1、退到无路可走,不如就此放开手 。
It's better to let go.
2、我学会了带着面具微笑,即使我并不开心 。
I learned to smile with a mask, even if I'm not happy.
3、不负对方就好,想不负此生太难 。
It's good to live up to each other. It's too hard to live up to this life.
4、人生最难吃的三碗面:人面情面场面 。
The three worst bowls of noodles in life: the scene of human face and face.
5、只要想安慰自己,随便找个理由都可以掠过 。
As long as you want to comfort yourself, you can look for any reason.
6、我不是没有脾气,只是在害怕失去 。
I'm not without temper, just afraid of losing.
7、我的执着,永远得不到你的一次心疼 。
My persistence, will never get you a heartache.
8、爱是靠自己争取的,学会付出 。
Love is to strive for by oneself, learn to pay.
9、人生之路是逼着走出来的 。
The road of life is forced to come out.
10、这个城市好大,大的我再也遇不见你 。
This city is so big that I will never see you again.
11、你不用再隐身了,我不会打扰你的 。
You don't have to be invisible anymore. I won't disturb you.
12、终究要亲自受伤,才会学着聪明 。
After all, if you hurt yourself, you will learn to be smart.
13、我想给你幸福,却走不进你的世界 。
I want to give you happiness, but I can't go into your world.
14、一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方 。
Be good to yourself when you are alone, and be good to one another when you are together.
15、我还没有懦弱到永远也站不起来的地步 。
I'm not weak enough to never stand up.
16、时间会咬人,你不走,便会满身伤痕 。
Time will bite, if you don't go, you will be covered with scars.
17、曾经的诺言早就不堪一击,欺骗的只是自己 。
Once the promise has long been vulnerable to attack, cheating is only their own.
18、左右一个人成功的,不是能力,而是选择 。
It's not ability but choice that makes a person successful.
19、强颜欢笑久了,也是会累的 。
If you try to smile for a long time, you will be tired.
20、我的演技一定特别好,好到难过都无人知道 。
My acting must be so good that no one knows.
21、你的心,我没有访问权 。
Your heart, I have no access.
22、多么可惜,我们见面,却只能向朋友一般 。
What a pity, we meet, but only to friends in general.
23、有一种想念,叫避而不见 。
There is a kind of missing, called avoid but not see.
24、它溺过了所有的故事,却找不到逃生的方向 。
It drowned all the stories, but couldn't find the way to escape.
25、别问我有多爱你,那是你想象不到的 。
Don't ask me how much I love you. It's beyond your imagination.
26、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸 。
I've been waiting all my life. I can't change your eyes.
27、笑,全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭 。
Smile, the world will laugh with you, cry, you will cry alone.
28、闭上眼你最挂念谁,睁开眼身边竟是谁 。
Close your eyes, who are you most worried about, and who is around you when you open your eyes.
29、成熟男生是细心,未成熟男生是幼稚 。
Mature boys are careful, immature boys are naive.
30、想念如果有声音的话,你早就被我吵死了 。
Miss if there was a sound, you would have been killed by me.
31、用脑思考,用心琢磨,用行动证实 。
Think with your brain, ponder with your heart, and confirm with your actions.
32、失望到极致,也就坚强到极致 。
Disappointment to the extreme, also strong to the extreme.
33、做不到所有人满意,也不怕全世界对我开枪 。
I can't satisfy everyone, and I'm not afraid that the whole world will shoot me.
34、不是幸福太短,是我们对疼痛太过敏感 。
It's not that happiness is too short, it's that we are too sensitive to pain.
35、你像风来了又走,我的心满了又空 。
You come and go like the wind, my heart is full and empty.
36、上当不是别人太狡猾,而是自己太贪 。
It is not that others are too cunning, but that they are too greedy.
37、我以为你是空气,但失去后才明白你是氧气 。
I thought you were air, but I realized you were oxygen after losing it.
38、承诺,不过是一张没有生效的合约 。
A promise is nothing but a contract that has not come into force.
39、有没有一个人看透我的逞强在乎硪的忧伤 。
Have a person to see through my arrogance, care about my sadness.
40、我足够坚强,并不代表所有的伤我都能扛 。
I'm strong enough, it doesn't mean I can carry all the injuries.
41、你和那个他分手过后,没见你再和谁一起过 。
After you broke up with that guy, you didn't see who you were with again.
42、原来爱情会过期,剩下的只是回忆 。
The original love will expire, the rest is just memories.
43、我想你,但我试着不再去在乎了 。
I miss you, but I try to stop caring.
【适合男生发朋友圈的英文句子】44、既然说到做不到,那你又何必说一套做一套 。
Since we can't do it, why do you say one thing and do another.
45、真正放弃了才知道,我从未后悔过 。
I never regret it until I really give up.
46、旧情话都像一记记耳光,抽的我硬生生的疼 。
Old love words are like a record of a slap in the face, pumping me hard pain.
47、世界再大还是遇见你,世界再小还是丢了你 。
No matter how big the world is or how small it is to lose you.
48、给我一个理由来忘记,一直那么爱你的我 。
Give me a reason to forget that I love you so much.
49、天上星星那么多,地上真心人没几个 。
There are so many stars in the sky, and there are few real people on the ground.
50、我总说没关系,但你也总以为真的没关系 。
I always say it's OK, but you always think it's OK.
51、如果还有什么遗憾,也许就是太晚和你遇见 。
If there is any regret, maybe it is too late to meet you.
52、我们成了勇敢的人,也成了简单的人 。
We became brave and simple.
53、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切不都是爱情 。
Fortunately, love is not everything. Fortunately, everything is not love.
54、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水 。
Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success.
55、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也 。
The three armies can capture the commander, but the general can not seize the ambition.
56、成熟与年龄无关,跟思想拼接,跟经历并存 。
Maturity has nothing to do with age, but with ideas and experiences.
57、明明是傻,却说自己是逆向思维 。
It is obvious that he is stupid, but he says that he is reverse thinking.
58、你别用了所有深情,最后却换来认命两个字 。
You don't use all the deep feelings, but in the end, you get the word die.
59、抛弃别人的人,永远都不可能得到爱 。
Those who abandon others will never get love.
60、人不只是为自己而活,还为爱自己的人而活 。
People live not only for themselves, but also for those who love them.
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