
1、人生就是在跌跌撞撞的路上变得坚强,越坚强越幸运 。
Life is to become strong on the bumpy road, the stronger the luckier.
2、要学乖,要长大,要不负众望 。
To learn to be good, to grow up, to live up to expectations.
3、反正这世俗的人间烟火,只有你是我的江河琥珀 。
Anyway, this secular world fireworks, only you are my River amber.
4、梦惊醒,我寻找你的背影 。
Dream wake up, I look for your back.
5、我爱少年至深是我年少之时 。
I love my youth as young as I am.
In this era, what's wrong with believing in love?
7、每一种创伤,都是另一种成熟 。
Every kind of trauma is another kind of maturity.
8、夜里独自享受着宁静,独自倾听着悲伤 。
Alone at night enjoying the peace, listening to the sadness alone.
9、既然你想浪的毫无牵挂,那我先走不等你回家 。
Since you don't want to worry about the waves, I'll go first and wait for you to go home.
10、瞬刻的喧声,讥笑着永恒的音乐 。
The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of eternity.
11、爱需要勇气,我们要永远在一起 。
Love needs courage. We need to be together forever.
12、我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见你 。
I'm glad to meet you, but I'm sorry I just met you.
13、他说,我宁愿累这让你奢侈,也不愿懒的让你节俭 。
He said, I would rather be tired, which makes you luxurious than lazy to let you be frugal.
14、骄傲长在骨子里,烧了还有一把灰 。
Pride grows in the bone, and there is still a handful of ashes when burned.
15、人生每一个不同的阶段,都有不同人的人停留 。
At every different stage of life, there are different people staying.
16、我们相识,相知,却没有相爱 。
We know each other, but we don't love each other.
17、前世旳悲凉婉转,后世旳荡曲回肠 。
The former life's desolation and tactful, the later generation's Dangqu ileum.
18、突然,发现自己的笑变的好假好假 。
All of a sudden, I found that my smile changed into a good fake.
19、知世故而不世故,才是最善良的成熟 。
Knowing the world and not being worldly wise is the kindest maturity.
20、有些伤痛,忍过了疼久了也成习惯了 。
Some pain, endure the pain for a long time has become a habit.
21、原来、只有在你面前我才会变乖 。
Originally, only in front of you, I will be good.
22、那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前 。
How to pick it up in the past, time flies and goes forward.
23、我怀念的不是酒,而是散落天涯的老友 。
What I miss is not wine, but friends scattered all over the world.
If you are not happy, you will be happy?
25、感受到他人的冷漠,你就会看透人心了 。
Feel the indifference of others, and you will see through the heart.
26、全世界都在看雨,只有我在看他带没带伞 。
The whole world is watching the rain, only I am watching if he has an umbrella.
27、人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇 。
The greatest happiness in the world is love and innocence.
28、有一种爱叫做放手,有一种痛是在放手以后 。
There is a kind of love called let go, there is a pain after let go.
29、你再烦也没资格对你好的那个人生气 。
You can't be angry with the person you are.
30、过错,是短暂的遗憾;错过,是永久的遗憾 。
Fault is a short-term regret; missing is a permanent regret.
The heart has nothing to rely on, if the water ripples, if close if far, if near if far away!
32、音乐,开心时入耳伤心时入心 。
Music, happy when ear, sad when into the heart.
33、可以吵架,但不可以轻言离开 。
You can fight, but you can't leave.
34、我转身是因为我还在乎你,而不是你所谓的同情 。
I turn around because I still care about you, not your so-called sympathy.
35、是你先闯进我的生活,最后却是我哭着求你别走 。
It was you who broke into my life first, and then I cried and begged you not to leave.
36、因为,看清了、所以,看轻了 。
Because, see clearly, so, look down on.
37、我忘了告诉你,在我眼里,全世界都是你的背景 。
I forgot to tell you, in my eyes, the world is your background.
38、我不是个温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事 。
I'm not a gentle person, but I've done my best for you.
39、愿把我的心嵌入你的心,使我俩的爱永远不变 。
May my heart be embedded in your heart so that our love will never change.
40、我频繁记录着,只因为生活太值得 。
I keep records frequently, just because life is worth it.
41、花儿不说,风儿也懂花语,雨儿不说,叶儿也懂雨弦 。
Flowers do not say, wind also understand flower language, rain does not say, leaf also understand rain string.
42、因为还有爱,所以不轻言放弃 。
Because there is still love, so do not give up easily.
43、在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好 。
In all the relationships you want to cherish, just have a clear conscience.
44、珍惜那些快要消逝而过的、小时光 。
Cherish those passing away, small time.
45、当青春遇上爱情,就像是水与火的相容 。
When youth meets love, it is like the compatibility of water and fire.
46、你的名字我的心事,我的名字你的故事 。
Your name, my heart, my name, your story.
47、脑袋里有刺?姐姐帮你拔出来 。
A thorn in the head? Sister, help you pull it out.
48、饿很庆幸,风起时,我扪的爱并没有散 。
I'm very glad that when the wind blows, my love has not broken.
49、不要焦急,不要贪心,不要放弃 。
Don't worry, don't be greedy, don't give up.
50、永远有多远?你小子就给我滚多远 。
How far is it forever? You boy, just get out of here.
51、缠缠绵绵的爱恋,注定了今生的牵绊 。
Tangled love, doomed to this life's ties.
52、世界的每个角落,都有灰暗的尘埃 。
Every corner of the world, there are gray dust.
53、任何时候为爱情付出的一切都不会白白浪费 。
At any time for love to pay everything will not be wasted.
54、过来才发现,原来最洒脱的人最难过 。
Come to find that the most free and easy people are the most sad.
55、姑娘眼睛那么美,为何要哭泣 。
The girl's eyes are so beautiful, why do you cry.
56、当你喜欢上一个人,总会觉得自己不够好 。
When you like someone, you always feel that you are not good enough.
57、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我 。
I don't mind if you lie to me. What I care is that your lie can't deceive me.
58、哭,只是因为我内心深处那些无法释怀的悲哀 。
Crying, just because of the sadness in my heart that I can't let go.
59、真的,生活就是这样,特别用力,就特别容易完蛋 。
Really, life is like this, especially hard, it is very easy to end.
60、离开是痛苦的,也是唯一的 。
【英语简单句子】Leaving is painful and unique.
