
1、现在困难点,没关系,要知道,容易走的都是下坡路 。
Now it's difficult. It doesn't matter. You know, it's easy to go downhill.
2、只要不服输,失败就不会是定局 。
As long as you don't admit defeat, failure will not be a foregone conclusion.
3、枕上诗书闲处好,门前风景雨来佳 。
On the pillow poetry book leisure place good, in front of the door scenery rain to be good.
4、在时光里享受温暖,在流年里忘记花开 。
Enjoy the warmth in time, forget to bloom in the fleeting time.
5、创业的动机很重要,不能赶时髦,但必须要有热情 。
The motivation of starting a business is very important. You can't follow the fashion, but you must have enthusiasm.
6、勇者,脚下都是路;智者,知道走哪一条路最好 。
A brave man is a road under his feet; a wise man knows which way to go.
7、想要逃避总有借口,想要成功总有方法 。
There is always an excuse to escape and a way to succeed.
8、做好手中事,珍惜眼前人 。
Do the things in hand and cherish the people in front of you.
9、烦躁让你失去心中的航标,心静让你找回迷失的方向 。
Irritability makes you lose the navigation mark in your heart, and calmness makes you find the lost direction.
10、当我们在抱怨没有鞋子,却发现有些人没有脚 。
When we complain about not having shoes, we find that some people have no feet.
11、在命运为你安排的属于你自己的时区里,一切都非常准时 。
Everything is on time in your own time zone set by fate.
12、先做该做的事,再做喜欢的事 。
Do what you should do first, then do what you like.
13、对于诚实的人来说,牢记自己的义务是一种荣誉 。
It is an honor for an honest man to remember his duty.
14、爱岗敬业,开拓进取、创新服务,放眼未来 。
Dedication, pioneering, innovative service, looking into the future.
15、只有把人这一撇一捺写大,才能做好别的事情 。
Only by putting people in a big way can we do other things well.
16、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要 。
If you can't compare, you can't compare. If you can't, you can't.
17、生活欺负了你,不要悲伤,不要气馁,因为只要你愿意抬头 。
Life bullies you, do not be sad, do not be discouraged, because as long as you are willing to look up.
18、爱情是女人最靓的照片,事业是男人最好的名片 。
Love is the most beautiful photo of a woman, and career is the best business card of a man.
19、好女人是一所学校,好男人毕业了可留校任教 。
A good woman is a school. A good man can stay in school to teach after graduation.
【好的句子中英文】20、成功只有一种,按自己的意思过一生 。
There is only one kind of success. Live your life according to your own will.
21、不与人争者,常得多利,退一步者,常进百步 。
He who does not contend with others often gains much; he who takes a step back often advances a hundred steps.
22、想要获得快乐,不是增加财富,而是降低欲望 。
To be happy is not to increase wealth, but to reduce desire.
23、智力、毅力、努力、实力、活力 。
Intelligence, perseverance, effort, strength and vitality.
24、学会告别,才能和更好的相逢 。
Learn to say goodbye, in order to meet better.
25、不需要整天去追随着太阳,你也可以做到自己发光 。
You don't have to follow the sun all day long, you can shine yourself.
26、志在心中,路在脚下,把握现在,赢在未来 。
Ambition in the heart, road at the foot, grasp the present, win in the future.
27、谁虚度年华,青春就会褪色,生命就会抛弃他们 。
Who wasted time, youth will fade, life will abandon them.
28、我相信,路总会有平坦的一面 。
I believe that there will always be a smooth side to the road.
29、长此以往,难堪大任 。幻海无边,回头是岸 。
In the long run, it will be embarrassing. The sea of fantasy is boundless, and it is shore to turn back.
30、不大可能的事也许这天实现,根本不可能的事也许明天会实现 。
The impossible may come true on this day, and the impossible may come true tomorrow.
31、学着做自己,并优雅的放手所有不属于你的东西 。
Learn to be yourself and let go of everything that doesn't belong to you.
32、成功不是全垒打,而要靠天天的 。常常的打击出密集安打 。
Success is not a home run, it's every day. Frequent strikes give out dense hits.
33、当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候,你应该和它击个掌 。
When reality slaps you, you should give it a slap.
34、生活的天空不可能永远清澈透明,有风雨也是常事 。
It is common that the sky is not transparent forever.
35、是的,在这细小的都市里,这就是我们的生活 。
Yes, in this small city, this is our life.
36、挫折在人生路上是不可避免的,我们不应该一遇到挫折就气馁 。
Setbacks are inevitable on the road of life. We should not be discouraged when we encounter setbacks.
37、忘记昨天,伤口是昨天的;幸福是明天的,重新开始 。
Forget yesterday, wound is yesterday; happiness is tomorrow, start again.
38、孤独的时候找好朋友聊天、逛街、吃饭 。不要让孤寂吞没自己 。
When lonely, find a good friend to chat, go shopping, eat. Don't let loneliness engulf you.
39、错过的未必最好,能把握才会心安 。
Miss may not be the best, can grasp will be at ease.
40、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华 。
Thank you for your smile, once flustered my time.
41、打工难,创业更不易,都在拼搏的路上 。
It's hard to work, but it's not easy to start a business. They are all on the way to struggle.
42、一个失败的女人背后,大多会有一个成功的男人 。
Behind a failed woman, there will be a successful man.
43、紧张是无法消除的,因为这是必要的反应 。
Tension cannot be eliminated because it is a necessary response.
44、当你感到绝望的时候,希望就在你隔壁 。
When you feel desperate, hope is next door to you.
45、其实幸福很简单,美美的吃一餐,也是一种幸福 。
In fact, happiness is very simple. A beautiful meal is also a kind of happiness.
46、智慧是无限的,但是它与骄傲绝不可能并存 。
Wisdom is infinite, but it can never coexist with pride.
47、最怕的不是在追梦的时候丢了梦,而是在追梦的时候丢了自己 。
What I fear most is not losing my dream in pursuit of my dream, but losing myself in pursuing my dream.
48、要生存就必须学会坚强,中考不相信哭泣的泪水 。
To survive, we must learn to be strong. We don't believe in crying tears.
49、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识 。
As long as you have strong willpower, you will naturally have ability, cleverness and knowledge.
No matter how high the mountain is, no matter how long the road is, we must go forward!
51、先坚信你自我,然后别人才会坚信你 。
Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you.
52、无严师,没高徒;不严格把关,难出优质产品 。
No strict teacher, no master; no strict control, it is difficult to produce high-quality products.
53、男人可以说自己很累,但不可以说自己不行 。
Men can say that they are tired, but can not say that they can not.
54、预测未来最好的方法,就是去创造未来 。
The best way to predict the future is to create the future.
I wish you all success in your career!
56、输什么不输气质,丢什么不丢性格 。
Lose what not lose temperament, lose what do not lose character.
57、无论眼下是好是坏,都只是暂时的 。
Whether it's good or bad, it's only temporary.
58、想跟我处对象的,除非电线杆上结出水蜜桃 。
You want to be with me, unless there's a peach on the pole.
59、谁也不能将阳光装进自己的口袋,谁也不能将真理霸占 。
No one can put the sunshine into his pocket, and no one can seize the truth.
60、我要感谢每一次改变,每一次心碎,每一块伤疤 。
I want to thank every change, every heartbreak, every scar.
