1、路过山水万程 , 祝自己与温柔重逢 。
I wish you a reunion with gentleness.
2、心中的微光 , 是梦想出发的地方 。
The faint light in my heart is the place where dreams start.
3、愿生活常温暖 , 日子总是温柔又闪光 。
May life always be warm, days always gentle and shining.
4、无人做你的光芒 , 就自己照亮远方 。
No one is your light, just light up the distance.
5、坚持一下 , 这世间的温柔都在等你啊 。
Hold on, the gentleness of the world is waiting for you.
6、再凶的男孩子 , 鞋带还不是要系蝴蝶结 。
No matter how fierce a boy is, his shoelaces are not tied with bows.
7、愿你成长落落大方 , 枯木逢春 , 不负众望 。
I hope you can grow up naturally and naturally, and live up to expectations.
8、月亮在慢慢变圆 , 事情也会慢慢变好的 。
The moon is getting round, and things will get better.
9、即使这样 , 我也觉得能遇上你真的太好了 。
Even so, I think it's great to meet you.
10、希望 , 开心和好运 , 可以不请自来 。
Hope, happiness and good luck can come uninvited.
11、每次整装待发的重新开始 , 都为时不晚 。
It's not too late to start all over again.
12、热爱漫无边际 , 生活自由分寸 。
Love is boundless, life is free and proper.
13、我知道你喜欢我 , 但是我找不到证据 。
I know you like me, but I can't find evidence.
14、看透一切的时候 , 也许失去比拥有更踏实 。
Seeing through everything, maybe losing is more practical than having.
15、要学乖 , 要早睡 , 开心放在第一位 。
Learn to be good, go to bed early and put happiness first.
16、你不要因为一片云 , 就指着天空说没太阳 。
Don't point to the sky and say there is no sun just because of a cloud.
17、梦里出现的人 , 醒来时就该去见他 。
The person who appears in the dream should go to see him when he wakes up.
18、希望你先爱自己 , 溢出来的能量再爱别人 。
I hope you love yourself first and then love others.
19、幸亏我爱笑 , 生活才没有那么糟糕 。
Thanks to my love of laughter, life is not so bad.
20、在遇见你的那一刻 , 浩瀚众星 , 皆降为尘 。
At the moment I met you, the stars fell to dust.
21、你未必光芒万丈 , 但始终温暖有光 。
You may not be brilliant, but always warm and bright.
22、总有一天 , 你也会是别人翘首以盼的惊喜 。
One day, you will be a surprise that others are looking forward to.
23、四时平安 , 万物可爱 , 万事尽可期待 。
Four seasons peace, everything is lovely, everything can be expected.
24、在有你的选择里 , 我都选择你 。
In the choice of you, I choose you.
25、明月可愿随我柳下走 , 满头杨花共白首 。
May the moon follow me under the willows, full of poplars, white head.
26、我还是觉得 , 姗姗来迟总比没来好 。
I still think it's better to be late than not.
27、我会每天祈祷 , 希望生活会给我一个微笑 。
I pray every day and hope life will give me a smile.
28、给时光以生命 , 而不是给生命以时光 。
Give life to time, not time to life.
29、保持清醒自律 , 知进退 , 爱自己 。
Keep sober and self-discipline, know how to advance and retreat, and love yourself.
30、愿你熬得过万丈孤独 , 藏得下星辰大海 。
May you endure the loneliness and hide the stars in the sea.
31、我们兵分两路 , 然后顶端处见 。
We'll go two ways, and then we'll meet at the top.
32、你要学会长大 , 一个人抵过千军万马 。
You have to learn to grow up, a person is worth thousands of troops.
33、第一次看到宇宙 , 是和你四目相对的时候 。
The first time you see the universe is when you look at it.
34、在所有道别里 , 我最喜欢 , 明天见 。
Of all the goodbyes, I like it best. See you tomorrow.
35、该努力还是要努力 , 进步一点点也是进步 。
We should still work hard, and a little progress is also progress.
36、愿你问我粥可温 , 愿你与我立黄昏 。
May you ask me whether porridge is warm, and let you stand with me at dusk.
37、愿你的生活常温暖 , 日子总是温柔又闪光 。
May your life be always warm, and the days will always be gentle and shining.
38、自律很难 , 但是我喜欢的人很优秀 。
Self discipline is hard, but the people I like are excellent.
39、就在这不经意间 , 我们被世界温柔的爱着 。
In this inadvertently, we are gently loved by the world.
40、你未必光芒万丈 , 但始终温柔有光 。
You may not be brilliant, but you are always gentle and bright.
41、愿所有的不安 , 都是虚惊一场 。
May all the uneasiness be a false alarm.
42、群星齐列的夜晚 , 你是我的熠熠生辉 。
You are my shining light in the starry night.
43、我真正放弃你 , 很慢 , 也不坚定 。
I really give up on you, slow and not firm.
44、记得在这杂乱的生活里 , 每天带点笑意 。
Remember in this messy life, every day with a little smile.
45、你是四月里的清风入怀 , 甚是可爱 。
You are the breeze in April, so lovely.
46、我曾踏月而来 , 只因你在山中 。
I came here on the moon because you were in the mountains.
47、晚点遇见吧 , 我刚好成熟 , 你刚好温柔 。
Meet later, I just mature, you just gentle.
48、欲望以提升热忱 , 毅力以磨平高山 。
Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.
49、我绕得过江山错落 , 绕不过你 。
I can't get around you.
50、生活在阴沟里 , 依然有仰望星空的权利 。
Living in the gutter, you still have the right to look up at the stars.
51、你未必出类拔萃 , 但一定与众不同 。
You may not be outstanding, but you must be different.
52、生气归生气 , 又不是不喜欢你了 。
It's not that I don't like you anymore.
53、天空黑暗到一定程度 , 星辰就会熠熠生辉 。
When the sky is dark enough, the stars will shine.
54、每朵云都下落不明 , 每盏月都不知所踪 。
Every cloud is missing, every month is missing.
55、无论这个世界多么苛刻 , 我都偏爱你 。
No matter how harsh the world is, I prefer you.
56、所谓英雄 , 就是能打破逆境的人啊 。
A hero is a man who can break adversity.
57、凌晨四点钟 , 看到海棠花未眠 。
At four o'clock in the morning, I saw the crabapple flowers sleeping.
58、他们想把我埋了 , 却不知道我是一个种子 。
They wanted to bury me, but they didn't know I was a seed.
59、不要因为一片云 , 就指着天空说没太阳 。
Don't point to the sky and say there is no sun just because of a cloud.
60、别人用温柔形容你 , 我用你形容温柔 。
【英语温柔短句】Others use gentleness to describe you, I use you to describe gentleness.
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