1、勤学乐思 , 奋发向上 。
Study hard, think hard and work hard.
2、与诚信携手同行 , 跟欺诈挥手道别 。
Walk hand in hand with integrity and wave goodbye to fraud.
3、学海无涯 , 心存高远 。
There is no end to learning and a long mind.
4、越接近考试 , 往往越要在坚实上下功夫 。
The closer you get to the exam, the harder you have to work on it.
5、十年寒窗 , 信余百天 。
Ten years of hard work, more than a hundred days of letters.
6、播种善良的种子 , 收获高尚的品格 。
Sow the seeds of goodness, reap the noble character.
7、十年寒窗 , 一朝成名 。
Ten years of hard work, one day become famous.
8、害怕大雨的 , 只不过是假花而已 。
Those who are afraid of heavy rain are just fake flowers.
9、知人者智 , 自知者明 。
He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise.
10、目标不是都能达到的 , 但它可以作为瞄准点 。
Not all goals can be achieved, but it can be used as a point of aim.
11、以梦为马 , 全力以赴 。
Take dreams as horses and go all out.
12、考前汗水无价 , 考后泪水无用 。
Sweat is priceless before the exam, but tears are useless after it.
13、十年炼剑 , 锋照六月 , 三春攀登 , 名超万人 。
Ten years of sword training, Feng Zhao June, three spring climb, more than ten thousand people.
14、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶 , 文化是宝石放出来的光泽 。
Knowledge is the crystal of precious gems, and culture is the luster of gems.
15、让我们奋斗一百天 , 汗水与泪水就能在六月结晶闪光 。
Let's fight for a hundred days, sweat and tears will crystallize in June.
16、没有口水与汗水 , 就没有成功的泪水 。
Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success.
17、各位亲爱的同学 , 高考奋斗的路上很苦 , 但请你足够相信 。
Dear students, the road of college entrance examination is very hard, but please believe it.
18、只有流过血的手指 , 才能弹出世间的绝唱 。
Only the fingers flowing blood can pop up the world's top song.
19、信心百倍 , 意气风发 , 破釜沉船 , 铸就辉煌 。
Confidence is a hundred times, spirited, broken cauldron sinking ship, casting brilliant.
20、态度决定一切 , 细节决定成败 。
Attitude determines everything, details determine success or failure.
21、人才乏于上 , 则有沉废伏匿在下 , 而不为当时所知者矣 。
When there is a shortage of talents, there will be some who will not be known at that time.
22、莫等闲 , 白了少年头 , 空悲切 。
Don't wait for leisure, white youth head, empty sad.
23、四分学识智 , 三心细耐恒 , 二成应试法 , 一片平常心 。
Four points of knowledge and wisdom, three points of mind and patience, 20% of the examination method, a normal heart.
24、胸怀万卷登峰须有凌云志 , 落笔千钧折桂终是面壁人 。
To climb the mountain with a thousand volumes in mind, you must have Ling Yunzhi, who will be the man facing the wall when he finishes his work.
25、苦海有涯 , 而学无涯 , 志者战高考 , 惰者畏高考 。
There is no limit to learning, but there is no limit to learning.
26、花有重开日 , 人无再少年 。
Flowers have a new day, no one is young.
27、人生坎坎坷坷 , 跌跌撞撞那是在所难免 。
Life is full of ups and downs, which is inevitable.
【高考加油的祝福英文】28、奋斗有可能失败 , 但不愿奋斗便是最大的失败 。
Struggle may fail, but unwillingness to fight is the biggest failure.
29、谁言寸草心 , 报得三春晖 。
Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui.
30、超越过去 , 展望未来 。
Go beyond the past and look to the future.
31、山高路遥不足惧 , 最怕贪图安逸心 。
The mountain is high and the road is far away. I'm afraid that I want to be comfortable.
32、天意怜汗水 , 胜利酬勤人 。
Heaven loves sweat and rewards diligent people.
33、乘风破浪勇立潮头 , 沧海横流方显本色 。
Ride the wind and break the waves to stand up the tide bravely.
34、三年载卧薪尝胆欲酬壮志 , 一百天刻苦攻读誓闯雄关 。
Three years of hard work and courage to pay ambition, one hundred days of hard study vow to break through.
35、模拟的成绩一定不要成为包袱 , 成为阴影 。
Simulation results must not become a burden, a shadow.
36、只要能收获甜蜜 , 荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影 。
As long as we can harvest sweetness, there will be busy bees in the thorns.
37、金色的日子 , 是成功的开始 , 因为我问心无愧 , 胸有成竹 。
Golden days are the beginning of success, because I have a clear conscience.
38、决战高考 , 谁与争锋 , 英雄少年 , 唯我一中!
Who will fight against the college entrance examination? Hero youth, I am the only one!
You must be able to make the right answer within the stipulated time!
40、想到就一定说到 , 说到就一定做到 , 做到就一定见到 。
Think of it, say it, do it, and see it.
41、不为失败找借口 , 只为成功找方法 。
Don't make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed.
42、壮志凌云 , 大鹏展翅日 , 高朋满座 , 金榜题名时 。
With great ambition, the ROC spreads its wings, and there are many high-ranking friends. When it's named on the gold list.
43、须锲而不舍 , 须百折不回 , 须志存高远 , 须永不言弃!
We must persevere, never give up, never give up!
44、书山有路给你开 , 学海无涯任你游 。
There is a way to open the book mountain for you. There is no end to learning.
45、山高不厌攀 , 水深不厌潜 , 学精不厌苦 , 安排!
The mountain is not tired of climbing, the water is not tired of diving, learning is not tired of suffering, arrangement!
46、海阔凭鱼跃 , 天高任鸟飞 。
The sea is wide with fish, and the sky is high with birds.
47、自信 , 是无尽智慧的凝聚 。平淡 , 是乐成路上的驿站 。
Self confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom. Plain is the post station on Lecheng road.
48、全力以赴 , 梦想没有边界 。
Go all out, dreams have no boundaries.
49、平常心做人 , 进取心做事 。
Be ordinary and enterprising.
50、苦难是人生最伟大的老师 。
Suffering is the greatest teacher in life.
51、有志者 , 事竞成 , 苦心人 , 天不负 。
Where there is a will, there will be success. If you are hardworking, there will be no failure.
52、只要你选择了一条路 , 别人肯定会为你让路 。
As long as you choose a way, others will definitely make way for you.
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