英语教师座右铭 心灵塑造的最佳工程师

英语教师座右铭(一)1. 想让生命辉煌,就别浪费青春 。
To make life brilliant,don't waste your youth.
2. 要把阳光洒向教室的每个角落 。
Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom.
3. 在教育中守望快乐,享受幸福 。
Watch happy in education,enjoy happiness.
4. 要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友 。
Do your child's teacher,do the child's friend first.
5. 让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天 。
Let the student inpiduality,spring release imagination.
6. 最有价值的知识是关于方法的知识 。
The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the way.
7. 牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
Holding the hand of the children,happy to meet every day!
8.是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令 。
Tolerance is not indulgence,induction,rather than command.
9.多一份真诚的关怀,少一点无为的谴责 。
A sincere care more,nothing less.
10.做本真教师,教本色语文,育世纪人才 。
Be true teacher,teach nature language,century talents.
11.以心灵滋润心灵,以人格影响人格 。
With heart nurtures the soul and personality affect personality.
12.用千百倍的耕耘,换来桃李满园香 。
With one thousand times for the peach garden sweet.
13.要使教学顺利有效,必须进行研究 。
To make a smooth effective teaching research must be conducted.
14.为别人照亮道路,自我务必放出光茫 。
Illuminates the path for others,the ego must emit light.
15.让我走进童心世界,和孩子们一起成长 。
【英语教师座右铭 心灵塑造的最佳工程师】Let me into the childlike innocence of the world,and the children grow up together.
