
【百年孤独最经典话英文】1、过去都是假的 , 回忆是一条没有归途的路 。
The past is false, memory is a road without return.
2、我确实一度死去 , 但难以忍受孤独又重返人世 。
I did die for a time, but I couldn't bear to be alone and come back.
3、我渐渐能意会到 , 深刻并不等于接近事实 。
I've come to realize that being deep doesn't mean being close to the truth.
4、漂亮的脸孔是给别人看的 , 而有智慧的头脑才是给自己利用的 。
A beautiful face is for others, but a wise mind is for yourself.
5、人生比你想象的要短 。
Life is shorter than you think.
6、既然这片土地下没有埋着死人 , 我们就不属于这片土地 。
Since there are no dead people buried under this land, we do not belong to this land.
7、时间平复了一时的冲动 , 却加深了挫败感 。
Time calms the impulse, but deepens the frustration.
8、从云雾弥漫的山顶望去 , 大沼泽无边无际的水面一直延伸到世界的另一边 。
From the misty top of the mountain, the boundless waters of the Everglades extend to the other side of the world.
9、他走过了荣誉和怀念荣誉的阶段 , 到达了希望的终点 。
He went through the stage of honor and memory of honor, and reached the end of hope.
10、答应我 , 你如果在那边碰上难缠的事 , 就想想你母亲 。
Promise me, if you're in trouble over there, think about your mother.
11、生命从来不曾离开过孤独而独立存在 。
Life has never been independent without loneliness.
12、结束一场战争 , 要比发动它艰难得多 。
It is much harder to end a war than to start it.
13、别生了 , 母牛们 , 生命是短暂的 。
Don't give birth, cows. Life is short.
14、我们累 , 却无从止歇;我们苦 , 却无法回避 。
We are tired, but can not stop; We are suffering, but we can't avoid it.
15、这块天地还是新开辟的 , 许多东西都叫不出名字 , 不得不用手指指点点 。
This world is still new, many things are nameless, have to point with your fingers.
16、以真理的力量 , 我在我所征服的世界里永生 。
With the power of truth, I live forever in the world I conquer.
17、平庸将你的心灵烘干到没有一丝水分 , 然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦 。
Mediocrity dries your soul to the point where there is no water, and then glory stirs the deepest chord of your heart.
18、我们的正常之处 , 就在于自己懂得自己的不正常 。
Our normality lies in our understanding of our own abnormality.
19、不要恳求任何人 , 不要在别人面前卑躬屈节 。你就当别人早就把我枪毙了 。
Don't plead with anyone, don't grovel in front of others. You think someone else shot me.
20、地球是圆的 , 就像橙子一样!
The earth is round, just like an orange!
21、人类最真实可触的便是孤独中的沉默 。
The most real thing human beings can touch is the silence in loneliness.
22、父母是隔在我们和死亡之间的帘子 。
Parents are the curtain between us and death.
23、既然除了看雨无事可做 , 那么将时光分为年月 , 将日子分为终点都终归是徒劳 。
Since there's nothing to do but watch the rain, it's futile to divide time into years and days and days into ends.
24、不要乞求任何人 , 也不要向任何人低头 。
Don't beg anyone, don't bow to anyone.
25、我独自一人在人海寻找 , 在这孤独的世界里 , 寻觅一个不想孤独的身影 。
I alone in the sea of people to find, in this lonely world, looking for a lonely figure.
26、心若得不到栖息的地方 , 到哪儿都是流浪 。
If the heart can't get a place to live, it's wandering everywhere.
27、一个人最大的缺点不是自私多情野蛮任性 , 而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人 。
The biggest shortcoming of a person is not selfish, amorous, savage and capricious, but bigoted love for a person who doesn't love himself.
28、就在那边 , 在河的另一边 , 各种魔法机器应有尽有 , 而我们却还像驴子一样生活 。
Just over there, on the other side of the river, there are all kinds of magic machines, but we still live like donkeys.
29、他隐约知道 , 一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的 , 而是与孤寂签一个体面的协定 。
He vaguely knows that the secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness.
30、越文明 , 越孤独 。
The more civilized, the more lonely.
31、只有等你父母入土为安 , 你才会幸福 。
You will be happy only when your parents are safe.
32、孤独是一种别样的幸福 , 在每个寂静的时刻 , 我都会忍不住去品味孤独的真谛 。
Loneliness is a different kind of happiness, in every silent moment, I can't help but taste the true meaning of loneliness.
33、多少的叙述都不足以说明一段经历 , 多少寂寞的言语也表达不出孤独的心境 。
How many narratives are not enough to explain an experience, how many lonely words can not express a lonely mood.
34、大概生命中所有的灿烂 , 都要用寂寞来偿还 。
Maybe all the brilliance in life should be paid back by loneliness.
35、地球是圆的 , 就像个橙子 。
The earth is round, like an orange.
36、她终于得出结论 , 自己不惜为他付出生命的这个儿子 , 不过是个无力去爱的人 。
She finally came to the conclusion that her son, who did not hesitate to give his life, was just a man unable to love.
37、我宁愿掂起一个活人 , 也不愿意后半辈子都惦记着一个死人 。
I would rather pick up a living person than think about a dead person for the rest of my life.
38、记忆因思绪无情的力量化为实体 。
Memory is transformed into substance by the merciless power of thought.
39、不到一百年 , 就不该有人知道其中的含义 。
In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means.
40、生命中所有的灿烂 , 终要寂寞偿还 。
All the brilliance in life will be paid back by loneliness.
41、荒凉帝街道 , 巴旦杏树上凝结帝水珠 , 感觉自己在孤独中迷失路 。
Desolate street, almond tree condensation emperor water, feel lost in loneliness.
42、人不是该死的时候死的 , 而是能死的时候死的 。
People don't die when they die, but when they can.
43、穷尽孤独心呐喊 , 犹入地府失晨昏!
Exhausted lonely heart cry, still into the earth lost dawn and dusk!
44、生命中真正重要的 。不是你遭遇了什么 , 而是你记住了哪些事 , 又是如何铭记的 。
What really matters in life. It's not what happened to you, it's what you remember and how you remember it.
45、我们的孤独就像天空中漂浮的城市 , 仿佛是一个秘密 , 却无从述说 。
Our loneliness is like a city floating in the sky, as if it is a secret, but there is no way to tell.
People always seek the last comfort in the most permanent memory!
47、死亡是一面镜子 , 反射出生命在它面前做的各种徒劳的姿态 。
Death is a mirror, reflecting the futile attitude of life in front of it.
48、一个人不是在该死的时候死 , 而是在能死的时候死 。
A man does not die when he should die, but when he can.
49、对我来说 , 确信你我共存此刻就足够了 。
For me, it's enough to make sure that you and I coexist at this moment.
50、不仅孩子长的更快 , 连人的感情也变了样 。
Not only children grow faster, but also people's feelings change.
51、与其沉浸在灿烂中 , 不如享受寂寞孤独 。
It's better to enjoy loneliness than to be immersed in brilliance.
52、回忆没有归路 , 春天总是一去不返 , 连最疯狂执着的爱情也不过是过眼云烟 。
Memories have no way back, spring is always gone, even the most crazy persistent love is just passing away.
53、在这深深浅浅的印迹中 , 映影的是我那执着的孑孓独影 。
In this deep and shallow imprint, the reflection is my persistent lonely shadow.
54、墙上的时钟 , 滴滴答答的走过相约的时间 , 走过错失相遇的岁月 。
The clock on the wall, ticking through the appointment time, through the years of missing meeting.
55、我自己从来不跟任何人说运气好 , 你只要仔细想一想 , 就会觉得这话真是可怕 。
I've never told anyone that I'm lucky myself. If you think about it carefully, you'll find it terrible.
56、她每隔十五天给孩子们写一封长信 , 其中没有一句是真话 。
She wrote a long letter to the children every 15 days, none of which was true.
57、孤独和喧嚣都难以忍受 。如果一定要忍受 , 我宁可选择孤独 。
Loneliness and noise are unbearable. If I have to bear it, I'd rather be lonely.
58、当初如何为失败而战 , 如今便如何为胜利而战 。
How to fight for defeat at the beginning, how to fight for victory now.
59、谁见幽人独往来 , 飘渺孤鸿影 。
Who can see lonely people coming and going alone.
60、我该如何隐藏 , 那散落一地的忧伤 。
How can I hide the sadness scattered all over the place.
61、死亡跟他没有什么关系 , 而生命对他才有意义 。
Death has nothing to do with him, but life has meaning to him.
