
1、愿你出走半生,归来便是有钱人 。
May you go away half your life and come back rich.
2、男人可以不帅,但一定要有品位 。
Men can not be handsome, but must have taste.
3、我懒散的笑容,是你不懂的优雅 。
My lazy smile is elegant that you don't understand.
4、凶手和恋人,都喜欢事后返回现场 。
Killers and lovers like to return to the scene afterwards.
5、小鸟虽小,可它玩的却是整个天空 。
Small as the bird is, it plays the whole sky.
6、那个夏天我卑微了自己,高傲了你 。
That summer I humbled myself, proud of you.
7、没有经历过的人,没有对于他的意义 。
There is no meaning to him who has not experienced it.
8、我不是超级玛丽,顶不出你要的人民币 。
I'm not a super Mary. I can't give you the RMB you want.
9、小女不才,只能思君,却无能令君慕己 。
The little girl can only think of you, but she can't make you admire yourself.
10、青春,一旦典当,则永不能赎 。
Youth, once pawned, can never be redeemed.
11、该养精蓄锐时,别着急出人头地 。
Don't rush to get ahead when it's time to get better.
12、若能一切随他去,便是世间自在人 。
If everything goes with him, he is a free man in the world.
13、现在的我足够好,哪怕矫情的不像话 。
Now I am good enough, even if the affectation is not decent.
14、有个傻子爱过你,但是后来TA不傻了 。
There was a fool who loved you, but later he was not stupid.
15、我是会哭,也会笑,不一定要别人保护 。
I can cry and laugh. I don't have to be protected.
16、我觉得我有前途,眼下越是悲惨 。
I think I have a future, and the more miserable I am now.
17、你既然勾三搭四,我何必独一无二 。
If you hook three and make four, why should I be unique.
18、我就像是个野蛮生长的人,不讲道理 。
I'm like a wild man, unreasonable.
19、像我这种人,消失一个月都没有人发现 。
People like me disappeared for a month without anyone noticing.
20、不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕 。
It's not something I really want.
21、人生在世除了生死,其它都是屁事 。
Life is nothing but life and death.
If you have any difficulties, please tell me, I can't help you!
23、我是会哭,也会笑,但不一定要别人保护 。
I can cry and laugh, but I don't have to be protected.
24、从此春秋两不沾,风月与我不相关 。
Since then, spring and autumn do not touch, and I have nothing to do with the wind and moon.
25、曾经错过的人,我只想说,谢天谢地 。
Once missed, I just want to say, thank God.
Don't look for me if you have nothing to do with it!
27、骨子里的这份骄傲,抱歉我丢不掉 。
I'm sorry I can't lose this pride in my bones.
28、给你最大的报复,就是活的比你幸福 。
The biggest revenge is to give you happiness.
29、不要打听我,我对谁都不一样 。
Don't ask me, I'm different to anyone.
30、没人把你当真,你又何必入戏太深 。
No one takes you seriously. Why do you get into the drama too much.
31、上帝创造了爱情,所以世界上有了白痴 。
God created love, so there are idiots in the world.
32、我的世界,轮不到你来指手画脚 。
In my world, it's not up to you.
33、如今的生活节奏很快,汽车飞机也快 。
Today's pace of life is very fast, so are cars and airplanes.
34、总要有点脾气,才对得起自己 。
Always have a little temper, to be worthy of their own.
35、该持续努力时,也别企图一鸣惊人 。
When it's time to keep trying, don't try to make a splash.
36、出来混,就要有一张能颠倒黑白的嘴 。
If you want to mix, you need a mouth that can turn black and white.
37、想为你天荒地老,可如今却已陌路殊途 。
I want to be forever for you, but now I'm a stranger.
38、你的誓言没有谎言,说的美妙 。
There is no lie in your oath. It's wonderful.
39、内裤再破也性感,感情再深也扯淡 。
No matter how broken underwear is sexy, no matter how deep the feelings are, it's bullshit.
40、男人十分好色,女人就不要假装清纯 。
Men are very lecherous, women should not pretend to be pure.
41、不是同一世界的人,要去哪里找寻交集 。
People who are not in the same world, where to find intersection.
42、清风带来凉意,带走悲伤的故事 。
The breeze brings coolness and takes away sad stories.
43、我敬往事一杯酒,故事与你不强留 。
I salute the past a glass of wine, the story and you do not force.
44、我失望的时候不是因为你,别自作多情 。
It's not because of you that I'm disappointed. Don't be sentimental.
45、想要无可替代,就必须与众不同 。
If you want to be irreplaceable, you have to be different.
46、你妈追我十条街,说我长的象你爹 。
Your mother chased me for ten blocks and said I looked like your father.
47、被爱是奢侈的幸福,可惜你从来不在乎 。
Being loved is luxury happiness, but you never care.
48、人生,一半是现实,一半是梦想 。
Life is half reality and half dream.
49、我就是这样一个人,好坏都加倍奉还 。
I'm such a person. I'll give back both good and bad.
50、从此不再打扰,愿你余生安好 。
I hope you'll be well for the rest of your life.
【霸气高冷的短句女生英文】51、你来我热情相拥,你走我欣然放手 。
You come and I embrace each other warmly, and I'm glad to let you go.
52、我不是变形金刚,变不出你想要的模样 。
I'm not a transformer. I can't make what you want.
In order to get the steel bone shed blood, my life is from me, not from the sky!
54、别打听我,过得比你好,玩的比你稳 。
Don't ask me. I'm better than you. I'm more stable than you.
55、不是没有色彩,而是现在的心情 。
It's not that there is no color, but the mood now.
56、我不是看不起你,是压根就懒得理你 。
I don't look down on you. I don't care about you at all.
57、我的立场很简单,是我的你别碰 。
My position is very simple. It's mine. Don't touch it.
58、没有人能叫我输,除非我自己不想赢 。
No one can tell me to lose unless I don't want to win.
59、宁缺毋滥,绝不因为寂寞而恋爱 。
It's better to be short than to be in love because of loneliness.
60、思念在夜间疯长,郁郁沉沉却念念不忘 。
Miss in the night crazy grow, depressed but never forget.
