sea falls in the daytime. The passing River and the flowing light do not treat each other.
55、希望是一幅山水画,洗去雕饰,留下清新自然 。
Hope is a landscape painting, wash away the carving, leaving fresh and natural.
56、轻财足以聚人,侓己足以服人,量宽足以得人,身先足以率人 。
Light money is enough to gather people, law is enough to convince people, wide enough to get people, first enough to lead people.
57、聪明不是拥有很多知识,而是拥有丰富的想象力 。
Intelligence is not a lot of knowledge, but a lot of imagination.
58、人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你 。
Life is like a horse. If you don't control it, it will control you.
59、别问别人为什么,多问自己凭什么 。
Don't ask others why, ask yourself why.
60、真正的成熟,并不是追求完美,而是直面自己的缺憾 。
True maturity is not the pursuit of perfection, but the face of their own shortcomings.
