1、一壶浊酒 , 一只狗;一场旅游 , 一人走 。
A pot of wine, a dog; a tour, a person to go.
2、生活是场消遣 , 过得快乐的人 , 不用道歉 。
Life is a pastime. Those who live happily need not apologize.
3、不要总是抱怨 , 生活不会因为抱怨变得更好 。
Don't complain all the time. Life won't be better because of complaining.
4、离宴欢歌笙箫间 , 把酒一泯化思烟 。
From the banquet Song Sheng Xiao, wine a Minhua Siyan.
5、还记得樱花正开 , 还未懂跟你示爱 。
I still remember that cherry blossom is in bloom, and I still don't know how to show my love to you.
6、真正的爱情 , 不是一见钟情 , 而是日久生情 。
True love is not love at first sight, but love for a long time.
7、都说神马是浮云、那千里马是浮云中的浮云 。
It is said that the god horse is a floating cloud, and the thousand mile horse is a floating cloud in the floating cloud.
8、慢慢的发现 , 爱一个人就是毁了原来的自己 。
Slowly found that love a person is to destroy the original self.
9、如今站在台上也难免心慌 , 要飞得高就该把地平线忘掉 。
Now standing on the stage can not help but feel flustered. If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.
10、只为那心动的瞬间 , 我爱你 , 一如当年 。
Just for the heartbeat moment, I love you, as in those years.
11、只有天真的人才会心软 , 成熟的人最无情 。
Only naive people will be soft hearted, mature people are the most merciless.
12、人生处处有考验 , 人生时时被考验 。
Life is tested everywhere, and life is always tested.
13、你对我访问受限 , 我让你黑名单见 。
Your access to me is limited. I'll let you see you on the blacklist.
14、谁的青春不是这样 , 站在时光的风口浪尖上 。
Whose youth is not like this, standing on the crest of time.
15、安静一点 , 淡然一点 , 沉稳一点 , 随意一点 。
Be quiet, calm, calm and casual.
16、如果给我一天去回忆 , 那二十四个小时是你 。
If you give me a day to remember, that 24 hours is you.
17、我想你走了之后寂寞一直围绕着我 , 从未停歇 。
I think you left after the loneliness has been around me, never stop.
18、爱情玩的就是两颗心 , 开心或者伤心 。
Love plays with two hearts, happy or sad.
19、我们笑着说再见 , 却深知再见遥遥无期 。
We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.
20、我将永远忠于自己 , 技星戴奔向理想和你 。
I will always be loyal to myself, technology star Dai runs to the ideal and you.
21、言多语长皆因酒 , 义断情疏只为钱 。
Many words and long words are due to wine, righteousness is broken, sentiment is sparse, only for money.
22、等着有一天 , 你对我说我带你回家 。
Wait for one day, you say to me, I'll take you home.
23、跟别的女人滚过床单的男人 , 老子不要 。
I don't want men who roll over sheets with other women.
24、总有一天你会发现 , 我不是谁都可以替代 。
I'll find that you can't replace me one day.
25、最近情绪太多 , 表情明显不够用了 。
Recently, there are too many emotions and expressions are obviously not enough.
26、暗恋就是 , 一个人写两个人的故事 。
Secret love is that one person writes two stories.
27、把握最真实的自己 , 才会更深刻地解读自己 。
Only by grasping the most authentic self can we understand ourselves more deeply.
28、是谁把光阴剪成了烟花 , 一瞬间 , 看尽繁华 。
Who cut the time into fireworks, a moment, see as prosperous.
29、下雨的时候 , 很孤单 , 喜欢下雨 , 又怕下雨!
When it's raining, I'm lonely. I like it, but I'm afraid of it!
30、与其你去排斥它已成的事实 , 你不如去接受它 。
Instead of rejecting the fact that it has become, you should accept it.
31、我不是很强 , 也从来没有示弱的习惯 。
I'm not very strong, and I've never been in the habit of showing weakness.
32、可不可以不要让毕业和分手 , 划上等号 。
Can you not let graduation and break up, draw an equal sign.
33、曾经看不惯 , 受不了的 , 如今不过淡然一笑 。
Once I couldn't stand it, but now I just smile.
34、有时候坚持 , 要观众存在才有意义 。
Sometimes insist that it makes sense for the audience to exist.
35、错过你的高中 , 那我就在大学等你 。
If I miss your high school, I'll wait for you in college.
36、时间久了 , 什么都可以习惯 , 什么都会厌恶 。
After a long time, everything can be used to, and everything will be disgusted.
37、做一个吃货无忧无虑 , 当一个痴货无牵无挂 。
To be a carefree eater, to be a fool is to be carefree.
38、是不是我不任性了 , 你就会陪我走很远很远 。
Is not I willful, you will accompany me to go far and far.
39、默默的喜欢着彼此 , 然后默默的看着彼此幸福 。
Silently like each other, and then silently looking at each other's happiness.
40、做好第一次并不难 , 难的是做好每一次 。
It's not hard to do the first time, but it's hard to do it every time.
41、你一定要过的好 , 不然对不起我的不打扰 。
You must have a good life, or I'm sorry I don't disturb you.
42、怕从口口声声的朋友 , 变成唯唯诺诺的路人 。
Afraid of from a vocal friend to a yes passer-by.
43、一个人孤军奋战 。不会有兵荒马乱 。
Alone. There will be no chaos.
44、我的这颗心里、永远都有你的位置 。
My heart will always have your place.
45、塞上江南 , 繁华长安 , 江南犹在 , 长安尘散 。
South of the Yangtze River, prosperous Chang'an, Jiangnan still exists, Chang'an dust scattered.
46、我是孤独患者 , 偏偏喜欢你这样的大众情人 。
I am a lonely patient, but I like you as a public lover.
47、他们在钟楼下避雨 , 钟楼是不愿意撑开的伞 。
They shelter from the rain under the clock tower, which is not willing to open the umbrella.
48、你以为有钱人很快乐吗?他们的快乐 , 你根本想象不到 。
Do you think rich people are happy? You can't imagine their happiness.
49、经历的太多了 , 会麻木分离多了会习惯 。
Experience too much, will be numb, separation more will be used to.
50、年轻只有一次 , 不疯狂怎么和儿子说当年 。
Young only once, not crazy how to say that year with my son.
51、希望生活有惊喜 , 希望喜欢被回应 。
I hope life has surprises and I like to be responded to.
52、毕竟你是太阳 , 是我触摸不到的光 。
After all, you are the sun, the light I can't touch.
53、隔海相望 , 今生无缘 , 唯有放手 , 方可永恒 。
Across the sea, this life has no fate, only let go, can be eternal.
54、无论我怎么做 , 悲伤终究是悲伤 , 无法掩盖 。
No matter what I do, sadness is sadness after all and can't be covered up.
55、天空 , 下起雨了 。他撑的伞 , 在你身边陪着 。
It's raining in the sky. His umbrella, with you.
56、爱一个人是劫 , 有人劫后余生 , 有人在劫难逃 。
Love a person is robbery, some people survive after robbery, some people are doomed.
57、爱情这种东西 , 千万别玩 , 容易上瘾 。
Love this kind of thing, do not play, easy addiction.
58、你没有如期归来 , 而这正是离别的意义 。
You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.
59、不是老歌变好听了 , 是我们变得有故事了 。
It's not that the old songs are better, it's that we have stories.
60、生如夏花之殉烂 , 死如秋叶之静美 。
【常用英语句子】Life is like the death of summer flowers, and death is like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves.
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