悲情伤感的微信英文网名 烟头搁咽喉
Take the other person 负了他人
Blame me weak 怪我懦弱
A paper book you dead 亡匿一纸锦书
Silent collapse 无声崩溃
Wine and flowers withered 酒撒花枯
The wind lost his eyes 风迷了眼
Take the wrong 错牵
【悲情伤感的微信英文网名 烟头搁咽喉】Buried in your heart 葬于你心
put the cigarette throat 烟头搁咽喉
And wine 且煮酒
Boiling age 沸腾的年龄
Don't hold 勿拥
Love the dark 爱黑暗
Like to cry 喜哭
Drunk the wind 饮了风
The silent silence 不可遏制的沉默
Not everything 聚散无由
Sacrifice 祭奠
The traveler 过客
Cage 牢笼
Lone wood is not a forest 孤木不成森
Drinking to tears 饮酒落泪
Half the world 半生浪迹天涯
One hundred pain 百样痛
Lonely end 孤独结尾
Heart bitter 心事苦
pathos drama 悲情戏码
Grazing island off 枯牧岛离
Dream Wake 梦醒
Be opinionated 自以为是
Miss process 怀念过程
In fact I mind 其实我介意
The cowardly people who 懦弱的失魂人
Shackles for long 缚久
Say love hot mouth 说爱烫嘴
Felling first barren 感情初荒
Acalculia 失算
City of old people 他城旧人
A handful of ashes 一捧骨灰
Former 以前
Difficult to have 难拥有
Replace 取代
Idle wine a few pots 闲酒几壶
Old play book 旧戏书
GUI late 归晚人
The wind travels 清风远行
Self crossing 自我泅渡
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